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3 INTRODUCTION Of the fungus diseases of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) the most significant ones are the rusts. Back in the 70 s stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici) caused severe damage in the crop but leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici) has also become increasingly common and nowadays it occurs almost every year causing damage of varying severity depending on the susceptibility of the varieties and the weather conditions. Yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis var. striiformis) can be expected to appear in relatively cool, rainy years with mild winter. Powdery mildew, similarly to leaf rust, causes infections of varying intensity in wheat cultivars every year. Although the presence of necrotrophic pathogens (Drechslera tritici-repentis, Septoria tritici, Stagonospora nodorum, Bipolaris sorokiniana) was detected earlier, they have only been causing significant losses since 1999, especially in cool, rainy years. In Hungary due to the successful breeding programmes carried out in Szeged and Martonvásár predominantly Hungarian cultivars are grown in the approximately 1-1,2 million ha growing area of winter wheat. Table 1. The number of winter wheat cultivars included in the National List in the different years. (Source: Matuz 2005) Origin 1970 1980 1990 2000 2004 2005 Sum total 14 20 29 88 122 116 Hungarian 4 11 19 62 81 76 Joint research - - - 2 2 2 Foreign 10 9 10 24 39 38 Yugoslavian, Croatian - 5 6 6 6 4 Romanian - - - 1 1 1 Austrian - - - 6 13 13 French 2 1 1 4 10 10 Czech, Slovak - - 1 3 5 6 German - - - 2 2 2 Soviet, Ukrainian 6 2 1 1 2 2 Dutch - - 1 1 - - Italian 2 1 - - - - Of the 116 registered winter wheat cultivars none is completely resistant to all the important fungus diseases in Hungary. According to the data of the Hungarian Institute of Agricultural Quality Control nearly half of the 72 cultivars show 10% or lower natural infection levels while the case is slightly better for tan spot (Drechslera tritici-repentis). However, only 30% of the cultivars have infection levels 10% or below for all three diseases. Following the accession of Hungary to the EU more emphasis will be given on environmental considerations and to grow cultivars showing high level of resistance to the most important diseases even in years with epidemics. With the organic farming gaining in popularity, the need for resistant cultivars is increasing, too. It is, therefore, of fundamental significance for the breeder to increase selection for cultivars showing resistance to diseases. Plant pathological and resistance studies have been going on in the Cereal Research Institute since the 70 s along with the development of different selection methods as well as the application of the methods in the breeding process.

4 OBJECTIVES The aim of my research work is to summarise the most important results of the past more than 20 years in the following fields: Studying inheritance patterns in wheat cultivars under artificially infected conditions with stem rust and protected by fungicides. Studying the effect of stem rust resistance genes on the severity of infection and the amount of yield under artificially infected conditions. Studying the efficiency of leaf rust resistance genes with the help of near isogenic lines in different parts of Hungary. Also, to monitor the changes in the leaf rust population in Hungary and Europe. Identifying the resistance genes in Szeged cultivars in co-operation with Hungarian and foreign research teams. Identifying specific leaf rust isolates for molecular studies and to apply them in the fenotyping work. Studying the occurrence and dominance of the most important pathogens causing leaf spots in Hungary as well as the resistance of Szeged cultivars under artificially infected conditions by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. Evaluating the severity of natural leaf rust, yellow rust and powdery mildew infection and the extent of leaf spots in an attempt to find new sources of resistance for the breeding process. Furthermore, to evaluate the severity of stem rust infection in the same lines under artificially infected conditions. The application of the results in the breeding work. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. Studying the resistance to stem rust and the inheritance of thousand kernel mass In a half diallel experiment the severity of stem rust infection and the inheritance of 1000 kernel mass was investigated in 9 cultivars with varying degree of resistance to stem rust and in their progeny under fungicide protected conditions (active ingredient: triadimefon, dose: 0.5kg/ha applied from the appearance of symptoms at weekly intervals) and conditions artificially infected by a mixture of stem rust races in 1986 and 1987. General and specific combining abilities were calculated according to Griffing s experimental method 2, model I (Griffing 1956) and the genetic parameters were analysed by the method described by Jinks and Hayman (1953). The experiment was conducted in the research station of the Cereal Research Non Profit Company in Újszeged. 2. Studying the effect of stem rust genes in adult plants The severity of stem rust infection and the quantity of yields were compared between cultivars carrying the Sr36, Sr31, Sr5 stem rust resistance genes and those with unknown resistance genes. The test was made in two versions: under fungicide protected conditions and artificially infected by a mixture of different stem rust races. The results were evaluated by one, two and three way variance analysis and correlation analysis. 3. The identification of resistance genes by means of conventional and molecular methods The identification of resistance genes was carried out within the framework of national and international co-operations and in the laboratories, green houses and fields of Cereal Research Non-profit Company Szeged. The research work was carried out in co-operation with the

5 Plant Protection Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science, the Research Institute of Crop Production in Czech Republic, the team of COST 817 and the Wheat Breeding and Molecular Genetics Department of Szeged. 4. Tracing the changes in the population of leaf and stem rusts as well as powdery mildew In order to trace the changes occurring in the population of leaf rust, near isogenic lines were used, which were provided by Dr Kolmer (Winnipeg, Canada) in 1994. The propagation and maintenance of the lines have been carried out by the Cereal Research Non Profit Company. The near isogenic lines of stem rust were provided by Dr Harder. The powdery mildew near isogenic lines were obtained within the framework of the international powdery mildew research co-operation. These lines were sown every year in order to observe the response of the adult plants in the breeding field of the Cereal Research Non Profit Company in Kecskés. The near isogenic wheat lines carrying the leaf rust resistance genes were sown in parts of the country where we have our multiple sites breeding nurseries. The Plant Protection Institute of the HAS and the Agricultural Research Institution of the HAS in Martonvásár and the COST 817 team as a foreign partner were involved in the co-operation. 5. The isolation of specific leaf rust pathotypes for the molecular biology research of winter wheat. The leaf rust originating from infected wheat leaves from the fields was propagated on susceptible wheat cultivars in green house conditions. Urediospores were collected from a single pustule from susceptible cultivar and used to make starch suspension solution, which was applied to the leaves of seven-day-old plantlets with the help of a paint brush. The 42 Thatcher based leaf rust near isogenic lines were inoculated by urediospore suspension collected form these plantlets. The reaction types of the individual lines were determined on day 12 and 14 following the inoculation. After that the pathotypes based on the differential test sortiments and the patterns of the 27 near isogenic lines were determined. 6. Assessment of the occurrence of the most important pathogens causing leaf spots Leaf samples (a total of 13433) have been collected from 8-10 different parts of the country 4 times a year since 2000, and were kept in wet chambers. In the following 48-72 hours the following pathogens were identified by microscopic investigation: Drechslera tritici-repentis, Septoria tritici, Stagonospora nodorum, Bipolaris sorokiniana. The frequency of occurrence was determined as a percentage of the total number of collected samples. While collecting samples the natural severity of the infection was also assessed. Since the symptoms caused by necrotrophic pathogens are not as easily distinguishable upon visual assessment as the leaf rust from tan spot we referred to them as leaf spots. The severity of leaf spot infection was expressed in the percentage of the whole plant or the whole plot. 7. Studying the resistance of winter wheat cultivars to Drechslera tritici-repentis under artificially infected conditions in the fields The resistance of 17 winter wheat cultivars to leaf spots and their yield reaction were investigated under Pyrenophora tritici-repentis infected and fungicide protected conditions, in 4 repetitions in plots of 4 square meters. Following the harvest the yield was weighed, than the data were analysed by means of one and two way variance analysis with replicates and two way variance analysis without replicates and correlation analysis. Leaf samples were collected from the experiment every year in order to determine the different leaf spot pathogens.

