INFORMÁCIÓS TÁBLA A FOGYASZTÓI HITELRE Information table on consumer credits

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INFORMÁCIÓS TÁBLA A FOGYASZTÓI HITELRE Information table on consumer credits FOGYASZTÓI HITEL Consumer Credit MAGYARORSZÁG IGEN Yes NEM No MAGYARÁZAT/MEGJEGYZÉS Eplanation /Remark 1.A fogyasztói hitelt nyújtó pénzügyi szolgáltató típusa Type of financial service provider granting of consumer credit 1.1 Hazai Hitelintézet National credit institution 1.2 Hazai Takarékszövetkezet National Saving Co-operatives 1.3.Más hazai pénzügyi szolgáltató Other national financial service provider 1.4.Külföldi pénzügyi szolgáltató Foreign financial service provider 2.A hitelkérő állampolgársága Chitizenship of borrower 2.1.Csak devizabelföldi lehet It can only be resident 2.2.Nincs korlátozva It is not limited 3. Életkor Age 3.1.Fiatalkorú(18 év alatti) is lehet It can even be juvenile (below 18 ) 3.2.Felnőtt, aktív korú (18-65 év) személy lehet Adult, active age(from 18 to 65 ) 3.3.Nyugdíjas is lehet (60-65. év felett) It can even be pensioner (over 60-65) 4. Adósminősítés Qualification of debtor 4.1. Van-e minden hitelnyújtóra

kiterjedő egységes adósminősítési rendszer? Is there any uniform system-covering all kind of lenders -for qualification of debtors 4.2. Meg tudják-e vizsgálni, hogy van-e máshol hitele a kérelmezőnek? Can be controlled whether the debtor has had a credit claim somewhere else? 4.3. Csak számlatulajdonos kérhet hitelt? May only an accoubt holder apply for credit? Hogyan?How? 4.4. Kérnek-e jövedelemigazolást? Is there requirement for presenting a declaratinon of income? Általában kérnek 4.5. Kérnek-e vagyon nyilatkozatot? Is there requirement for presenting a declaratinon of proprty? 4.6. Kérnek-e adóigazolást? Is there requirement for presenting a declaratinon of property? Nagyobb öszegnél elképzelhető 4.7. Kérnek-e telefon és/vagy közüzemi számlákat? Is there requirement for presenting a tepelphone-bill and/or other publicutility bills? 5.Fogyasztói tájékoztatás Information of consumer 5.1. Részletes szóbeli felvilágosítást kap a fogyasztó? Does the consumer get detailed verbal information? Igazoltatják a fogyasztóval, hogy megértette? Nem. Do they certify/acknowledge with the consumer,whether he/she understand 5.2. Adnak hozzá írásos anyagot is? Does the consumer get some written documents? 5.3. A szerződéstervezetet előre odaadják? Does the consumer ghet the draftcontract inadvace? 5.4. A fogyasztók panaszkodnak a tájékoztatásra? Ha kéri a fogyasztó megmutatják

Do consumers copmlain of the m of providing information? 6. Maguk a tájékoztatók About the information leaflets Miért? Why 6.1. Tartalmazzák-e az THM-et? Do they include the APR? 6.2. Közérthetőek, részletesek, világosak Are they clear, understandable, detailed? 6.3. Van-e elérhető összehasonlítási lehetőség más szolgáltatók termékeivel Are there any available means for manking comparaison between the products of several other service providers 7. Milyen összegű hitelt vesznek fel leggyakrabban? What amount of credit do consumers claim most frequently? 7.1. Kevesebb, mint 500 eurót Less than Eur 500 7.2. 500-1000 euró között Between Eur 500-to 1000 7.3. 1000-2000 euró között Between Eur 1000-2000 7.4. 2000-5000 euró között Between Eur 2000-5000 7.5. 5000 euró fölött Over Eur 5000 8. Van-e házaló hitelezés? Does any door to door credit offering eist in your country? 8.1. A fogyasztók elégedettek vele Are the consumers satisfied with it? 8.2. A fogyasztók nem elégedettek Are the consumers not satisfied with it 8.3. Magas a THM/APR-je Is itstotqal lending fee inde/apr too high? 9. Kérnek-e kezest a hitelhez? 5 1 2 3 4 Elérhetősége: Available at: Rakja gyakoriság szerint sorrendbe 1-5-ig: Please to nominate to rank under frequency from 1-5: Mert: Because: Mert: Because :drága

