24. FELADATLAP COUNTABLE, UNCOUNTABLE 1. FELADAT Sok gondot szokott okozni tanulóimnak a megszámlálhatatlan illetve megszámlálható főnevek nyelvtana. Van, aki teljesen elfogadja, megérti, aztán ott a másik csoport, aki túlbonyolítja, és értetlenkedik, na nekik okoz gondot. Persze, bele lehet kötni magyar agyunkkal bizonyos dolgokba, de hát ne magyarul gondolkodjunk. Ilyen szokott lenni például a bread szó, hogy az miért megszámlálhatatlan, amikor meg tudjuk számolni, hány cipó van a polcon. A cipó (loaf) meg is számlálható, de a bread magára a keverékre utal, mintsem egy bizonyos dologra. Na de ennyire részletesen nem fogok belemenni, lássuk a lényeget, és ha kérdésed van, akkor majd tedd fel külön, négyszemközt. Megszámlálható főnevek általában tényleg azok, amiket meg tudunk számolni: table, cup, clock, bed és még sorolhatnám. Ezeknek a főneveknek van is többesszámuk. Megszámlálhatatlan főnevek például a folyadékok: water, wine, beer, vagy anyagnevek: iron, gold, sugar, flour stb. De ide tartoznak a fogalmak is: love, music, anger stb. Döntsd el, hogy ezek a szavak megszámlálhatóak vagy sem: wine, omelette, watch, water, coffee, milk, table, food, knife, pound, fork, salt Megszámlálható főnevek: cup Megszámlálhatatlan főnév: bread
2. FELADAT Ha megszámlálható főnevet használsz egyes számban, akkor tedd ki az a/an határozatlan névelőt: I have a bag. Az angolban ennek van egy többes száma is, a some. Azt jelenti: valamennyi (de nem is fontos mennyi) abból a megnevezett főnévből. Az angol erre szereti a There is/are szerkezetet használni, míg mi magyarok szeretnénk ezt lesprórólni. Pl: There are some shops in the city. Vannak üzeletek a városban. A határozott névelőt (the) akkor használjuk, ha a főnévre úgy utalunk, mint valami egyedi, vagy már megemlített dolog. A man and a boy were going along a dusty road. The man was pushing the boy along the road on a toy bicycle. The bicycle belonged to the boy's sister Supply a(n), the or some where necessary: 1. children love fruit. 2. child ran across street. 3. It is pleasant to read book in afternoon. 4. There is garden behind house. 5. I have pen and pencil. 6. tea is very hot, I must put milk in it. 7. postman has just put letter under door. 8. Give me knife and small spoon. 9. cat loves milk. 10. Mary wants doll with blue eyes. (forrás: W. Stannard Allen: Living English Structure)
3. FELADAT Where there can be only one certain example that is meant, we normally use the. (The sun, sky, ceiling, station, etc) An important group of common nouns (mostly names of places) are used without an article in phrases closely associated with their special purpose or function but with an article in a more general sense. He went to bed (to sleep). He went to the bed (approched it) He's at school (learning). I ll meet you at the school. The ship's in (dry) dock. We walked round the dock(s). Put it on paper (=write it). There's a mark on the paper. And similarly with: prison, college, hospital, market, church, harbour (port), barracks, deck, (under) canvas, (at) sea, by train, and a few others: Compare the following: There's a horse in the garden. (any single horse) Horses are animals. (all) Perhaps we ll see some horses there. (a certain number) The horses are ready. (definite horses we know about) Supply a(n), some, or the where necessary. 1. There is fly in lemonade. 2. youngest brother is at school now. If you go to school by bus, you will be just in time to meet him.
3. birds can fly very high in sky. www.onlineangol.com 4. book ont hat shelf is interesting one about history. 5. ship you were speaking about has just come into port. She has been at sea for long time. Look! captain has just come on deck! 6. It is pleasant to play game of tennis on summer afternoon. 7. He makes toys in evening. 8. butcher opposite library always sells good meat. 9. They have sent Cyril to prison for hiting policeman on head. I ll go to prison tomorrow to take him books. 10. donkeys are stupid animals. (forrás: W. Stannard Allen: Living English Structure)
Megoldás: 1. FELADAT: Megszámlálható főnevek: cup, omelette, watch, table, knife, pound, fork Megszámlálhatatlan főnév: bread, wine, water, coffee, milk, food, salt 2. FELADAT: 1. -/SOME children love - fruit. 2. A child ran across THE street. 3. It is pleasant to read A book in THE afternoon. 4. There is A garden behind THE house. 5. I have A pen and A pencil. 6. THE tea is very hot, I must put SOME milk in it. 7. THE postman has just put A letter under THE door. 8. Give me A knife and A small spoon. 9. A/THE cat loves - milk. 10. Mary wants A/THE doll with - blue eyes. 3. FELADAT: 1. There is A fly in THE lemonade. 2. THE youngest brother is at - school now. If you go to THE school by - bus, you will be just in - time to meet him. 3. - birds can fly very high in THE sky. 4. The book ont hat shelf is AN interesting one about - history. 5. THE ship you were speaking about has just come into - port. She has been at - sea for A long time. Look! THE captain has just come on - deck! 6. It is pleasant to play A game of - tennis on A summer afternoon. 7. He makes - toys in THE evening.
8. THE butcher opposite THE library always sells - good meat. 9. They have sent Cyril to - prison for hiting A policeman on THE head. I ll go to THE prison tomorrow to take him SOME books. 10. - donkeys are - stupid animals.