Hybrid condiment paprika breeding and protected cultivation technologies

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University of Pannonia Georgikon Faculty Doctoral School in Plant Production and Horticultural Sciences Hybrid condiment paprika breeding and protected cultivation technologies BOOKLET OF THE DOCTORAL THESIS Norbert Somogyi Keszthely 2010

Premises and aims of the research In the last decades the condiment paprika sector has been in an increasingly critical situation in Hungary. The process was accelerated by the economic and social changes of the 90 s and the changes related to the accession to the European Union. As a result the profitability was persistently decreasing as well as the number of the producers, thus the quantity of the raw material available for Hungarian originated milling product was reducing. In our opinion this negative tendency can only be bridled by involving hybrid condiment paprika species in the production and also by the parallel usage of forcing production technologies, and in an optimal case the tendency can be reversed. Aiming to solve the above described problem I wished to provide a contribution by the extension of the genetic base of paprika production, by the breeding of hybrid paprika and by the development of the relevant technologies according to the followings. - breeding of new condiment paprika varieties with a great yield potential and with an outstanding pigment content taking into account the following objectives - choosing the species and lines for the hybrids, - production of inbred and DH (dihaploid) lines, - execution of the crossings, examination of combination ability, - examination of the performance and quality of the hybrids, - developing the production technologies for the successful cold forcing production of the new condiment paprika hybrid varieties. 2

Materials and methods The cooperation projects between 1996 and 1999 and the research exchange programmes based on invitations and fellowships gave us the opportunity to examine the local (condiment)paprika varieties all around the world. Based on the experiences we asked for seed samples, which we used in 1998-1999 to grow parental lines under isolated tents and in open field to gain seeds and examine the quality. Based on the experience of the species attitude in forcing houses and in open field as well as of the measured data (phenotype, nutritional value, tolerance of infections, etc.) the following species/lines were chosen for breeding. Start-up populations: - Hungarian species and lines: Szegedi 179, Szegedi 178, Remény (Szegedi 17), Szegedi F-03, Szegedi 411, Szegedi 57-13, Szegedi 20, Szegedi 80, Kármin, Kalocsai 57-231, Kalocsai 50, Kalocsai 90, Kalocsai 801 - Materials with a Spanish origin: Jaranda, Jariza, Jeromin, Negral, Bola (Junta de Extremadura, Servicio de Investigación Agraria, Finca la Orden, Guadajira) - Materials from North Amerika: NuMex Big Jim, NuMex 6-4, NuMex Joe E. Parker, NuMex R. Naky, NuMex Sweet, Papri Mild, Papri King, Chimayo, Habanero, Aji, Espanola Improved, Cayenne, Conquistador, Sandia, Tabasco (Paul W. Bosland küldeménye, New Mexico State University) - Material with a South African origin: from a South-African powder import retrieved unknown originated line, Pimiento de Sudafrica (the collection of INRA Montfavet) - Materials from the collection of INRA Monfavet: PM 807 (H3), PM 1258, PM 815 (Er Fu Tu), PM 1231, PM 1234, Perennial We integrated the production and usage of the DH parental lines into the breeding work, first time when using the classic anther culture. Considering the fact that the condiment paprika was a significantly worse respondent than the sweet paprika, we developed the microspore culture providing the relevant success. With this method we could successfully produce the DH parental lines thus the stable 3