Is there a requirement for involving suirety for the credit? 9.1. A kezességet vállaló személy általában tisztában van a kötelezettségvállalásának a következményeivel, terjedelmével/határaival? Is the person standing surety for the debtor - aware of the consequences/range/limits his/her liabilities? Az összegtől, a hitelezőtől, és az adóstól is függhet 9.2. Gyakran kerül sor a kezesség érvényesítésére? Does enforcement of surety occur frequently? 10. Kérnek- e más biztosítékot a hitelhez? Is there a requirement for presenting any other quarantees for consumer credit? 11. A fogyasztói hitel THM-je APR of consumer credit 11.1. Minden költséget magában foglal? Are there all the costs included? 11.2.Kötelező ismertetni még a hirdetésekben is? Is it obligatory to make it known even in the advertisements? 12. Fontos tudni a fogyasztónak Important particulars that consumers should know 12.1. A kölcsönadónak joga van a feltételek egyoldalú változtatására Is the lender entitled to alter the terms and conditions unilaterally? Mit: biztosítást, életbiztosítást 12.2. A kölcsön a lejárat előtt az adós számára előnyösen visszafizethető Can the debtor effect repayment of loan prior to maturity on favourable terms? 12.3. Lehetőség van a visszafizetés szünetelésére Is there a possibility of suspending repayment? Milyen feltételekkel: Which kind of conditions Pénzbe kerül a módosítás

12.4. Lehetőség van a kölcsönfeltételek módosítására Is there possibility of altering the terms and conditions of loan? 13. Fogyasztói panaszokról About consumers complaints 13.1. Gyakran merülnek fel panaszok? Do complains arise frequently? 13.2. Először a szolgáltatóhoz kell fordulni a panasszal? Is it necessary to turn with a complaint to the service provider at first? 13.3. A szolgáltatók törekednek a panaszok megoldására? Do service providers endeavour to settle the complains? 13.4. Lehet fordulni hatósághoz is? Is it also possible to turn to the authorities? 13.5.Lehet fordulni alternatív vitarendezési fórumokhoz is? Is it also possible to turn to ADR fora? 13.6. Van egységes panasz-bejelentési szabályzat vagy minta? Is there any uniform code or standard from for lodging a complaint? 14. Van-e központi adósnyilvántartás? Is tehere any central register of debtors? 14.1. Minden hitelintézet számára elérhető? Is this register available for all the credit instritutions? Milyen feltételekkel: Which kind of conditions:pénzbe kerül a módosítás Miért: Why: Elérhetősége:Bíróságokhoz Availability: Elérhetősége: Availability:Igen, békéltető testületekhez Elérhetősége: Mit tartanak nyilván és meddig: What do they register and until when?a rossz adósok adatait 5 évig 14.2. Az adós közvetlenül is beletekinthet a saját irataiba és igazítást kérhet? Is it possible for the debtor to inspect his/her fájl in the register and ask for correction?

AUSZTRIA Consumer Credit Yes No Eplanation /Remark 1. Type of financial service provider granting the consumer credit 1.1.National credit institution 1.2.National Saving Co-operative 1.3.Other national financial service provider insurances 1.4.Foreign financial service provider 2. Citizenship of borrower 2.1. It can only be a resident Usually only a national borrower is accepted 2.2.It is not limited Usually only a national borrower is accepted 3. Age 3.1. It can even be a juvenile (below 18) If regular income or acceptance of parents 3.2. Adult, active age (from 18 to 65) 3.3.It can even be a pensioner (over 60-65) 4. Qualification of debtor 4.1. Is there any uniform system covering all kind of lenders for the qualification of debtors? Specific according to banks 4.2. Can it be controlled whether the debtor has had a credit claim somewhere else? How? By central credit registration 4.3. May only an account holder apply for credit?

4.4. Is there a requirement for presenting a certificate of income? 4.5. Is there a requirement for presenting a declaration of property? depending on credit and credit amount 4.6. Is there a requirement for presenting a declaration of ta? 4.7. Is there a requirement for presenting a telephone-bill and/or other public-utility bills? 5. Information of consumers not for consumer credit 5.1. Does the consumer get a detailed verbal information? 5.2. Does the consumer also get some written informative documents? 5.3. Does the consumer get the draftcontract in advance? Is it required from the consumer to certify that he/she has fully understood the information provided? If required, usually not 5.4. Do consumers complain of the mode of providing information? Why? Usually other complaints then about information 6. About the information leaflets 6.1. Do they include the APR? According to law 6.2. Are they clear, understandable, detailed? 6.3. Are there any available means for making comparison between the products of several other service providers? Available at: Homepage of VKI and Chamber of Labour 7. What amount of credit do consumers claim most frequently? Please put in order from 1 to 5 according to frequency: 7.1. Less than Euro 500 5, O 7.2. Between Euro 500 to 1000 4 7.3. Between Euro 1000 to 2000 3

