ZÉRO FELTÉTELES MONDAT Okok, következmények, általános igazságok leírására használható. Ilyenkor az igeidők a két tagmondatban MEGEGYEZNEK. pl. Oil floats if you pour it on water. (Az olaj a víz színén úszik, ha vízbe öntjük.) (PresentSimple a Future Simple helyett!) VEGYES TÍPUS A feltételes mellékmondat és a főmondat nem mindig ugyanabba típusba tartozik (ahogy a magyarban sem!). pl. If you had studied, you wouldn t be afraid of the exam. 3. típus (múlt idejű) 2. típus (jelen idejű Ha tanultál volna, most nem félnél a vizsgától. EGYÉB KÖTŐSZÓK A FELTÉTELES MONDATOKBAN UNLESS = if + not (ha/csak/ nem ) Ilyenkor az if helyébe az unless szó kerül, és elhagyjuk a tagadást, mivel az unless magában foglalja azt. pl. If you do not study, you will fail your exam. Unless you study, you will fail your exam. (Ha / Hacsak nem tanulsz, megbuksz a vizsgádon.) If he does not apologise, I won t forgive him. Unless he apologises, I won t forgive him. (Ha / Hacsak nem kér bocsánatot, nem bocsátok meg neki.) (A do/does segédigét el kell hagynunk, mivel az csak a tagadáshoz kellett!) You wouldn t pass your exam if you did not study. You wouldn t pass your exam unless you studied. (Nem mennél át a vizsgádon, ha nem tanulnál.) (A did segédigét el kell hagynunk, mivel az csak a tagadáshoz kellett, és az ige a kijelentő, állító mondatban használatos 2. alakba kerül!!)
PROVIDED = feltéve, ha (tkp. ugyanaz, mint az if, de választékosabb) pl. You can go to the party provided you behave good. (Elmehetsz a buliba, feltéve, ha jól viselkedsz.) AS LONG AS = amíg, amennyiben pl. You will get good marks as long as you study hard. (Jó jegyeket fogsz kapni, amíg szorgalmasan tanulsz.) EVEN IF = még (akkor is / akkor sem) ha pl. I won t go there even if you invite me. (Még akkor sem megyek oda, ha meghívsz.) She will stay here even if you don t like her. (Itt fog maradni, még akkor is, ha nem tetszik neked.) HALADÓKNAK! EGYÉB FELTÉTELES SZERKEZETEK A FELTÉTEL NAGYOBB BIZONYTALANSÁGA, KÉTELY KIFEJEZÉSE (ha esetleg, ha netán ) A) I. típusú (jövő idejű) mellékmondatban a SHOULD segédigét illeszthetjük be pl. If my friends come, we will play football. If my friends should come, we will play football. (Ha esetleg eljönnek a barátaim, focizni fogunk.) B) II. típusú (jelen idejű) mellékmondatban a WERE TO (+infinitive) szerkezetet illeszthetjük be pl. If you came, I would be glad. If you were to come, I would be glad. (Ha esetleg eljönnél, örülnék.) Tagadó formában nem használható!