and long-term production of condiment paprika hybrid seeds were assured. From the early relative wide supply of the parental lines we left all those which were not in conformity with the selection criterias of nutritional value and/or phenotype. We could produce the hybrids, which were suitable in all respect, based on the lines from the European originated species. All of the eight selected parents are like this. We evaluated the hybrids during the tests both in a forcing house and on field mainly according to their nutritional value. We excluded the hybrids of a very low pigment and dry matter content from the further experimental work and based on the experience of the first three years we did not continue crossing the hybrids which had offsprings not complying with the selection criteria. We placed our experimental hybrids to farmers from the year 2000 in order to be able to examine and evaluate the hybrids adapting ability. The examination of the nutritional value was the same as the selection method of the open polinated species. This is how the determination of the raw and after-ripening pigment content with the 80-120 petroleum-ether and the determination of the raw-material content was carried out in the latter case the MSZ 9681/3-77 was the authoritive. While developing the technology of the forcing production for hybrid condiment paprika we aimed at using the best practises of the sweet pepper production with as many hybrids as possible. The so recieved results were compared with the farmers experiences and based on all these we made our proposals. During the statistical evaluation we primarily used the variance analysis with two and three coefficients in the Microsoft Excel programme while in other cases in order to have a better graphical appearance we used the STATISTICA 5.5 software for the two coefficient variance analysis. 4

Results Based on our experiments we stated that the production yield and the nutritional value of the different hybrid combinations were significantly influenced by the mode of cultivation and the environmental effects. When examining statistically the dry matter and the pigment content of the experimental lines we proved that the dry matter content is more dependent on the genotype than the pigment content. When examining the genotype-cultivation mode interaction we found that in the case of the pruned stands breeding into four or possibly two spears is the most successful from the yield point of view. The pruning into one spear caused a clear yield depression in case of all lines while the pruning into three spears in the case of several lines. We further proved that the type of pruning is causing a significant difference in the production yield and in the number of fruits per root of the lines while the size of fruit is not affected. In the case of the nutritional value we demonstrated that by p 0,01 the dry matter content at the second pick was 0,35% higher than at the first one. When examining the pruned and non-pruned (cordon) stands we stated that the yield of the latter one statistically proven to be lower than the yield of the pruned one. While examining the effect of the single and multi-cut harvest on the yield and nutritional value we appointed that in the case of the single-cut harvest the average dry matter content and the raw and after-ripening pigment content of the yield is significantly higher than in the case of the multi-cut harvest. In the case of the two cut harvest the dry matter content of the second harvest was higher than the results of the first harvest. Comparing the dry matter content of the traditional and the supported stands, we found that in the case of the latter one it was lower by 1-2%. 5

The formation of the pigment and dry matter content of the hybrids was following the strict rules described at the inheritance of polygene quantitative characters which means that in the case of F1 these figures generally fall between the figures of the two parents. Since in the experiments the yield of the hybrids was 5-6 times higher than the average yield of the traditional stands we can state that the hybrids with a 1-2% lower dry matter content and with a couple of grammes lower pigment content per unit area, are still able to produce a multiple amount of pigment and dry matter content comparing to the open pollinating species produced in a conventional way. We found that beside the conventional supporting systems used upon the production of sweet pepper it is effective to involve the application of the plastic net (used generally for cut flower growing), in this case only single-cut harvest is possible. We proved that the seasonal variations in the environmental parameters can successfully be exploited to shorten the generation time and thus speed up the breeding process in condiment paprika development. According to the data of the expenditure examination the production of condiment paprika with forcing has at least 3-4 times more expenditure comparing to the methodology used with the open polinating species, nevertheless with forcing the yield is 5-6 times more than the average yield of the classic open field stands. We can further state that in the case of the forcing technology of hybrid production, the yield reliability and thus the income reliability is substantially higher comparing to open field technologies. 6