7.4. Between Euro 2000 to 5000 2 7.5. Over Euro 5000 1 8. Does any door-to-door credit offering eist in your country? 8.1. Are consumers satisfied with it? Because forbidden by Law 8.2. Are consumers dissatisfied with it? - - Because 8.3. Is its total lending fee inde / APR too high? - - 9. Is there a requirement for involving surety for the credit? 9.1. Is the person standing surety for the debtor aware of the consequences / range / limits of his/her liabilities? Must be informed by Law 9.2. Does enforcement of surety occur frequently? 10. Is there a requirement for presenting any other guarantees for the consumer credit? What? Life insurance, eisting deposits, salary eecution 11. APR of consumer credit 11.1. Are there all the costs included? Cost for credit account credit ta are not included 11.2. Is it obligatory to make it known even in the advertisements? When advertising with figures 12. Important particulars that consumers should know 12.1. Is the lender entitled to alter the terms and conditions unilaterally? 12.2. Can the debtor effect repayment of loan prior to maturity, on favourable terms?

12.3. Is there a possibility of suspending repayment? 12.4. Is there a possibility of altering the terms and conditions of loan? On what terms? In some cases On what conditions? Yes for bank it is stipulated eactly in the contract 13. About consumer complaints 13.1. Do complaints arise frequently? Why? Amount due after years 13.2. Is it necessary to turn with a complaint to the service provider at first? 13.3. Do service providers endeavour to settle the complaints? 13.4. Is it also possible to turn to the authorities? Availability: Consumer Association VKI 13.5. Is it also possible to turn to ADR fora? Availability: only ombudsman of the specific bank 13.6. Is there any uniform code or standard form for lodging a complaint? Availability: 14. Is there any central register of debtors? 14.1. Is this register available for all the credit institutions? 14.2. Is it possible for the debtor to inspect his/her file in the register and ask for correction? What is registered and till when? Kreditschutzverband, amount and duration of credit agreement

CSEHORSZÁG Consumer Credit Yes No Eplanation /Remark 1. Type of financial service provider granting the consumer credit 1.1.National credit institution 1.2.National Saving Co-operative 1.3.Other national financial service provider 1.4.Foreign financial service provider 2. Citizenship of borrower 2.1. It can only be a resident 2.2. It is not limited? 3. Age 3.1.It can even be a juvenile (below 18) 3.2. Adult, active age (from 18 to 65) 3.3. It can even be a pensioner (over 60-65) 4. Qualification of debtor 4.1. Is there any uniform system covering all kind of lenders for the qualification of debtors? 4.2. Can it be controlled whether the debtor has had a credit claim somewhere else? How? 4.3. May only an account holder apply for credit? 4.4. Is there a requirement for presenting a certificate of income?

4.5. Is there a requirement for presenting a declaration of property? 4.6. Is there a requirement for presenting a declaration of ta? 4.7. Is there a requirement for presenting a telephone-bill and/or other public-utility bills? 5. Information of consumers 5.1. Does the consumer get a detailed verbal information? 5.2. Does the consumer also get some written informative documents? Is it required from the consumer to certify that he/she has fully understood the information provided? 5.3. Does the consumer get the draftcontract in advance? 5.4. Do consumers complain of the mode of providing information?? Why? 6. About the information leaflets 6.1. Do they include the APR? 6.2. Are they clear, understandable, detailed? 6.3. Are there any available means for making comparison between the products of several other service providers? 7. What amount of credit do consumers claim most frequently? 7.1. Less than Euro 500 5 Available at: Please put in order from 1 to 5 according to frequency: 7.2. Between Euro 500 to 1000 1 7.3. Between Euro 1000 to 2000 2 7.4. Between Euro 2000 to 5000 3

7.5. Over Euro 5000 4 8. Does any door-to-door credit offering eist in your country? 8.1. Are consumers satisfied with it? Because 8.2. Are consumers dissatisfied with it? Because 8.3. Is its total lending fee inde / APR too high? 9. Is there a requirement for involving surety for the credit? 9.1. Is the person standing surety for the debtor aware of the consequences / range / limits of his/her liabilities? 9.2. Does enforcement of surety occur frequently? 10. Is there a requirement for presenting any other guarantees for the consumer credit? What? 11. APR of consumer credit 11.1. Are there all the costs included? 11.2. Is it obligatory to make it known even in the advertisements? 12. Important particulars that consumers should know 12.1. Is the lender entitled to alter the terms and conditions unilaterally? 12.2. Can the debtor effect repayment of loan prior to maturity, on favourable terms? 12.3. Is there a possibility of suspending repayment??? On what terms? 12.4. Is there a possibility of altering the terms and conditions of loan? On what conditions?