6 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 1. Studying the resistance to stem rust and the inheritance of thousand kernel mass A severe epidemic could have a dramatic negative effect on the quantitative traits like thousand kernel mass. Wheat cultivars of varying resistance and their F 1 progenies were investigated under stem rust infected and fungicide protected conditions. According to the general combining ability data of the stem rust infection, the strongly resistant GK Mini Manó (-21.97 and 58.51) and the moderately resistant GK Ságvári (-15.85 and 9.60) decreased the degree of the stem rust infection in their F 1 progenies the most, whilst the moderately susceptible GK Örzse and the susceptible GK Szeged significantly increased the degree of the stem rust infection in their F 1 progenies. With regard to the thousand kernel mass, under protected conditions, in both years the GK Ságvári, Aurora and GK Szeged increased, whilst GK Mini Manó and GK Korány decreased the thousand kernel mass in their F 1 progenies. Under stem rust infected conditions the GK Ságvári was found to show a strong positive combining ability effect in both years. However, GK Szeged, which is susceptible to stem rust, was found to show strong negative combing ability effects. A special effect was observed in the GK Mini Manó, which showed a strong resistance to stem rust. In spite of the fact that under protected conditions it proved to have the lowest thousand kernel mass in both years, it still increased the thousand kernel mass in their progenies under stem rust infected conditions. We have provided evidence that in order to arrive at sound conclusions it is important to ensure stress free conditions in the course of the inheritance studies. However, in order to carry out efficient selection we need to rely on data obtained under infected conditions. In this way it becomes possible to select for the resistant plants showing no yield or thousand kernel mass reduction even in infected environment. 2. The expression of stem rust resistance genes under conditions artificially infected by stem rust Two stem rust resistance genes have been integrated into Szeged cultivars (Sr36, Sr31). These resistance genes provide effective protection against pathogens by reducing the severity of infection. As a result, these resistant plants show little reduction in their yield in stem rust infected environment. Although the natural occurrence of stem rust has not caused many problems in the last 30 years, these cultivars can be safely grown even in years with possible stem rust epidemics. In addition, they can be used successfully in breeding programmes to transfer stem rust resistance in the new cultivars. As a result of a six years breeding programme it was effectively demonstrated that the quantity of yield of a cultivar showing resistance to stem rust can significantly drop upon exposure to strong infection pressure. These results are in accordance with those obtained in barley powdery mildew by Peterson and Solen (1981), in wheat leaf rust by Barabás et al. (1983) and in wheat tan spot by Wagoire et al. (1998). 3. Studying the efficiency of resistance genes in adult plants Plant breeding is basically a steady competition against pathogens. A change in the composition of the pathogen population especially the appearance of a new virulent pathotype could substantially increase the severity of infection in cultivars. It is, therefore, essential to monitor the composition of the pathogen population not only in Hungary but in the whole of Europe (COST 817) so that we can detect possible changes in time. Our results show that effective protection is ensured against leaf rust by genes Lr9, Lr19, Lr24, Lr25, Lr29, Lr35, Lr35K, against stem rust by genes Sr36, Sr27, Sr31 and cultivars carrying the Pm17, Pm6 and Pm5+6 gene combinations show less severe powdery mildew infection. However, of these efficient genes only Sr36 and Sr31 occur in high frequency in our cultivars. It underlines the

7 importance of exploring genetic resources effective in Hungary and their subsequent integration into our cultivars. 4. The identification of resistance genes in our cultivars by means of traditional and molecular methods The effectiveness of the breeding work can greatly be increased by designing the crossing programmes with due consideration for the resistance genes found in our cultivars. Several stem, leaf and tan spot resistance genes as well as powdery mildew resistance genes have been identified in our cultivars as a result of our own research effort as well as co-operation with other research teams at home and abroad. (Limpert et al. 1994, Johnson et al. 1996, Csõsz et al. 1997, Manninger et al. 1998, Csõsz et al. 1999a, Winzeler et al. 2000, Szunics et al. 2001, Purnhauser 2006, personal communication). The results of this work are summarised in table 2. 5. Assessing the occurrence of the most important leaf pathogens causing leaf spots The high rate of precipitation and the resultant epidemic conditions of 1999 highlighted the significance of pathogens causing leaf spots. The nation-wide assessment of the most important pathogens causing leaf spots started in 2000. Based on the results obtained in the last 6 years it can be seen that the frequency of occurrence of Drechslera species and the Septoria tritici is nearly the same and they are followed by Stagonospora nodorum. Among the samples the least frequent species was found to be the Bipolaris sorokiniana. At the beginning of the growing period mostly Septroria tritici, while at the end Drechslera species and Stagonospora nodorum were found in abundance. However, Streptoria tritici in years (2004, 2005) with favourable conditions was found to occur in high frequency at the end of the growing period, too. There were significant differences between the years and sites. During the study period it was not possible to draw any conclusion with regard to the resistance of wheat cultivars to pathogens causing leaf spots based on the severity of their natural infection. There were only one or two sites in the different years where and when the severity of infection was suitably great to differentiate genotypes. The order of cultivars showed significant differences from one place to another, which can be attributed to the differences found in the composition of the pathogen population. Upon visual scoring the symptoms of the group of pathogens could not be distinguished as readily as those of the biotrophic pathogens, therefore the severity of infection comprises all the symptoms of the most important pathogens causing leaf spots. Consequently, we refer to this group of symptoms as leaf spots. However, leaf spots can be caused not only by pathogens causing leaf spots but by genetic, physiological factors, too. Furthermore, abiotic stresses, viruses, bacteria and other fungi can also produce similar symptoms, therefore it is best referred to as leaf spot syndrome. For the first time in Hungary we isolated Drechslera teres, which was confirmed by sequence analysis and repeated inoculation, too. In the following years we are going to monitor besides Drechslera tritici-repentis the occurrence of Drechslera teres in winter wheat to assess its significance.