Novel scientific results The results of breeding 1. We proved that upon harvesting the dry matter content of the hybrids is primarily dependent on the environmental factors during cultivation, while the pigmentation is rather dependent on the genotype. 2. It has been shown that the production yield and the nutritional value of the new hybrids obtained during the development program are highly influenced by the environmental effects and the mode of cultivation. 3. We proved that the seasonal variations in the environmental parameters can successfully be exploited to shorten the generation time and thus speed up the breeding process in condiment paprika development. 4. Variety Sláger F1, hot condiment paprika, registered on 14 January, 2008. Breeders: Norbert Somogyi (20%); György Somogyi (20%); and with 10% share: Andrea Mihály, János Pauk, Maria Isabel Garcia Pomar, Klára Marótiné Tóth, Zsuzsanna Táborosiné Ábrahám, and Éva Tweneboah. 5. Variety candidate Délibáb F1, non-hot condiment paprika, announced for registration on 15 January, 2006 1. Breeders: Norbert Somogyi (20%); György Somogyi (20%); and with 10% share: Andrea Mihály, János Pauk, Maria Isabel Garcia Pomar, Klára Marótiné Tóth, Zsuzsanna Táborosiné Ábrahám, and Éva Tweneboah. 6. Variety candidate Bolero F1, non-hot condiment paprika, announced for registration on 15 January, 2008 1. Breeders: Norbert Somogyi (15%); György Somogyi (15%); Zsuzsanna Táborosiné Ábrahám (15%); with 10% share: Éva Tweneboah, János Pauk, Csaba Lantos, Klára Marótiné Tóth, Andrea Mihály; and with 5% share: Maria Isabel Garcia Pomar. 1 According to unofficial resources, during the editing of the booklet, the registration of the variety candidate is expected by spring 2010. 7

Agrotechnical methodology adapted to condiment paprika hybrids 1. Our results reveal that some hybrids are more suitable for protected cultivation while others are rather recommended for open field cultivation. 2. For the cultivation of the condiment paprika hybrids using shoot regeneration the optimal farming should deal with 40.000 to 50.000 plants per hectare. 3. Successful farming requires planting taking place from mid to late April. 4. Beside the conventional supporting systems used upon the production of sweet pepper it is effective to involve the application of the plastic net (used generally for cut flower growing) (taking into account that in this case only singlecut harvest is possible) 5. We proved that the type of pruning is causing a significant difference in the production yield and in the number of fruits per root while the size of fruit is not affected. 6. In case of the pruned stands the breeding into four or possibly two spears is the most successful from the production yield point of view. 7. In the case of single-cut harvest the average dry matter content of the yield is significantly higher than in the case of the multi-cut harvesting. 8. The quality of the milling product originating from shoot regenerating stands is reaching and even exceeding in certain years of the one s originating from open field cultivation and its food safety risk is seriously less. 8

List of publications 1. Reviewed publications and journal publications with impact factor or in press publications in Hungarian or in other language LANTOS, Cs., GÉMES-JUHÁSZ, A., SOMOGYI, Gy., ÖTVÖS, K., VÁGI, P., MIHÁLY, R., KRISTÓF, Z., SOMOGYI, N., PAUK, J. (2009): Improvement of isolated microspore culture of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) via co-culture with ovary tissues of pepper or wheat. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2009) 97:285-293. DOI 10.1007/s11240-009-9527-9 (Published online: 12 April 2009., várható impakt faktot 1,1-1,2 között). AJUSO, C. M., BERNALTE, J. M., LOZANO, M., GARCIA, M.I., MONTERO DE ESPINOSA, V., PÉREZ, M. M., HERNÁNDEZ, M.T., SOMOGYI, N. (2008): Quality characteristics of different red pepper cultivars ( Capsicum annuum L.) for hot paprika production. European Food and Research Technology. Volume 227, Number 2 / June, 2008. 557-563.pp. ISSN 1438-2377 (Print) 1438-2385 (Online, published online October 03, 2007) 2. Reviewed and/or referred publications or in press publications in Hungarian or in other language LANTOS, Cs., GÉMESNÉ JUHÁSZ, A., SOMOGYI, Gy., MIHÁLY, R., SOMOGYI, N., PAUK, J. (2008): In vitro androgenezis indukciója fűszerpaprika mikrospóra tenyészetben. Agrár- és vidékfejlesztési szemle. Vol. 3. (2) 169-174.pp. SOMOGYI, N. (2006): A magyar paprikatermelés helye a világban. In: Étkezési és fűszerpaprika termesztése. 198-214.pp. Szerk.: Zatykó, L.-Márkus, F. Mezőgazda Kiadó. Budapest. ISBN 963 286 256 2 (könyvfejezet) SOMOGYI, N., MOOR, A., PÉK, M. (2003): The Preservation and Production of Capsicum in Hungary. In: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Industrial Profiles. Volume Capsicum (Chilli). Edited by Amit Krishna De. Publishing by Taylor & Francis Books. London-New York. ISBN 0-415-29991-8 (book chapter) SOMOGYI, N., PÉK, M., MIHÁLY, A. (2000): Applied spice paprika (Capsicum annuum L. var. longum) growing 9