NAGYON ERŐS BIZONYTALANSÁG VAGY UDVARIAS FELTÉTELEZÉS KIFEJEZÉSE FORDÍTOTT SZÓRENDET alkalmazhatunk, a következőképpen: A) I. típusú mellékmondatban A should segédigét az alany elé helyezzük pl. Should he come, we will play football. (Ha netán véletlenül eljön, focizni fogunk.) B) II. típusú mellékmondatban A were to szerkezetből a were-t az alany elé helyezzük pl. Were you to come, I would be glad. (Ha netalán eljönnél, örülnék.) C) III. típusú mellékmondatban A had segédigét az alany elé helyezzük pl. Had you arrived earlier, we would have been glad. (Ha netán hamarabb érkeztél volna, örültünk volna.) Tagadó formában nem használható! WILL/WOULD a feltételben A "főszabály" szerint a feltételben nem szerepelhet sem will, sem would, ám természetesen ez alól is van kivétel. Ennek oka elsősorban az, hogy a will-nek - jövőidejű funkciója mellett - 'hajlandó' jelentése is van. Használható: a) Udvariassági formulákban, főként kérésben pl. If you will kindly wait here, I ll get you the receipt in a minute. If you would kindly wait here, I ll get you the receipt in a minute. (mindkettő: Ha lenne kedves itt várni, egy perc múlva hozom a receptet.) b) Hajlandóság kifejezésére pl. If you ll stop smoking, I ll stop crying. (Ha hajlandó leszel leszokni a dohányzásról, abbahagyom a kiabálást.) If they would wash up, I would be satisfied. (Ha hajlandóak lennének elmosogatni, elégedett lennék.) If she would have come, we could have danced. (Ha hajlandó lett volna eljönni, táncolhattunk volna.) SAJÁTOS IF-ES KIFEJEZÉSEK IF IT WEREN T FOR / IF IT HADN T BEEN FOR = ha nem lenne / ha nem lett volna A főmondatban az 2. és 3. típusú főmondat szabályai érvényesek. pl. If it weren t for this drought, we d have much better crops. (Ha nem lenne ez a szárazság, sokkal jobb termésünk lenne.) If it hadn t been for Ann, we d all have been arrested at Hegyeshalom. (Ha nem lett volna Ann, letartóztattak volna minket Hegyeshalomnál.) Alkalmazható fordított szórenddel is (Ilyenkor az if -et elhagyjuk, a segédige áll legelöl, utána az it, és a not + a többi): pl. Were it not for this drought, we d have much better crops. Had it not been for Ann, we d all have been arrested at Hegyeshalom.
1) Complete the sentences by the rules of the zero conditional. 1. If there (be) mice in this room, I leave immediately. 2. She (need) painkillers if she has a toothache. 3. If you earn a high salary, you (pay) many taxes. 4. Ben (catch) the bus if he gets up early. 5. If she (dress) well, she looks like a wealthy girl. 6. He (write) good stories if he feels like it. 2) Rewrite the sentences as mixed conditionals. Think of the result! e.g. He s not an honest person so he didn t tell the truth. If he were an honest person, he would ve told the truth. 1. He was irresponsible so now he doesn t have a job. 2. She s not really on a diet so she ate all the cake. 3. They partied all night so they are tired now. 4. He didn t tell me earlier so I m not going to the party tonight. 5. The plane left Athens 4 hours ago so they will be in France now. 6. He was painting the house so he s covered in paint. 7. He doesn t take his job seriously so he wasn t promoted. 3) Complete the sentences using the words in bold. 1. I only know how to drive because you taught me. wouldn t I to drive if you hadn t taught me. 2. She broke her leg so she can t go snowboarding. broken If leg, she could go snowboarding. 3. Mariska can t be at work, because she didn t answer the phone. would If Mariska have answered the phone. 4. He got the job so he should start on Monday. will If he got the job, 5. She couldn t tell you because she didn t know anything. would Had she you. 6. She isn t rich because she trusted that conman. be She if she hadn t trusted that conman. 4) Transform the sentences using unless 1. If you don t go to France, you ll never learn French properly. 2. I don t like tea if it s not sweetened with honey.