8 Table 2. Genes identified in winter wheat cultivars and candidates bred by the Cereal Research Non Profit Company Cultivar Years of Gene/genes Cultivar Years of Gene/genes registration registration GK Tiszatáj 1978 Yr3?, TP? GK Kunság 1998 Lr?, Sr36 GK Szeged 1978 YrTP? GK Dávid 1998 Lr? GK Ságvári 1982 Pm8, Sr31 GK Garaboly 1998 Lr?, Sr36 GK Kincsõ 1983 Lr3+, Sr36 GK Forrás 1999 Lr3+, Sr36 GK Öthalom 1985 Yr? GK Tenger 1999 Sr36 GK Zombor 1985 Sr31,Yr9+ GK Jászság 1999 Sr36 GK Bence 1987 Pm8, Sr36, Sr31 GK Bagoly 2000 Sr36 GK István 1987 Sr5 GK Szálka 2000 Lr? GK Örzse 1988 Pm2+5 GK Sas 2000 Sr36, Sr31 GK Barna 1990 Sr5, Yr? GK Jutka 2001 Sr36 GK Csûrös 1991 Sr31, Yr9 GK Tündér 2001 Sr36 GK Õrség 1991 Yr2?,+ GK Ati 2001 Sr36 GK Kata 1991 YrTP? GK Csongrád 2001 Sr36 GK Góbé 1992 Lr?, Sr36, Yr? GK Héja 2001 Sr36 GK Délibáb 1992 Sr5 GK Holló 2001 Sr36 GK Zugoly 1993 Lr?, Sr36 GK Margit 2001 Sr36 GK Pinka 1994 Lr3a+ GK Cinege 2002 Sr36 GK Répce 1995 Lr1+Lr3a GK Csaba Fj. Yr2,3?, TP? GK Marcal 1995 Lr? GK Gereben Fj. YrTP? GK Csörnöc 1995 Sr31, Yr9 GK Kovász Fj. Yr? GK Malmos 1996 Lr3 GK Táltos Fj. Lr3a+Lr26 GK Kende 1996 Lr3+Lr3a GK Szemes Fj. Pm8 GK Szindbád 1996 Lr?,Sr36,YrTP GK Tiborc Fj. Pm8 GK Kalász 1996 Lr13+, Sr36, Yr? GK Mini Manó Fj. Pm5+6, Sr36 GK Élet 1996 Sr5, Yr? GK Bokros Fj. Sr36, Sr31 GK Véka 1996 Yr9+, Sr31 GK Boglár Fj Sr36 6. Studying the resistance of winter wheat cultivars to Drechslera tritici-repentis under artificially infected conditions in the field The rapid spread of pathogens causing leaf spots and the resultant extensive damage to the crop can mostly be expected when winter wheat was the previous crop or it is grown in monoculture. These conditions were simulated in our experiments involving artificial infection. The results of 17 cultivars over a period of 5 years are shown in this present study, but the third year candidates were also checked for their resistance to this group of disease every year. Completely symptom free genotypes were not found in our study. Based on the five years of monitoring, the GK Selyemdur and GK Héja were found to be the most resistant, whereas the GK Verecke and GK Marcal the most susceptible to pathogens causing leaf spots. The results were confirmed by our experiences gained in Germany and the Czech Republic. Substantial reduction in yield was found in 2001 and 2005 in particular, which highlights the fact that wheat previous crop and monoculture should be avoided. If there is no other choice careful tillage and the thorough under-ploughing of the stem residues are essential. Stem residues left on the ground help the pathogens causing leaf spots to survive, which, in turn, might necessitate double control of leaf necrotrophic pathogens in the case of a susceptible cultivar and favourable microclimate.

9 Based on the data obtained in 2005 Septoria tritici was found just as problematic and in some places even more destructive than Drechslera tritici-repentis. The average rate of yield reduction over the five-year period under investigation varied between 8% and 27% but in 2005 it was as high as 40%, which amounts to a substantial loss. However, in addition to the presence of pathogens causing leaf spots the severity of infection caused by leaf rust and powdery mildew also has a significant influence on the extent of yield reduction. In the case of susceptible cultivars with minimum biotrophic infection leaf spots caused 15-25% yield reduction if the cultivar was susceptible. As a result, early appearance and rapid spread of symptoms under favourable weather conditions necessitates protection. 7. The application of the methods and results in the breeding of commercial cultivars The pathogen resistance to different lines involved in yield comparative experiments has been monitored since 1990. It is of crucial importance to analyse the genetic background of lines belonging to the category of 0 and 10 ACI value in order to find suitable genetic resources, which are expected to give rise to new lines with favourable resistance characteristics. Unfortunately yellow rust is the least known fungus in this respect. Although we have gathered information for leaf spots for several years, in order to judge realistically the role of genetic background and the role of environmental factors in the resistance expression of the lines, we think that at least a minimum of 8-10 years period required when natural infection regimes are used. The most successful programme proved to be the one involving GK Kincsõ in the plant breeding process. The GK Kincsõ showing considerable resistance not only to stem rust but also to yellow rust and powdery mildew contributed significantly to enhancing the resistance of our cultivars to pathogens. A total of 27 cultivars have been registered in the breeding programme. NEW SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 1.) We provided evidence to support the hypothesis of Dr Zoltán Barabás that the gene Sr36 provides effective protection against the stem rust population in Hungary. The GK Mini Manó, which carries the Sr36 resistance gene, passed its resistance to stem rust to its offspring effectively and improved their thousand kernel mass significantly under infected conditions. These results also contributed to the fact that the Sr36 stem rust resistance gene has been incorporated into the Szeged cultivars. 2.) We demonstrated the effectiveness of two powerful stem rust resistance genes in reducing the severity of stem rust infection. No significant yield reduction was found in cultivars carrying the Sr36 genes. However, when infection pressure in a stem rust nursery is very high, even no symptom develops, but a significant yield loss can be the result as the case of GK Kincsõ shows. Also, we have proved that the gene Sr31 substantially reduced the severity of stem rust infection. The yield loss in these cultivars was found to be slightly greater than in those carrying the Sr36 gene, but the results did not deviate significantly. 3.) Based on our virulence assessments genes Lr9, Lr19, Lr24, Lr25, Lr29, Lr35, Lr38K provided the adult plants with effective protection against leaf rust, genes Sr36, Sr27, Sr31 proved to be effective against stem rust, whilst the lines carrying the Pm17, Pm6 and Pm5+6 gene combination suffered less severe powdery mildew infection. 4.) We adopted the phenotyping system required for molecular work. In order to verify the presence of genes Lr1, Lr2a, Lr9, Lr19, Lr20, Lr24, Lr25, Lr28, Lr29, Lr52(LrW) in the splitting generations we produced specific isolates. We demonstrated the high heterogeneity

10 of the leaf rust population with the help of 42 near isogenic lines carrying the Thatcher based leaf rust resistance genes. 5.) We showed that of the leaf necrotrophic pathogens found in Hungary the frequency of occurrence of Drechslera species and the Septoria tritici is approximately the same. They are followed by Stagnospora nodorum. The occurrence of Bipolaris sorokiniana is sporadic. It is typical that at the beginning of the growing season the occurrence of Septoria tritici, while at the end of it the Drechslera species and Stagnospora nodorum were found to be the highest. Septoria tritici also occurred at high frequency at the end of the growing season in years with favourable conditions. We found substantial differences from year to year and according to sites. 6.) We demonstrated the occurrence of Pyrenophora teres in winter wheat in Hungary. 7.) We determined the resistance of 17 Szeged winter wheat cultivars to the most important pathogens causing leaf spots in a series of experiments. We showed that the leaf spots can cause as high as 25% yield loss in years with favourable conditions. 8.) In the course of more than 20 years of plant breeding work I was involved in the production of 44 winter wheat cultivars, as the main breeder in 6 cultivars and as a co-breeder in 38.