technologies and processing in Hungary. Acta Horticulturae. (ISHS) 536:389-396. pp. http://www.actahort.org/books/536/536_47.htm GÉMESNÉ, J.A., SOMOGYI, N., SÁGI, ZS., VENCZEL, G. (1999): A maltóz fűszerpaprika androgenezisre gyakorolt hatása portokkultúrában. (The effects of maltose in anther culture for androgenesis of red pepper.) Fűszerpaprika Napok 99 Szeged, Előadás. Kertgazdaság Vol.31.(3). 96-102.pp. SOMOGYI, N., HUSZKA, T., SOMOGYI, Gy., OCSKÓ, I. (1999): Fűszerpaprika öntözési módszerek Magyarországon és Spanyolországban (Irrigation methods in paprika culture in Hungary and in Spain) Kertgazdaság Vol.31.(3): 64-66. pp. GÉMESNÉ JUHÁSZ, A., SÁGI, Zs., SALAMON, P., SOMOGYI, N., ZATYKÓ, L., VENCZEL, G. (1998): L4 rezisztencia gént hordozó homozigóta paprika nemesítési vonalak számának növelése DH technikával. (Use of the DH technique to increase the number of homozygous paprika breeding lines carrying the L4 resistance gene.) Vass Károly és Lippai János tudományos ülésszak előadásai és poszterei. Budapest, 1998. szeptember 16-18. A Kertészeti és Élelmiszeripai Egyetem Kiadványai X. 462. p. GÉMES JUHÁSZ, A., MARTINOVICH, L., VENCZEL, G., SÁGI, Zs., SOMOGYI, N:, ZATYKÓ, L. (1997): Kettőshaploid növények alkalmazása a paprika, vöröshagyma és cukkini nemesítésben. (Use of doubled haploid plants int he breeding of paprika, onion and courgette) Új Kertgazdaság, (3) 9-15. pp. 3. Patents, registrations Variety Kármin condiment paprika (10%) date of registration: 2001 Variety Rubin condiment paprika (10%) date of registration: 2001 Variety candidate Délibáb F1 condiment paprika (20%) applied for registration Variety Sláger F1, condiment paprika (20%) date of registration: 2008 Sláger F1 condiment paprika (20%) date of registration: 2008 Variety candidate Bolero F1 condiment paprika (15%) applied for registration 10