3. I will always love her if she is not unfaithful to me. 4. We won t go anywhere if it doesn t stop raining. 5. They wouldn t have bothered you if they hadn t needed your help. 6. If there isn t a traffic jam, we ll be home by five o clock. 7. People don t go to the doctor if they aren t ill. 8. If you don t finish your homework now, I won t let you watch TV. 9. I won t phone you if there isn t anything urgent. 10. I wouldn t invest all this money if I weren t sure I would get it back. 11. If you don t get up early, you ll miss your train. 12. I wouldn t have asked him any questions if he hadn t been ready to answer them. 13. I never hitch-hike if it isn t absolutely necessary. 14. She wouldn t save any money if she didn t want to buy a house of her own. 15. If their friends don t have a spare room, they will stay in a hotel. 5) Rewrite the following sentences using if. 1. Unless you hurry, you won t arrive on time. 2. Unless it rains, we will go camping. 3. Unless she books the tickets, she won t go to the concert. 4. I will call the police unless they stop fighting. 5. I will give you a present, unless you get bad marks. REVISION OF CONDITIONALS 6) Transform the first conditional sentences into the second and third conditional. e.g. He will do it if you ask him. > He would do it if you asked him. > He would have done it if you had asked him. 1. Jill will come if you wait. 2. John will be ill if he drinks all that beer. 3. Will you be angry if I am late for the party? 4. I shall go and see him if I have time. 5. If I see the postman, I will tell him. 6. I will give you his address if you ring me up. 7. If you come by the morning train, I will meet you at the station. 8. It will be nice if you come in your car. 9. If he asks for my advice, I ll tell him what to do. 10. If you leave this city, nobody will want to see you any more. 7) Put the verb into the correct form. 1. If I (know) your address, I would drop you a line. 2. I (not/buy) that car if I were you. 3. If we had the chance we (take) that. 4. What (you, do) if nobody had waited for you at the airport? 5. If he (get) ill, I will send for a doctor. 6. If I (be) hungry, I would have eaten something. 7. If she (know), you were ill, she would have visited you. 8. We (enjoy) our holiday more, if the weather had been better. 9. If you salt the soup, it (taste) better.
10. If you (take) your umbrella, you wouldn't get wet in case of rain. 11. I will give it to you if you (need) it. 12. I would give it to you if you (need) it. 13. If I were you, I (accept) her offer. 14. If I had been you, I (live) in a palace. 15. She would do it if she (have to). 16. Will you come if they (invite) you? 17. If I (have) such a large house as yours, I (invite) all my friends for the weekend. 8) Circle the correct alternative. 1) You tired tomorrow if you don t go to bed soon. are were will be would be had been 2) Butter if you leave it out in the sun. melts melted will melt would melt had melted 3) I it very much if they gave the job to Mark. don t lide didn t like won t like wouldn t like hadn t liked 4) I never get there on time if I the train. take took will take would take had taken 5) I wouldn't have met up with John if I at home. stay stayed will stay would stay had stayed 6) You work hard if you want to pass your English exam. have to had to will have to would have to had had to 7) I'd have helped you if you me there was a problem. tell told will tall would tell had told 8) I wouldn't get so angry with you if you more work done. get - got will get would get had got 9) You better English if you did more homework. speak spoke will speak would speak had spoken 10) I would never have believed it was possible if I it with my own eyes. don t see didn t see won t see wouldn t see hadn t seen 11) I'd have told you the news sooner if I you. see saw will see would seen - had seen 12) Sammy gets angry if you he is fat. say said will say would say had said 9) Choose the right option 1. If they win this baseball match, a. they ll win the world cup. b. they d win the world cup. c. they d won the world cup. d. They ve won the world cup. 2. Jim wouldn t have a stomach-ache a. if he eats so much. b. if he will eat so much. c. if he hadn t eaten so much. d. If he didn t eat so much. 3. Aunt Lisa rides her bike a. If the weather will be fine. b. If the weather was fine. c. If the weather is fine. d. If the weather had been fine. 4. If he weren t ill, a. he goes to work. b. he ll go to work. c. he would go to work. d. he had gone to work.