11 Table 3. List of wheat cultivars bred under my supervision and with my co-operation Name of cultivar Combination Cultivars produced under my supervision Application year Registration year Breeder s ration (%) Identification number GK Garaboly D12 / GK Mini Manó 1994 1998 25 215.479 GK Dávid GK Mini Manó / GK István 1994 1998 25 215.478 GK Szálka GK Garaboly / Mv119.88 1997 2000 30 GK Margit CK 983 / GK Gereben // GK Mini Manó / GK Réka 1998 2001 25 GK Jutka CK 983 / GK Gereben // GK Mini Manó / GK Réka 1998 2001 25 GK Hargita GK Dávid / GK Kalász 2001 2003 30 Cultivars produced with my co-operation GK Csongor GT 76.150 / Predgornaja 2 1977 1980 5 GK Kincsõ Arthur 71 / Sava 1981 1983 5 192.412 GK Pannondur KGST rek. Szel 1983 1985 4 GK Zombor Kavkaz / Produttore // Sava 1983 1985 4 GK István Kremena / Aurora 1984 1987 5 202.039 GK Örzse Sava / Maris Huntsman 1985 1988 6 202.040 GK Szõke Tobari 66-8156R / Bezosztaja 1 1985 1987 6 GK Bence Artur / Sava // Libellula 1985 1987 6 GK Barna D1 / Sava // Aquileja 1986 1990 7 202.356 GK Csûrös Arthur 71 / Tiszatáj*2 1987 1991 7 204.648 GK Góbé GK Mini Manó / GK Kincsõ 1989 1992 7 204.564 GK Olt GK Lilla / Mv 8 1989 1992 7 213.225 GK Délibáb HD 773 GK Mini Manó // Jubilejnaja 50 / Sadovo S / 1990 1992 5 209.040 GK Mini Manó / Mv 12 GK Csörnöc F 3 pop. 6077 line 1990 1995 20 GK Zugoly GK Kincsõ / GK István 1991 1993 5 210.222 GK Kalász GK Mini Manó / GK Kincsõ // Lovrin 24 / GK 1993 1996 3 214.541 Korány GK Élet GK Öthalom // GK Ságvári / Bounty // Mv4 / 1993 1996 8 214.538 Baranjka GK Véka Lovrin24 / GK Mini Manó // GK Mini Manó / 1993 1996 3 215.022 GK Kincsõ GK Tavasz Selected from bulk population. 1995 1998 20 GK Verecke Bezosztaja 1 / GK Pusztaszer 1996 1999 5 221.325 GK Tenger GK Kincsõ*2 / Mv4 1996 1999 3 221.324 GK Forrás GK Kincsõ / Mv4 1996 1999 3 221.326 GK Bagoly Mv 16 / Zágrábi 241 1997 2000 5 223.671 GK Sas Mv 16 / Zágrábi 241 1997 2000 5 GK Szivárvány Zágrábi241 / GK Öthalom // Mv17 / GK Öthalom 1997 2000 10 GK Csongrád GK Kincsõ*2 / GK Mini Manó // GK Kincsõ / 1998 2001 8 GK István GK Héja Mv16 / GK Zugoly 1998 2001 5 GK Holló Mv16 / GK Zugoly 612 1998 2001 5 GK Tündér GK Zugoly / 85.50 DH változata 1998 2001 9 GK Attila Mv4*2 // Jakometti / Rana 2 // Grana / D1 /3/ 1998 2001 5 223.567 GK Mini Manó GK Hattyú GK Góbé // GK Öthalom / GK Mini Manó 1999 2002 5 GK Cinege GK Zugoly / GK Élet 1999 2002 5 GK Smaragd GK István*2 / GK Góbé 1999 2002 5 GK Rubin Mv4*2 // Jakometti / Rana 2 // Grana / D1 /3/ 1999 2002 5 GK Mini Manó GK Békés GK Garaboly / GK Kalász 2002 2005 10 GK Hunyad GK Mura / GK Kende 2002 2005 5 GK Csillag GK Véka / GK Kalász 2002 2005 5 GK Selyemdur GK Novodur / GK Coopdur 1999 2001 5

- 12 - Figure 1. The application of GK Kincső in the wheat breeding programme in Szeged

- 13 - LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Scientific papers: 1. Csősz, L-né (1991): Expression of inheritance of 1000 kernel weight with and without stem rust infection. (Abstr.) In: M. Vánová, J. Benada, L. Tvaruzek and R. Frecer [eds.], Conference on genetics of disease resistance in cereals. November 12-14, 1991. Kromeriz, Czechoslovakia, p. 41-43. 2. Csősz, L-né, Kertész, Z., Barabás, Z. (1986): Az ezerszemtömeg öröklődésének tanulmányozása betegségmentes és szárrozsdával fertőzött körülmények között búzában. Országos Kalászosgabona-termesztési Tanácskozás I. kötet 294-302. 3. Csősz, L-né, Matuz, J., Mesterházy, Á., Kertész, Z., Pauk, J., Cseuz, L., Purnhauser, L., Papp, M., Beke, B. (2002): Az őszi búza levélbetegségeivel szembeni ellenállóság javítása. "Innováció, a tudomány és a gyakorlat egysége az ezredforduló agráriumában" Debrecen, 2002. április 11-12., p. 307-310. 4. Csősz, L-né, Mesterházy, Á. (1992): A búzalisztharmattal szembeni rezisztencianemesítés gyakorlati eredményei. Növényvédelem, 28. évf. 5-6. sz. p. 218-221. 5. Csősz, L-né, Tyihák, E., Manninger, S.-né (1999): Első tapasztalatok a Bionnal mint szintetikus növényaktivátorral. Növényvédelem, 35(7): 327-334. 6. Csősz, M. (1993): "Twin plot" field experiments for investigation of resistance to stem rust. Annual Wheat Newsletter, Vol.39. p. 157-158. 7. Csősz, M. (2001): Breeding for complex resistance to leaf diseases in wheat. Beitrage zur Züchtungsforschung, Proceedings of the 8 th Aschersleben Symposium New Aspects of Resistance Research on Cultivated Plants, November 16-17, 2000 Aschersleben, Germany, p. 32-37. 8. Csősz, M. (2001): Incidence of saprophytic and necrotrophic pathogens on wheat in Hungary in 2000. Sustainabla Systems of Cereal Crop Protection against Fungal Diseases as the Way of Reduction of Toxin Occurrence in Food Webs Conference, Kromeriz, Czeh, p.46. (Abstr.), and Proceedings p. 30-34. 9. Csősz, M. (2005): Occurence of necrotrophic leaf pathogens in wheat and their relation to symptom development in Hungary (2000-2002). Acta Agrobotanica, 58(1): 11-16. 10. Csősz, M., Bartos, P., Mesterházy, Á. (2001): Identification of stem rust resistance gene Sr36 in the wheat cultivar GK Kincső and in its derivatives. Cereal Res. Comm. 29: 267-273. 11. Csősz, M., Kertész, Z., Matuz, J., Barabás, Z. (1995): Manifestation of inheritance of 1000 kernel mass under artificial stem rust inoculated and disease free conditions in wheat. Cereal Res. Com. 23(1-2): 133-140. 12. Csősz, M., Kopahnke, D., Nagyhaska, E., Pusztai, I., Mesterházy, Á. (2003): Resistance of winter wheat cultivars against necrotrophic leaf pathogens (2001-2003 Szeged, Hungary and 2003 Aschersleben, Germany). 3rd International Plant Protection Symposium at Debrecen University, 15-16 October, 2003 Debrecen, Hungary, Proceedings, 166-170. 13. Csősz, M., Matuz, J., Mesterházy, Á. (1995): Epidemiologisches Verhalten des Weizen- Schwarzrostes - Beobachtungen auf der Basis der Center-Pivot-Methode. 46.Arbeitstagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Saatzuchtleiter, Gumpenstein, 1995. November 21-23., 101-109. 14. Csősz, M., Matuz, J., Mesterházy, Á. (1999): Evaluation of stem rust tolerance in wheat. Cereal Res. Comm. 27: 123-130.