4. Abstract publications of lectures (or their in press publications) for periodicals and for conference papers, and lectures held at conferences SOMOGYI, N. (1995): The effect of environmental factors on inner quality of red pepper - a IX. EUCARPIA kongresszuson (Budapest, 1995. augusztus 21-25.) bemutatott poszter, összefoglaló a kongresszus kiadványának 147. oldalán SOMOGYI, N. (1995): The effect of environmental factors on inner quality of red pepper Bulletin of the Vegetable Crops Research Institute 1995, Vol. 27. 97-116.pp. Kecskemét, megjelent:1996. SOMOGYI, N. (1996): Szín- és formagazdagság a termesztett paprika (Capsicum) nemzetségnél. Az MTA Agrártudományok Osztálya és a Magyar Növénynemesítők Egyesülete által szervezet "Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok '95" konferencián (MTA, Budapest, 1996. január 22-23.) bemutatott poszter. Megjelent a konferenciakiadvány 78. oldalán. SOMOGYI, N. (1996): Diversity of Colour and Shape in Paprika and Ornamental Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Hungary. Proceedings of The National Pepper Conference. 83-84.pp. Naples, Florida, 8-11 december 1996. GÉMES JUHÁSZ, A., SOMOGYI, N. (1996): Doubled Haploid Plants Usage in Hungarian Pepper Breeding Programmes. Proceedings of The National Pepper Conference. 46.p. Naples, Florida, 8-11 december 1996. SOMOGYI, N. (1998): The importance of international scientific co-operation in Hungarian spice paprika breeding. Bulletin of the Vegetable Crops Research Institute 1998, Vol. 28. 97-103.pp., Kecskemét. SOMOGYI, N., GARCIA POMAR, M.I., PÉK, M. (1998): Applied scpice pepper processing in Spain and Hungary. Bulletin of the Vegetable Crops Research Institute 1998, Vol. 28. 78-96.pp., Kecskemét. SOMOGYI, N. (1998): The importance of international cooperation in the hungarian spice paprika breeding program. A World Conference on Horticultural Research (Róma, 1998. június 17-20.) bemutatott posztere. http://www.agrsci.unibo.it/wchr/wc5/somogyi.html 11

SOMOGYI, N. (1998): The importance of international cooperation in the hungarian spice paprika breeding program. Oral presentation on the XXVth International Horticultural Congress (02-07 August 1998, Brussels, Belgium.). Acta Horticulturae Vol. 524., 251-254.pp. Edited by N.S.P. de Groot, E.H.J.M. de Kleijn, A.A. Csizinszky, J. Weerts. Published by ISHS. http://www.actahort.org/books/524/524_28.htm SOMOGYI, N. (1998): The effect of environmental factors on inner quality of red pepper. A X. EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics on Capsicum and Eggplant konferencia (Avignon, 1998. szeptember 7-11.) posztere. Megjelent a Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletterben valamint a konferenciakiadvány 274-275. oldalán. SOMOGYI, N., GARCIA POMAR, M.I., PÉK, M. (1998): Cultures de piment en Hongrie et en Espagne. A X. EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics on Capsicum and Eggplant konferencia (Avignon, 1998. szeptember 7-11.) posztere. Megjelent a konferenciakiadvány 276. oldalán. GÉMESNÉ JUHÁSZ, A., SÁGI, Zs., SALAMON, P., SOMOGYI, N., ZATYKÓ, L., VENCZEL, G. (1998): Experiences and results of in vitro haploid methods application in pepper breeding programme. A X. EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics on Capsicum and Eggplant konferencia (Avignon, 1998. szeptember 7-11.) előadása. Megjelent a konferenciakiad-vány 201-203. oldalán. FÜHRPASZ, Gy., HOFFMANN, B., SOMOGYI, N. (1998): Assessment of herbicide sensitivity of paprika varieties. A X. EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics on Capsicum and Eggplant konferencia (Avignon, 1998. szeptember 7-11.) posztere. Megjelent a Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter-ben valamint a konferencia-kiadványban supplementként SOMOGYI, N., KISS, I., MIHÁLY, A., POLYÁK, B. (1999): A hazai fűszerpaprika fajtaszortiment bővítése és a fűszerpaprika termesztéstechnológiájának fejlesztése Élelmezési Világnap alkalmából rendezett konferencia poszter (Enlargement of the Variety Assortment and Improvement of Production Technology of Red Pepper, conference poster on the occasion of the Food World Day) 12

