Oktatáskutató és Fejlesztő Intézet TÁMOP-3.1.1-11/1-2012-0001 XXI. századi közoktatás (fejlesztés, koordináció) II. szakasz ANGOL NYELV 3. MINTAFELADATSOR EMELT SZINT Az írásbeli vizsga időtartama: 30 perc 2015 III. Hallott szöveg értése Oktatáskutató és Fejlesztő Intézet 1143 Budapest, Szobránc u. 6-8. Telefon: (+36-1) 235-7200 Fax: (+36-1) 235-7202 www.ofi.hu
2 / 7 Angol nyelv emelt szint
Fontos tudnivalók Az utasításokat pontosan kell követni. Csak az utasításban megadott helyre beírt megoldás fogadható el. Szótár nem használható. Minden kérdésre csak egy helyes válasz adható. Csak az olvasható írás értékelhető. Az aláhúzott, üresen hagyott helyekre vagy üres, nem besatírozott négyzetekbe kell beírni a válaszokat. Javítani lehet, de csak egyértelmű megoldások fogadhatók el. A megadott szószámot nem szabad túllépni. Az összevont alakok egy szónak számítanak (pl. it s egy szó, it is két szó). Welcome to the Listening Component of the Matura Examination There will be three tasks, and each recording will be played twice. You will hear and you can also read the instructions to the task. The instructions will be followed by a silent period on the CD in order to give you some time to look at the task in your test booklet before hearing the text. There is an example in each task (marked with a tick []). 3 / 7
Task 1 SHOPPING In this section you are going to listen to a conversation, in which a girl, Shona talks to a boy, Tod about items which she does not like to shop for. Your task will be to complete the sentences with the EXACT words you hear in the text. Write only ONE word in each gap. You will hear the recording twice. You have 90 seconds to read the questions before the recording starts. There is an example (0) for you. Write your answers here: (0) One thing Shona doesn't like shopping for is food. 1. The other thing she hates shopping for is. 2. She finds the large number of items in the supermarket scary and. 3. She is confused by the several items on the shelves, because she does not have a what they are. 4. The lights in the supermarket are too for her. 5. Todd doesn t like shopping for food in Japan, because he can t read the. 6. Shona s shoe size is. 7. The shoes she likes usually don t fit her feet, and this causes. 8. Todd and Shona would like the United Nations to introduce universal shoe and dress. 9. Beside food and shoes, Shona dislikes shopping for stuff, too. 10. Shona s MP3 player and her have been bought for her. Source of recording: http://www.elllo.org/english/0751/t787-shona-dislikes.htm 10 pont 4 / 7
Task 2 Daily Routine In this section a girl, Eli, compares her daily routine in England and in Japan. Bellow you have multiple choice questions about the text. Choose the best response a, b, or c to each question. You will hear the recording twice. You have 90 seconds to read the questions before the recording starts. There is an example (0) for you. (0) Where is Eli living at the moment? a) in Nagasaki b) in Kyoto c) in Tokyo 11 What shows that she is much more active in Japan than she was in England? a) she gets up at 8 am b) she walks a lot to reach public transport destinations c) she uses her scooter instead of public transport 12 What is her opinion of the Japanese train system? a) She finds it absolutely fascinating. b) She finds it very disorganised. c) She does not have any experience about it, because she does not use it. 13 Where does she commute every day? a) from a suburb to a bed town b) from the centre of Tokyo to a suburb c) from a suburb to the centre of Tokyo 14 What is she doing in Japan? a) teaching English b) studying the Japanese countryside c) learning Japanese language 15 Why is the public transport in Japan such a shocking experience for her? a) Because she has never experienced crowded trains full of people in the London underground. b) Because in London passengers don t jostle one another if a train is full, they would wait for the next train. c) Because she always falls asleep while sitting in the train in Japan. Source of recording: http://www.elllo.org/english/0301/344-eli-japan.htm Write your answers here: 0 11 12 13 14 15 c 5 pont 5 / 7
Task 3 Movies In this section you will hear Todd talking about what he does not like about movies. Your task will be to give short answers to the questions below IN MAXIMUM FIVE WORDS. You will hear the recording twice. You have 90 seconds to read the questions before the recording starts. There is an example (0) for you. Write your answers here: (0) How many movies does Todd watch a week? one or two 16 What is his first complaint about movies? 17 What is his second complaint about movies? 18 In his opinion, what is the focus of Hollywood movies nowadays? 19 What does he think about special effects in movies? 20 According to Todd, what should actors and actresses look like in movies? 21 What would he like to see in more movies? (mention 2 things!) Source of recording:http://www.elllo.org/english/0301/342-todd-movie.htm 6 pont This is the end of this part of the exam. 6 / 7
III. Hallott szöveg értése maximális pontszám Task 1 10 Task 2 5 Task 3 6 FELADATPONT 21 VIZSGAPONT 30 elért pontszám 7 / 7