14 15. Csősz, M., Matuz, J., Pusztai, I., Barabás, Z. (1992): A Bayleton 25WP csökkentett dózisainak hatása lisztharmat fogékony és rezisztens őszi búzafajták fertőzöttségére és termésére. Növénytermelés, 41(6): 485-495. 16. Csősz, M., Mesterházy, Á. (1992): Comparison of the inheritance expression of wheat with and without stem rust infection measured by yield and 1000 grain mass. Vortr. Pflanzenzüchtg. 24: 292-294. 17. Csősz, M., Mesterházy, Á., Papp, M. (1993): Prospects and retrospects in resistance breeding of wheat. Hungarian Agricultural Research, 2(1): 41-46. 18. Csősz, M., Mesterházy, Á., Szunics, L., Vida, Gy., Manninger, K. (2000): Leaf rust reactions of the wheat Lr near-isogenic lines in adult stage in Hungary, 1995-1999. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 35(1-4): 177-185. 19. Barabás, Z., Bócsa, E., Csősz, M. (1981): Die Probleme der Züchtung auf die nicht rassen-spezifische Resistenz im Winterweizen. "Bericht Arbeitstagung-Gumpenstein, Band 32, 1981., 163-171. 20. Barabás, Z., Csősz, M. (1982): Stress tolerance of winter wheats. Ann. Wheat Newsl., 28: 61-62. 21. Barabás, Z.,. Beke, B., Csősz, M., Gracza, K., Kertész, Z., Matuz, J., Medovarszky, Z., Mesterházy, Á., Sallai, Á. (1984): New winter wheat cultivars. Ann. Wheat Newsl., 30: 63-65. 22. Kertész, Z., Matuz, J., Bóna, L., Beke, B., Pauk, J., Csosz, M., Cseuz, L., Mesterhazy, A., Petróczy, I., Purnhauser, L., Kertész, Cs., Falusi, J., Nagy-Kutni, R. (1997): Bread wheat growing conditions and cultivar release. New bread wheat cultivars. Ann. Wheat Newsl. 43: 111-112. 23. Kertesz, Z., Matuz, J., Pauk, J., Beke, B., Csosz, M., Bona, L., Mesterhazy, A. (1993): New bread and durum wheat cultivars released. Ann. Wheat Newsl., 39: 153-154. 24. Manninger, K., Csősz, M., Falusi, J., Mesterházy, Á. (1998): Postulation of Resistance Genes to Wheat Stem Rust in Winter Wheat Genotypes from Szeged. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 33(1-2): 37-42. 25. Manninger, K., Király, Z., Barabás, Z., Csősz, M. (1988): Testing wheat seedlings for adult resistance to rust disease. Tag.-Ber., Akad.Landwirtsch.-Wiss. DDR, Berlin 271, S. 231-234. 26. Matuz, J., Bona, L., Paradi, L., Kertesz, Z., Beke, B., Csosz, M., Schulcz, M., Barabás, Z., Szebelledy, T., Purnhauser, L., Vincze, TI., Pauk, J., Mesterhazy, A., Nyitrai, A., Papp, M., Erdei, G. (1986): Untitled communication. Ann. Wheat Newsletter 32: 71-72. 27. Matuz, J., Kertész, Z., Beke, B., Mesterházy, Á., Pauk, J., Purnhauser, L., Petróczi, I., Csősz, M., Papp, M., Bóna, L., Cseuz, L., Kertész, Cs., Sági, F., Bartók, T. (1997): Wheat research at the Cereal Research Institute, Szeged. Hungarian Agricultural Research, 6(3): 8-10. 28. Matuz, J., Kertész, Z., Bona, L., Beke, B., Pauk, J., Csősz, M., Cseuz, L., Mesterházy, Á., Petróczi, I., Purnhauser, L., Papp, M., Kertész, Cs., Bartók, T., Falusi, J. (1998): Items from Hungary: the Cereal Res. Non-Profit Co., An Electric Publ. Ann. Wheat Newsl. 44. 29. Mesterházy, Á., Bartos, P., Goyeau, H., Niks, R., Csősz, M., Andersen, O., Casulli, F., Ittu, M., Jones, E., Manisterski, J., Manninger, K., Pasquini, M., Rubiales, D., Schachermayr, G., Strzembicka, A., Szunics, L., Todorova, M., Unger, O., Vanco, B., Vida, Gy., Walther, U. (2000): European virulence survey for leaf rust in wheat. Agronomie, 20(7): 793-804.

15 30. Mesterházy, Á., Csősz, L., Manninger, K., Barabás, Z. (1991): Vertical resistance or tolerance, a methodical challange? Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 26(3-4): 271-279. 31. Mesterházy, Á., Csősz, M., Nyitrai, Á., Papp, M. (1990): Wheat pathology. Ann. Wheat Newsl., 36: 75. 32. Pauk, J., Kertész, Z., Beke, B., Bóna, L., Csősz, M., Matuz, J. (1995): New winter wheat variety: GK Délibáb developed via combining conventional breeding and in vitro androgenesis. Cereal Res. Com. 23: 251-256. 33. Purnhauser, L., Gyulai, G., Csősz, M., Heszky, L., Mesterházy, Á. (2000): Identification of leaf rust resistance genes in common wheat by molecular markers. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 35(1-4): 31-36. 34. Purnhauser, L., Gyulai, G., Tar, M., Csősz, M., Mesterházy, A., Heszky, L. (2000): Use of Molecular Markers in Wheat Breeding for Disease Resistance. In: Hrazdina G. (ed.): Use of Agriculturally Important Genes in Biotechnology, 52-57. IOS Press (NATO Science Series) Amsterdam, Berlin, Oxford, Tokyo, Washington, D.C. 35. Winzeler, M., Mesterházy, Á., Park, R.F., Bartos, P., Csősz, M., Goyeau, H., Ittu, M., Jones, E., Löschengerger, F., Manninger, K., Pasquini, M., Richter, K., Rubiales, D., Schachermayr, G., Strembicka, A., Trottet, M., Unger, O., Vida, G., Walther, U. (2000): Resistance of European winter wheat germplasm to leaf rust results of a European ring tests. Agronomie, 20(7): 783-792. Parts of books: 36. Csősz, M., Barabás, Z. (1985): A búza rassz-specifikus és nem rassz-specifikus rezisztenciájának az összevetése. in: Bajai J. - Koltai Á.: Búzatermesztési kísérletek 1970-1980. p. 610-619. 37. Csősz, M., Cseuz,. L., Kertész, Z., Pauk, J. (1994): The effects of biotic environmental factors on the yield of different winter wheat (T. aestivum L.) genotypes. In: Plant production on the threshold of a new century, ed.: P.C. Struik, W.J. Vredenberg, J.A. Renkema, J.E. Parlevliet, p. 481-483. 38. Kertész, Z., Matuz, J., Pauk, J., Mesterházy, Á., Papp, M., Cseuz, L., Kertész, C., Csősz, M. (1998): Traditional and novel wheat breeding methods used in Hungary. H.-J. Braun et al. (Eds.), Wheat: Prospects for Global Improvement, 37-45. Kluwer Academic Publishers., Netherlands. 39. Mesterházy, Á., Csősz, M. (1996): Breeding wheat for resistance against powdery mildew in Szeged. Eds.: E. Limpert - M.R. Finckh - M.S. Wolfe: Integrated control of cereal mildew and rusts: Towards coordination of research across Europe, COST 817, Nov. 5-10. 1994. Zürich/Kappel am Albis, p. 149-152. Abstracts 40. Csősz, L-né (1986): Szárrozsda rezisztencia vizsgálata diallél keresztezésben. (Abstr.) Növényvédelem, 20(9): 401. 41. Csősz, L-né (2000): Búza levélbetegségek járványtani jelentősége szegedi szemmel.46. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok, Budapest, február 22-23., p. 90. 42. Csősz, L-né (2001): A szaprofita gombák és nekrotróf kórokozók előfordulása Magyarországon 2000-ben. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok 2001. február 27-28., Budapest, p. 81. 43. Csősz, L-né (2002): Az őszi búza szaprofita gombáinak és nekrotróf kórokozóinak előfordulása Magyarországon 2000 és 2001-ben. 48. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 2002. március 6-7., p. 69.