PÉK, M., SOMOGYI, N., MÁRKUS, F., KAPITÁNY, J., SOMOGYI, Gy. (1999): A fűszerpaprika heterózis kombinációk értékelése. (Results of heterozys combinations in spice paprika) 2000. VI. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok Budapest, Poszter 106.p. SOMOGYI, N., PÉK, M., KISS, I., MIHÁLY, A., POLYÁK, B. (2000): A hazai fűszerpaprika fajtaszortiment bővítése és a fűszerpaprika termesztéstechnológiájának fejlesztése Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok poszter (Enlargement of the Variety Assortment and Improvement of Production Technology of Red Pepper, conference poster on the occasion of the Scientific Days of Plant Improvement) MÁRKUS, F., KAPITÁNY, J., SOMOGYI, Gy., PÉK, M., SOMOGYI, N., (2000): Kihívások a magyar fűszerpaprika nemesítésben a millenium évében VI. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok Budapest, Előadás 31 p. NAGY, N., PÉK, M., TÓTH, K., KISS, E., SOMOGYI, N. (2002): Fűszerpaprika hibridek termésének mennyiségi és minőségi összehasonlítása klasszikus és molekuláris biológiai módszerekkel. Az MTA Növénynemesítési Bizottsága által szervezet VIII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok konferencián (MTA, Budapest, 2002. február 12-23.) bemutatott poszter. GARCIA POMAR, M. I., TÓTH, K., NAGY, N., PAUK, J., LOZANO RUIZ, M., SOMOGYI, Gy., SOMOGYI, N., MIHÁLY, A., MÁRKUS, F. (2003): Hibrid füszerpaprika-fajták nemesítésével és termesztésével kapcsolatos kihívások. (Les defis de la selection et de la production des varietes hibrides de paprika) Poszter (poster). IX. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, Budapest PÉK, M., SOMOGYI, Gy., SOMOGYI, N., TÓTH, K., NAGY, N., PAUK, J., MIHÁLY, A., GARCIA POMAR, M. I., LOZANO RUIZ, M. (2003): La conservación y producción de Capsicum en Hungría y la cooperación científica Espana-Hungría en la mejora del pimiento para pimentón (paprika). XXXIII seminario de tecnicos y especialistas en horticultura. Badajoz, Espana. 22-26. de septiembre de 2003. 13

GARCIA POMAR, M.I., LOZANO RUIZ,M., MONTERO DE ESPINOSA, V., AYUSO, M. C., BERNALTE, M. J., SOMOGYI, Gy., SOMOGYI, N., MARTÍNEZ, M., PÉREZ, M. M. (2003): Evaluación de híbridos experimentales F1 de pimiento para pimentón obtenidos por cruizamento entre variedades húngaras y extremenas. XXXIII seminario de tecnicos y especialistas en horticultura. Badajoz, Espana. 22-26. de septiembre de 2003. SOMOGYI, Gy., GARCIA POMAR, M.I., SOMOGYI, N., TÓTH, K., NAGY, N., PAUK, J., LOZANO RUIZ,M., MIHÁLY, A., MÁRKUS, F. (2003): Hibrid füszerpaprika-fajták nemesítésével és termesztésével kapcsolatos kihívások. Lippay János-Ormos Imre-Vas Károly Tudományos Ülésszak. BKÁE ÉTK-KTK Budapest, 2003. november 6-7. TÓTH, K., SOMOGYI, N., SOMOGYI, Gy., TÁBOROSINÉ ÁRBRAHÁM, Zs., NAGY, N., MIHÁLY, A. (2004): Hibrid és szabadelvirágzású fűszerpaprika fajták vizsgálata különböző technológiai rendszerekben. Előadás. X. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok 2004. február 18-19. Megjelent a konferenciakiadvány 58. oldalán SOMOGYI, GY., TÁBOROSINÉ ÁBRAHÁM, ZS., MIHÁLY, A., MARÓTINÉ TÓTH, K., SOMOGYI, N., NAGY, N., GARCIA POMAR, M. I., PÉK, M., PAUK, J. (2005): Új kutatási elképzelések a hazai fűszerpaprika-termesztés jövedelmezőségének fokozására. Előadás, a MTA Kertészeti Albizottságának ülése, Budapest LANTOS, Cs., MIHÁLY, R., GÉMESNÉ JUHÁSZ, A., TÁBOROSINÉ ÁBRAHÁM, Zs., SOMOGYI, N., SOMOGYI, Gy., PAUK, J. (2007): Fűszer- és étkezési paprika mikrospórák izolálása és tenyésztése. Poszter. XIII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok. Budapest, 2007. március 12. SOMOGYI, Gy., PAUK, J., TÁBOROSI-ÁBRAHÁM, Zs., LANTOS, Cs., MIHÁLY, A., MARÓTI-TÓTH, K., SOMOGYI, N., NAGY, N., GARCIA POMAR, M.I., PÉK, M. (2008): Intensive condiment paprika production under plastic tunnel using hybrid genotypes. Cercetări ştiinţifice. Seria a XII- A. Horticultură Nginerie genetică. Universitatea de ştiinte agricole şi medicină veterinară a Banatului Timişoara. Facultatea 14