13. About consumer complaints 13.1. Do complaints arise frequently? Why? 13.2. Is it necessary to turn with a complaint to the service provider at first? 13.3. Do service providers endeavour to settle the complaints? 13.4. Is it also possible to turn to the authorities? 13.5. Is it also possible to turn to ADR fora? Availability: Availability: 13.6. Is there any uniform code or standard form for lodging a complaint? Availability: 14. Is there any central register of debtors? 14.1. Is this register available for all the credit institutions? 14.2. Is it possible for the debtor to inspect his/her file in the register and ask for correction??? What is registered and till when?

SZLOVÁKIA Consumer Credit Yes No Eplanation /Remark 1. Type of financial service provider granting the consumer credit 1.1.National credit institution 1.2.National Saving Co-operative 1.3.Other national financial service provider 1.4.Foreign financial service provider 2. Citizenship of borrower 2.1.It can only be a resident 2.2.It is not limited 3. Age 3.1.It can even be a juvenile (below 18) 3.2. Adult, active age (from 18 to 65) 3.3. It can even be a pensioner (over 60-65) 4. Qualification of debtor 4.1. Is there any uniform system covering all kind of lenders for the qualification of debtors? 4.2. Can it be controlled whether the debtor has had a credit claim somewhere else? 4.3. May only an account holder apply for credit? How? Debtor can be questioned during the contract process

4.4. Is there a requirement for presenting a certificate of income? 4.5. Is there a requirement for presenting a declaration of property? 4.6. Is there a requirement for presenting a declaration of ta? 4.7. Is there a requirement for presenting a telephone-bill and/or other public-utility bills? 5. Information of consumers 5.1. Does the consumer get a detailed verbal information? 5.2. Does the consumer also get some written informative documents? 5.3. Does the consumer get the draftcontract in advance? 5.4. Do consumers complain of the mode of providing information? Is it required from the consumer to certify that he/she has fully understood the information provided? YES Why? 6. About the information leaflets 6.1. Do they include the APR? 6.2. Are they clear, understandable, detailed? It depends 6.3. Are there any available means for making comparison between the products of several other service providers? 7. What amount of credit do consumers claim most frequently? Available at: daily news, magazines Please put in order from 1 to 5 according to frequency: 7.1. Less than Euro 500 5 7.2. Between Euro 500 to 1000 4 7.3. Between Euro 1000 to 2000 3

7.4. Between Euro 2000 to 5000 2 7.5. Over Euro 5000 1 8. Does any door-to-door credit offering eist in your country? 8.1. Are consumers satisfied with it? Because 8.2. Are consumers dissatisfied with it? Because 8.3. Is its total lending fee inde / APR too high? 9. Is there a requirement for involving surety for the credit? 9.1. Is the person standing surety for the debtor aware of the consequences / range / limits of his/her liabilities? 9.2. Does enforcement of surety occur frequently? 10. Is there a requirement for presenting any other guarantees for the consumer credit? What? 11. APR of consumer credit 11.1. Are there all the costs included? 11.2. Is it obligatory to make it known even in the advertisements? 12. Important particulars that consumers should know 12.1. Is the lender entitled to alter the terms and conditions unilaterally? 12.2. Can the debtor effect repayment of loan prior to maturity, on favourable terms? 12.3. Is there a possibility of suspending repayment? 12.4. Is there a possibility of altering the terms and conditions of loan? It depends On what terms? Necessity to pay etra fee/interest On what conditions? Ussually etra cost

13. About consumer complaints 13.1. Do complaints arisefrequently? Why? 13.2. Is it necessary to turn with a complaint to the service provider at first? 13.3. Do service providers endeavour to settle the complaints? 13.4. Is it also possible to turn to the authorities? 13.5. Is it also possible to turn to ADR fora? 13.6. Is there any uniform code or standard form for lodging a complaint? 14.Is there any central register of debtors? Availability: but result is ussaly not very possitive Availability: Availability: What is registered and till when? 14.1. Is this register available for all the credit institutions? 14.2. Is it possible for the debtor to inspect his/her file in the register and ask for correction?