16 44. Csősz, L-né (2005): Őszi búza fajták biotróf és nekrotróf kórokozókkal szembeni ellenállósága és termésreakciója (Szeged, 2001-2004). Tavaszi Szél 2005. május 5-8., Debrecen, p. 439. 45. Csősz, L-né (2006): A nekrotróf kórokozók előfordulásának változása őszi búzán Magyarországon 2005-ben. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok 2006, Budapest, p. 67. 46. Csősz, L-né, Barabás, Z., Manninger, S-né, Mesterházy, Á. (1994): A rozsdagombákkal szembeni ellenállóság genetikai háttere és felhasználásának gyakorlati eredményei az őszi búza nemesítésében. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok '93 Budapest, 1994. január 11-12. p. 93. 47. Csősz, L-né, Barabás, Z., Mesterházy, Á. (1998): Hatékony rezisztencia gének felkutatása és felhasználása az őszi búzafajták ellenálló képességének javításában. 44. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 1998. február 24-25., p. 90. 48. Csősz, L-né, Bartos, P., Mesterházy, Á. (1999): A GK Kincső őszi búzafajta és rokonsági körében lévő szárrozsda rezisztenciagének azonosítása. IV. Magyar genetikai kongresszus, Siófok, április 11-14., p. 173. 49. Csősz, L-né, Cseuz, L., Ács, P-né, Mesterhazy, Á. (1999): Levélrozsda rezisztencia géneket hordozó közel izogén búza vonalak agronómiai jellemzői és szedimentációs (SDS) értéke. V. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, 1999. március 9., Budapest, p. 61. 50. Csősz, L-né, Kertész, Z. (1991): A szárrozsda fertőzés hatása őszi búzák biológiai termésére. (Abstr.) "A biotikus és abiotikus stresszrezisztencia genetikai kontrollja" c. konferencia, Budapest, 1991. nov. 27. p. 11. 51. Csősz, L-né, Kopahnke, D., Nagyhaska, E., Pusztai, L.-né, Mesterházy, Á. (2004): Őszi búza fajták biotróf és nekrotróf kórokozókkal szembeni ellenállósága és termésreakciója (Szeged 2001-2003, Aschersleben 2003). X. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok Budapest, 2004. február 18-19., p. 39. 52. Csősz, L-né, Kopahnke, D., Nagyhaska, E., Pusztai, L.-né, Mesterházy, Á. (2004): Őszi búza fajták biotróf és nekrotróf kórokozókkal szembeni ellenállósága és termésreakciója (Szeged 2001-2003, Aschersleben 2003). X. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 2004 február 18-19. p. 39. 53. Csősz, L-né, Láda-Nagyhaska, E., Cseuz, L. (2006): Őszi búza genotípusok fertőzöttségének mértéke (biotróf és nekrotróf kórokozók) és termésreakciója Szegeden 2005-ben. XVI. Keszthelyi Növényvédelmi Fórum 2006. január 26-27., p. 27. 54. Csősz, L-né, Láda-Nagyhaska, E., Kertész, Z., Cseuz, L. (2006): Őszi búza fajták biotróf és nekrotróf kórokozókkal szembeni ellenállósága és termésreakciója Szegeden 2001-2005-ben. XII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 2006. március 7-8., p. 54 55. Csősz, L-né, Manninger, S-né (1990): A lisztharmat és szárrozsda rezisztencia változása a szegedi búza tenyészanyagban. (Abstr.) Kórtani és rezisztencia problémák búzában és kukoricában, Tudományos Konferencia, Szeged, 1990. december 6. p. 7. 56. Csősz, L-né, Manninger, S-né (1991): A lisztharmattal és a szárrozsdával szembeni rezisztencia változása Szegeden 1986-1990 között. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 1991. február 26-27. p. 74. 57. Csősz, L-né, Manninger, S-né, Johnson, R., Mesterházy, Á. (1996): Őszi búzafajták rozsdagombákkal szembeni ellenállósága felnőttkorban. Növénynemesítési tudományos napok 95., 1996. január 22-23., Budapest, p. 73.

17 58. Csősz, L-né, Manninger, S-né, Johnson, R., Mesterházy, Á. (1996): Rozsdagombákkal szembeni rezisztencia őszi búzában. 42. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok 1996. Budapest, p. 104. 59. Csősz, L-né, Manninger, S-né, Kátay, Gy., Tyihák, E. (2000): A Bion 50 WG kezelés hatása őszi búza genotípusok lisztharmat, levélrozsda és Septoria tritici fertőzöttségének mértékére és a termés mennyiségére. 46. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok, Budapest, február 22-23., p. 91. 60. Csősz, L-né, Matuz, J., Kertész, Z., Falusi, J., Pusztai, L-né (1999): Nagy nedvessikér tartalmú őszi búzafajták nemesítése. V. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, 1999. március 9., Budapest, p. 62. 61. Csősz, L-né, Matuz, J., Kertész, Z., Nagyhaska, E., Beke, B., Cseuz, L., Falusi, J., Mesterházy, Á., Papp, M., Ács, P-né (2005): GK Hargita a korai éréscsoport új, bőtermő, malmi minőségű őszi búza fajtája. XI. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, 2005. március 3-4. Budapest, p. 151. 62. Csősz, L-né, Matuz, J., Mesterházy, Á., Barabás, Z. (1993): Őszi búzafajták rasszspecifikus és nem rassz-specifikus reakciójának vizsgálata a "módosított Center Pivot" kísérletben. 39. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 1993. február 23-24. p. 88. 63. Csősz, L-né, Mesterházy, Á. (1994): A lisztharmat, levél- és szárrozsda izogén búza vonalak szántóföldi reakciója és a fajták betegségekkel szembeni ellenállósága. A Magyar Genetikusok Egyesülete III. konferenciája, Debrecen, 1994. p. 126. 64. Csősz, L-né, Mesterházy, Á. (1999): Lisztharmattal és szárrozsdával szemben eltérő ellenállósággal rendelkező őszi búza genotípusok járványtani viselkedése. 4. Tiszántúli Növényvédelmi Fórum, Debrecen, november 3-4. p. 52. 65. Csősz, L-né, Mesterházy, Á., Falusi, J. (1998): Szegedi őszi búzafajták ellenálló képessége a legfontosabb betegségekkel szemben. IV. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 1998. január 28-29., p. 35. 66. Csősz, L-né, Mesterházy, Á., Szunics, L., Vida, Gy., Purnhauser, L., Manninger, S-né (2001): A búza levélrozsda közel izogén vonalak szántóföldi fertőzöttsége Magyarországon, 1995-2000. VII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok 2001. január 23-24., Budapest, p. 81. 67. Csősz, L-né, Nagyhaska, E., Pusztai, L.-né, Kopahnke, D., Mesterházy, Á. (2003): Őszi búza fajták nekrotróf és biotróf kórokozókkal szembeni ellenállósága és termésreakciója Szegeden, 2002-ben. 49. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok, Budapest, február 25-26., p. 90. 68. Csősz, L-né, Nagyhaska, E., Pusztai, L-né (2004): A nekrotróf kórokozók előfordulásának változása és a fajták természetes fertőződésének értékelése őszi búzán. 50. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok Budapest, 2004. február 24-25., p. 142. 69. Csősz, L-né, Nagyhaska, E., Pusztai, L-né (2004): A nekrotróf kórokozók előfordulásának változása és a fajták természetes fertőződésének értékelése őszi búzán. 50. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok Budapest, 2004. február 24-25., p. 142. 70. Csősz, L-né, Nagyhaska, E., Pusztai, L-né (2005): A nekrotróf kórokozók előfordulásának változása 2000-2004-ben Magyarországon, és a fajták természetes fertőződésének értékelése őszi búzában. XI. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, 2005. március 3-4. Budapest, p. 150.