de Horticultură şi Silvicultură. Editura Agroprint Timişoara. 17-18.pp. LANTOS, Cs., GÉMESNÉ JUHÁSZ, A., SOMOGYI, Gy., ÖTVÖS, K., VÁGI, P., MIHÁLY, R., KRISTÓF, Z., SOMOGYI, N., PAUK, J. (2009): Generation of homogenous parental lines for pepper hybrids. Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology. Vol. 13. (2009). 483-485. pp. Banat s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Faculty of Horticulture and Sylviculture. Editura Agroprint Timisoara. ISSN 2066-1797. Other publications in this chategory: 3 5. Thesis of the Students Scientific Conferenc (TDK), university thesis, doctoral thesis and professional engineer thesis SOMOGYI, N. (1990): Egy lehetséges új haszonnövény vizsgálata II. Környezettudományi Diákkonferencia, Gödöllő, 1990. április SOMOGYI, N. (1991): Egy lehetséges új haszonnövény vizsgálata, XX. OTDK Szarvas, 1991. április, (nívódíj) SOMOGYI, N. (1991): Egy lehetséges új haszonnövény vizsgálata Diplomadolgozat, a Pro Agricultura Pannoniae Alapítvány első díjas pályaműve 1991. június SOMOGYI, N. (1994): A környezeti tényezők hatása a fűszerpaprika beltartalmi mutatóira (dr. univ. thesis), PATE, Keszthely (presented on 2th of May 1995) SOMOGYI, N. (1997): Egyes biotechnológiai módszerek alkalmazása a paprika nemesítésében. Antherakultúra és RAPDanalízis. Szakmérnöki dolgozat. GATE Gödöllő, 1997. 6. Other professional publications: 2. 7. Publication in periodicals and in press publications and documentary publications 144 out of wich 24 deals with condiment paprika 8. Other reviewed or in press publications in Hungarian or in other language not directly related to the topic of the present thesis 15

BÓNA, L., SOMOGYI, N.(2009): Prof. Nicholas F. Derera is 90 years old. Cereal Research Communications. 37. évfolyam. 2. szám. 311-312. pp. SOMOGYI, N. (2004): Falufejlesztés- és felújítás, a vidék szellemi és tárgyi örökségének megőrzése. Alternatív jövedelemszerzést biztosító mezőgazdasági tevékenységek fejlesztésének szükségessége az EU-hoz való csatlakozás folyamatában. Közgazdász Fórum. A Romániai Magyar Közgazdász Társaság szakmai közlönye. 2004. szeptember-október. VII. évf. 5. szám. 2-8.pp. A VI. Civil Fórum (Kolozsvár, 2004. szeptember 9-11.) A civil szféra esélyei az EU-s csatlakozás folyamatában gazdasági szekcióülésén elhangzott előadások összefoglaló kiadványa. http://rmkt.ro/uploaded/forum/kgf_szept_okt.pdf SOMOGYI, N., HELTMANNÉ, TULOK M., (1995): A bivalytök, mint lehetséges új haszonnövényünk. Olaj-Szappan-Kozmetika. Vol. XLIV. 4. szám, 153-155.pp. 9. Other publication: 2 16