5. Andy will go to the beach a. unless it rained. b. unless it had rained. c. unless it doesn t rain. d. unless it rains. 6. If you have a toothache, a. you ll go to the dentist. b. go to the dentist. c. you went to the dentist. d. you d go to the dentist. 7. If the computer breaks down, a. I can repair it myself. b. I repaired it myself. c. I d repair it myself. d. I d repaired it myself. 8. He d have read the newspaper, a. if he has time. b. if he will have time. c. if he had had time. d. if he d have time. 9. Tim would have passed the test, a. if he studies harder. b. if he had studied harder. c. if he ll study harder. d. if he studied harder. 10. If you run too fast, a. you got tired. b. you get tired. c. you have got tired. d. you d get tired. 11. He d lose some weight a. if he does more exercise. b. if he d do more exercise. c. unless he does more exercise. d. if he did more exercise. 12. He wouldn t be broke now, a. if he had saved some money. b. if he saved some money. c. if he will save some money. d. if he saves some money. 13. She d get married, a. if she would be prettier. b. if she will be prettier. c. if she were prettier. d. if she is prettier. 14. If Jim draws on the wall, a. his mother would get angry. b. his mother will get angry. c. his mother had got angry. d. his mother got angry. 15. I d take a photo of you, a. if I have a camera. b. if I will have a camera. c. if I had a camera. d. if I have had a camera. 16. They d have bought the picture, a. if it has been cheaper. b. if it will be cheaper. c. if it were cheaper. d. if it had been cheaper. 10) Translate the sentences into English. 1. Paul már itt lenne, ha telefonáltál volna neki. 2. Még időben odaérünk, hacsak nem késik az órád. 3. Ha ma éjjel fagyni fog, holnap csúszós lesz az út. 4. Ha megérkeztek volna a vendégek, nagy zaj lett volna. 5. Ha elkésel, nélküled fogunk vacsorázni. 6. Mit mondtál volna neki, ha véletlenül találkozol(!) vele? 7. Tudtam volna segíteni neked, ha megkértél volna. 8. Csak akkor nem fogok haragudni, ha igazat mondasz. 9. Ha lenne egy jó autóm, megtanulnék vezetni. 10. A helyedben hazamennék, és pihennék. 11. Ha senki nem jött volna el a partira, sok szomszéd örült volna. 12. Ha sok pénzünk lenne a bankban, nem aggódnánk. 13. Ha az öcsém nem trombitált volna egy óráig, nem fájna a fejem. 14. Jó lenne, ha itt lennének a barátaim. 15. Kate venni fog neked egy új sálat, ha megkéred. 16. Tim nem mondott volna mesét neked, ha nem lenne olyan kedves.
17. Ha akarod, meg tudom neked mutatni a bélyeggyűjteményemet. 18. Ha megvehetnénk ezt a házat, rögtön ide tudnánk költözni. 19. Ha elutazol az Északi Sarkra, ne feledj el sálat vinni. 20. Ha megérkeztek volna a vendégek, nagy zaj lenne. 21. Ha több elefánt élne itt, kevesebben ülnének autóba. 22. Ha elkésel, nélküled fogunk vacsorázni. 23. Ha nem vigyáznánk, betegek lennénk. 24. Ha találkoztál volna vele, mindent megértettél volna. 25. Ha nem lenne fűtésünk, megfagynánk. 26. Ha netalán felhívna a miniszterelnök, mit mondanál neki? 27. Mit fogunk csinálni, ha esik az eső?