18 71. Csősz, L-né, Purnhauser, L., Ács, P-né, Falusi, J. (2005): Rezisztencia gének hatása a búza minőségére levélrozsda közel izogén vonalakban. XI. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, 2005. március 3-4. Budapest, p. 149. 72. Csősz, M. (1994): Possible genetic background of stem rust resistance in winter wheats from Szeged. Cereals-pathogens and stress factors interaction, First International Seminar, September 13-15, 1994. Poznan., p. 76. 73. Csősz, M. (2002): Symptom development and evaluation of resistance at necrotrofic leaf disease in wheat. 6 th Conference of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology, Prague, Czech Republic, 8-14. September, 2002., p. 99. 74. Csősz, M. (2003): Identification of necrotrophic leaf pathogens in wheat and their relation to symptom development, in Hungary (2000-2002). Eds.: Agricultural Research Institute Kromeriz, Ltd.: A complex of leaf spot diseases of cereals and their effective control, Book of abstracts. 75. Csősz, M., Barabás, Z. (1987): Rezisztenciaviszonyok hatása az őszibúza (Triticum aestivum L.) ezerszemtömegének öröklődésére. Magyar Genetikusok I. Országos Konferenciája, április 27-28., p. 95. 76. Csősz, M., Barabás, Z., Mesterházy, Á. (1997): Genes effective against powdery mildew and leaf rust in Hungary, Szeged. Protection of Cereal Crops against Harmful Organisms, 1-4 July, Kromeríz, Czech Republic, Abstr. 77. Csősz, M., Bartos, P., Mesterházy, Á. (1997): Identification of stem rust resistance in cultivar Kincső (Preliminary results). Approaches to improving diesase resistance to meet future needs: Airborne pathogens of wheat and barley. 11-13 November 1997, Praha, Czech Republic, Abstr. 78. Csősz, M., Bartos, P., Mesterházy, Á., Purnhauser, L., Gyulai, G. (1999): Postulated resistance genes of several Hungarian wheat cultivars to leaf rust in seedling stage. Disease Resistance and Cereal Leaf Pathogens Beyond the Year 2000. COST 817 Workshop 9-14 November 1999. p. 31. 79. Csősz, M., Matuz, J., Kertész, Z., Mesterházy, Á., Barabás, Z. (1998): Breeding for resistance against leaf diseases in winter wheat. 7 th ICPP98, Edinburgh, Scotland 9-16 August, 1998. p. 3.4.41. 80. Csősz, M., Matuz, J., Mesterházy, Á. (1996): Tolerance reaction of wheat genotypes against stem rust and powdery mildew. Proc. of the 9 th European and Mediterranean Cereal Rusts & Powdery Mildew Conference 2-6 September 1996. Lunteren, The Netherlands. p. 254. 81. Csősz, M., Matuz, J., Mesterházy, Á., Barabás, Z. (1992): Field testing methods of the durable resistance of wheat to stem rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici). Symposium on durability of disease resistance, February 24-28. 1992. IAC, Wageningen, p. 42. 82. Csősz, M., Mesterházy, Á. (1995): A búza lisztharmat rezisztenciára való nemesítés eredményei és perspektívái Szegeden. Tiszántúli Mezőgazdasági Tudományos Napok., Hódmezővásárhely, 1995. április 21-22., p. 317-318. 83. Csősz, M., Mesterházy, Á. (1999): Partial resistance of wheat to powdery mildew, a mean to provide more powerful ways to control of disease. XIVth International Plant Protection Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, July 25-30, 1999., p. 34. 84. Csősz, M., Mesterházy, Á. (2000): Expression of resistance in wheat genotypes with specific resistance genes. 6t h International Wheat Conference, 5-9 June 2000. Budapest, Hungary, p. 177. 85. Csősz, M., Mesterházy, Á. (2000): Resistance expression of wheat genotypes against stem rust, leaf rust and powdery mildew, 1992-1998. Durable Disease Resistance Symposium, Ede-Wageningen, The Netherlands, November 28-December 1., p. 32.

19 86. Csősz, M., Mesterházy, Á. Matuz, J., Barabás, Z. (1996): Stem rust epidemiology studies with the center-pivot method. Proc. of the 9 th European and Mediterranean Cereal Rusts & Powdery Mildew Conference 2-6 September 1996. Lunteren, The Netherlands. p. 305. 87. Csősz, M., Mesterházy, Á., Matuz, J., Barabás, Z. (1995): Epidemic behaviour of wheat genotypes against leaf diseases (powdery mildew, stem and leaf rust) following artificial inoculation by stem rust. COST Meeting, Paris-Grignon, 30 March - 1 April. 88. Csősz, M., Šárová, J., Hanzalová, A., Čejka, L. (2005): Őszi búza fajták levélfoltossággal szembeni ellenállósága Magyarországon és Csehországban. XLVII. Georgikon Napok, Keszthely, 2005. szeptember 29-30. CD: ISBN 963 9639 03 6. 89. Cseuz, L., Csősz, M., Falusi, J., Bóna, L. (1995): Génmegőrzési tevékenység a Gabonatermesztési Kutatóintézet Búza Igazgatóságán. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok 94, Budapest, 1995. január 16-17. p. 71. 90. Cseuz, L., Matuz, J., Kertész, Z., Beke, B., Berki, L., Csősz, L-né, Fónad, P., Kovács, I- né, Papp, M., Purnhauser, L. (2006): GK Hunyad: új, szárazságtűrő, kiváló minőségű és nagy termőképességű szegedi búzafajta. XII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 2006. március 7-8., p. 82. 91. Gyulai, G., Purnhauser, L., Hornok, K., Bottka, S., Marticsek, J., Törjék, O., Mesterházy, Á., Cséplő, M., Csősz, L., Tar, M., Heszky, L. (1999): A búza levélrozsda rezisztencia molekuláris markerezése. IV. Magyar genetikai kongresszus, Siófok, április 11-14., p. 148. 92. Hornok, K., Gyulai, G., Purnhauser, L., Marticsek, J., Tar, M., Bottka, S., Cséplő, M., Csősz, L., Mesterházy, Á., Heszky, L. (1999): Marker selection in wheat leaf rust resistant NILs by RAPD, SSR, and ISSR-PCR. 9 th European congress on biotechnology, Brussels, Belgium 11-15 July, 1999. ECB9/2243. 93. Johnson, R. Manninger, K., Csősz, M., Mesterházy, Á. (1996): Vulnerability of yellow rust resistance in Hungarian wheats. Proc. of the 9 th European and Mediterranean Cereal Rusts & Powdery Mildew Conference 2-6 September 1996. Lunteren, The Netherlands. p. 307-308. 94. Kadlicskó, S., Fischl, G., Hoffmann, S., Csősz, L-né (2002): Őszi búzafajták rozsdabetegségei Keszthelyen 2001-ben. XII. Keszthelyi Növényvédelmi Fórum 2002. Keszthely, január 30-február 1. p. 20. 95. Kertész, Z., Mesterházy, Á., Pauk, J., Csősz, L-né, Matuz, J. (1993): Komplex rezisztenciával rendelkező búza fajtajelöltek születése és értékelése. III. Keszthelyi Növényvédelmi Fórum, 1993. január 27-29., p. 23. 96. Kertész, Z., Pauk, J., Csősz, M., Matuz, J. (1995): Néhány hagyományos és új elárás a búzanemesítésben.tiszántúli Mezőgazdasági Tudományos Napok, Hódmezővásárhely, 1995. április 21-22., p. 155-156. 97. Manninger, K., Csősz, M. (1997): Increase of resistance of wheat plants by pre-treatment with N-methylated substances. Stress of life, 1-5 July 1997. Budapest, Hungary, p. 42. 98. Manninger, K., Csősz, M., Mesterházy, Á. (1999): Role of resistance genes in protection of wheat against Hungarian wheat rusts. XIVth International Plant Protection Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, July 25-30, 1999., p.38. 99. Manninger, S-né, Csősz, L-né (1996): A búza levélrozsda előfordulása és virulenciájának változása 1994-1995 években. 42. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok 1996. Budapest, p. 120. 100. Manninger, S-né, Csősz, L-né, Johnson, R., Mesterházy, Á. (1994): Adatok a hazai búzafajták sárgarozsda (Puccinia striiformis) rezisztenciájáról. 40. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok Budapest, 1994. február 22-23. p. 116.

20 101. Manninger, S-né, Csősz, L-né, Mesterházy, Á. (1999): Hazai búzarozsdákkal szembeni védekezési lehetőség búzarozsda rezisztencia génekkel. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok 1999. Budapest, p. 113. 102. Mester, Z., Gyulai, G., Purnhauser, L., Tar, M., Csősz, L., Mesterházy, Á., Bottka, S., Heszky, L. (1999): Az (ACTG)4 primerspecifikus SSR-PCR fragmentum mint az Lr18 búzalevélrozsda rezisztenciagén lehetséges markere. VII.Sejt-, és Fejlődésbiológiai Napok, Budapest p. 49. 103. Mester, Z., Gyulai, I.G., Purnhauser, L., Bottka, S., Mesterházy, Á., Csősz, L., Heszky, L.E. (1998): ISSR-PCR analysis of leaf rust resistant nearly isogenic wheat lines. XV. EUCARPIA September 20-25. 1998. General Congress, Viterbo, Italy: Genetics and breeding for crop quality and resistance, p. 8. 104. Mesterházy, Á., Csősz, L-né (1993): A rozsdagombák elleni nemesítés eredményei a Gabonatermesztési Kutató Intézetben. "Hazai rozsdagomba kutatás múltja, jelene és jövője" c. tudományos ülés. 1993. június 10. Szeged, Abstr. 105. Mesterházy, Á., Csősz, M. (1994): Breeding wheat for resistance against powdery mildew in Szeged. 3rd Cereal Mildew Workshop, Cost 817, Zürich/Kappel am Albis, Nov. 5-10., 1994. p. 24. 106. Mesterházy, Á., Csősz, M. (1998): Results of the test of the near isogenic lines, 1998. COST 817: Population studies of airborne pathogens on cereals, 25-27. November 1998., Tune, Denmark, p. 28. 107. Mesterházy, Á., Csősz, M., Bartos, P., Manninger, K. (2001): Az európai levélrozsda populáció virulencia vizsgálata 1996-1999. VII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok 2001. január 23-24., Budapest, p. 55. 108. Mesterházy, Á., Csősz, M., Matuz, J., Barabás, Z. (1995): Effect of lower dosages of triadimefon on the epidemic build-up of powdery mildew in wheat. COST Meeting, Paris-Grignon, 30 March - 1 April (Abstr.). 109. Mesterházy, Á., Csősz, M., Papp, M., Kertész, Z., Matuz, J. (1994): Entwicklung des Sortenangebotes in Szeged mit strategischen Schwerpunkten auf Resistenz und Qualitat im Weizen. 45 Tagung der Öst. Pflzüchter, Gumpenstein, Austria. 110. Purnhauser, L., Gyulai, G., Tar, M., Csősz, L., Mesterházy, Á., Heszky, L. (1999): Use of molecular markers in wheat in breeding for disease resistance. In.: Use of Agriculturally Important Genes in Agricultural Biotechnology. Nato Advanced Research Workshop. Oct. 17-21., 1999. Szeged, Hungary, p. 9. 111. Purnhauser, L., Gyulai, G., Tar, M., Csősz, L-né, Mesterházy, Á., Heszky, L. (1999): Molekuláris markerek felhasználása a betegség-ellenállóságra nemesítésre búzában. 4. Tiszántúli Növényvédelmi Fórum, Debrecen, november 3-4. p. 23. 112. Purnhauser, L., Gyulai, G., Tar, M., Hornok, K., Bottka, S., Marticsek, J., Mesterházy, Á., Csősz, L-né, Cséplő, M., Heszky, L. (1999): Molekuláris markerek azonosítása a búza levélrozsda rezisztencia génekre közel izogén vonalakban. V. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, 1999. március 9., Budapest, p. 100. 113. Purnhauser, L., Matuz, J., Kertész, Z., Csősz, L-né, Mesterházy, Á., Beke, B., Bóna, L., Cseuz, L. (2006): GK Békés új javító minőségű búzafajta. XII. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 2006. március 7-8., p. 147. 114. Tar, M., Gyulai, G., Mester, Z., Hornok, K., Purnhauser, L., Vidt, A., Bottka, S., Csősz, L., Mesterházy, Á., Heszky, L. (1998): ISSR-PCR analysis of leaf rust resistant nearly isogenic wheat lines. Gottlieb Haberlandt Symposium, IAPTC-Section Austria, IAM, BOKU, Wien, 1998. October 8-9. p. 49.