1) 1. are 2. needs 3. pay 4. catches 5. dresses 6. writes KEY: 2) 1. If he hadn t been irresponsible, now he would have a job. 2. If she were really on a diet, she wouldn t have eaten all the cake. 3. If they hadn t partied all night, they wouldn t be tired now. 4. If he had told me earlier, I would be going to the party tonight. 5. If the plane had left Athens 4 hours ago, they would be in France now. 6. If he hadn t been painting the house, he wouldn t be covered in paint. 7. If he took his job seriously, so he would have been promoted. 3) 1. I wouldn t know how to drive if you hadn t taught me. 2. If she hadn t broken her leg, she could go snowboarding. 3. If Mariska were at work, she would have answered the phone. 4. If he got the job, he will start on Monday. 5. Had she known something, she would have told you. 6. She would be rich if she hadn t trusted that conman. 4) 1. Unless you go to France, you ll never learn French properly. 2. I don t like tea if unless it s sweetened with honey. 3. I will always love her unless she is unfaithful to me. 4. We won t go anywhere unless it stops raining. 5. They wouldn t have bothered you unless they had needed your help. 6. Unless there is a traffic jam, we ll be home by five o clock. 7. People don t go to the doctor unless they are ill. 8. Unless you finish your homework now, I won t let you watch TV. 9. I won t phone you unless there is something urgent. 10. I wouldn t invest all this money unless I were sure I would get it back. 11. Unless you get up early, you ll miss your train. 12. I wouldn t have asked him any questions unless he had been ready to answer them. 13. I never hitch-hike unless it is absolutely necessary. 14. She wouldn t save any money unless she wanted to buy a house of her own. 15. Unless their friends have a spare room, they will stay in a hotel. 5) 1. If you don t hurry, you won t arrive on time. 2. If it doesn t rain, we will go camping. 3. If she doesn t book the tickets, she won t go to the concert. 4. I will call the police if they don t stop fighting. 5. I will give you a present, if you don t get bad marks. 6) 1. Jill would come if you waited.; Jill would have come if you had waited. 2. John would be ill if he drank all that beer.; John would have been ill if he had drunk all that beer. 3. Would you be angry if I were late for the party?; Would you have been angry if I had been late for the party? 4. I would go and see him if I had time.; I would have gone and seen him if I had had time. 5. If I saw the postman, I would tell him.; If I had seen the postman, I would have told him 6. I would give you his address if you rang me up.; I would have given you his address if you had rung me up. 7. If you came by the morning train, I would meet you at the station.; If you had come by the morning train, I would have met you at the station. 8. It would be nice if you came in your car.; It would have been nice if you had come in your car. 9. If he asked for my advice, I d tell him what to do.; If he had asked for my advice, I would have told him what to do.
10. If you left this city, nobody would want to see you any more.; If you had left this city, nobody would have wanted to see you any more. 7) 1. knew 2. wouldn t buy 3. would take 4. would you have done 5. gets 6. had been 7. had known 8. would have enjoyed 9. will taste 10. took 11. need 12. needed 13. would accept 14. would have lived 15. had to 16. invite 8) 1) will be 2) melts 3) wouldn t like 4) take 5) had stayed 6) will have to 7) had told 8) got 9) would speak 10) hadn t seen 11) had seen 12) say 9) 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. c 5. d 6. b 7. a 8. c 9. b 10. b 11. d 12. a 13. c 14. b 15. c 16. d 10) 1. Paul would be here if you had phoned him. 2. We will arrive there in time, unless your watch is late. 3. If it freezes tonight, the roads will be slippery tomorrow. 4. If the guests had arrived, there would have been a big noise. 5. If you are late, we will have dinner without you. 6. What would you have told him if you had met him accidentally? 7. I could have helped you if you had asked me. 8. I won t be angry only if you tell the truth. 9. If I had a good car, I would learn to drive. 10. If I were you, I would go home and relax. 11. If nobody had come to the party, a lot of neighbours would have been glad. 12. If we had a lot of money in the bank, we wouldn t worry. 13. If my brother hadn t been playing (/hadn t played) the trumpet for an hour, I wouldn t have a headache. 14. It would be good if my friends were here. 15. Kate will buy you a new scarf if you ask her. 16. Tim wouldn t have told you a story (/tale) if he weren t so kind (/nice). 17. If you want, I can show you my stamp collection. 18. If we could buy this house, we could move here immediately. 19. If you travel to the North Pole, don t forget to take a scarf. 20. If the guests had arrived, there would be a big noise. 21. If more elephants lived here, less people would sit in cars. 22. If you are late, we ll have dinner without you. 23. If we weren t careful, we would be sick. 24. If you had met him, you would have understood everything. 25. If we didn t have heating, we would freeze. 26. If the Prime Minister called you, what would you tell him? 27. What will we do if it is raining?