Announcement. on Investment services and Securities dealing of PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMERS and corporate clients EFFECTIVE AS OF NOVEMBER 21, 2016
- Ida Sipos
- 7 évvel ezelőtt
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1 Announcement on Investment services and Securities dealing of PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMERS and corporate clients EFFECTIVE AS OF NOVEMBER 21, 2016 K&H CallCenter: Internet: The conditions of the services herein contained are applicable to the customers of K&H Bank (further referred to as the Bank). Fees charged for private banking services are contained in a separate Announcement. The principles and rules guiding the business operations of the Bank concerning investment services and securities dealing are contained collectively in the Investment Services Business Code and this Announcement. In respect to conditions not listed in this Announcement the ones listed in the Announcement for Private individual clients on bank accounts and deposits and the Announcement for Corporate clients on account transactions and deposits are effective. The Investment Service Business Code and the Announcement are displayed at the branches and are available to the Bank s customers free of charge. The Bank expressly reserves the right to unilaterally supplement this Announcement whenever a new service is introduced, and to modify it or the conditions contained herein in line with any changes in money and capital market conditions, in the law and legal regulations or the Bank s Business Policy, and further, to introduce new fees and other charges in addition to the existing ones (hereinafter jointly referred to as: unilateral contract amendment). In the event that a unilateral contract amendment adversely affects Customers, the Bank shall notify them about the unilateral contract amendment at least 15 days prior to its taking effect by way of the Announcement displayed at the branches. For new contracts, the provisions introduced through unilateral contract amendments are applicable on the day the Announcement is put on display and for contracts concluded earlier, such provisions are applicable as from the day the Announcement takes effect. Table of contents 1/46
2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Investments Securities transactions (for natural persons and corporate clients) Distribution of open-ended investment coupons commissions, deal types, characteristics Sale and repurchase commissions of investment funds managed in HUF Sale and repurchase commissions of investment funds managed in foreign exchange Purchase and redemption commissions for transformed open-ended funds Purchase and redemption commissions for K&H likviditási elszámoló fund K&H closed-end investment funds characteristics K&H closed-end funds Securities account management andother fees Fees of transfers Order fees Fee for physical delivery K&H account package Enhanced maintenance service of securities and client s accounts Distribution hours on distribution days in the branches Custody management and handling CallCenter Corporate Client s orders via telefax E-bank services and distribution hours Commissions received from third parties Investments - K&H dual currency investments K&H dual currency investments K&H dual currency Tower Investment K&H exchange-rate-indexed dual currency investment (range accrual investment) Annex Announcement on the calculation of the EHM index Information from the Dataware-house K&H Bank Group Product risk categories Insurance product risk categories Applicable tax regulations Products insured by the National Deposit Insurance Fund (OBA) Individual pricing of bonds and K&H dual currency investments General conditions for disposal rights over the services and securities accounts available under a framework agreement Table of contents 2/46
3 1. Investments Securities transactions (for natural persons and corporate clients) The Bank distributes investment coupons managed by K&H Investment Fund Management Pld. within the framework of the Bank s investment and supplementary investment services activity. The investment coupons can only be distributed in the designated branches. See detailed information in the Mutual Funds Prospectus and Management Regulations. As a Primary Dealer, the Bank participates in the primary introduction of government securities and their distribution on the secondary market. In the case of the initial public offering of government securities, the actual partner is the Államadósság Kezelő Központ Zrt. (Government Debt Management Agency Zrt.), while trading in the secondary market is conducted with K&H Bank Zrt. as the actual partner. In case of own-account trading of corporate bonds the actual partner is the K&H Bank Zrt. Individual pricing conditions of the bonds are stipulated in Appendix 8. When performing stock exchange transactions on the order of its clients, the Bank employs an Intermediary. This intermediary, is the Hungarian Branch Office of KBC Securities. You can place order for shares, investment coupons and compensation coupons distributed in the Equity Section, where the settlement is on the second distribution day of execution (T+2). A request for the login name to be provided by the National Bank of Hungary for online balance query can be made only through the TeleCenter, Corporate Customer Service or K&H s e-bank. The password related to login name can be requested through the following channels: your investment advisor or relationship manager the TeleCenter; your remote banker; the Corporate Customer Service; K&H s e-bank. A request for the login name and password shall only be accepted after successful client identification Distribution of open-ended investment coupons commissions, deal types, characteristics Sale and repurchase commissions of investment funds managed in HUF 1 Fund Type of order Purchase commission / Due Repurchase commission / Due K&H tőkevédett forint pénzpiaci alap HU in the branch and via Call center T Free of charge HUF 300 / on execution via e-bank T Free of charge HUF 150 / on execution K&H aranykosár alap HU in the branch and via Call center T+2 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+2 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H kötvény alap HU in the branch and via Call center T+2 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+2 HUF 250 /at placemenr HUF 250 / on execution K&H navigátor indexkövető alap HU in the branch and via Call center T+2 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+2 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution 3/46
4 K&H közép-európai részvény alap HU in the branch and via Call center T+2 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+2 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H amerika alapok alapja HUF sorozat HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+3 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H ázsia alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+3 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H ingatlanpiaci részvény alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+3 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H öko alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+3 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H unió alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+3 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H válogatott 1. alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+3 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H válogatott 2. alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+3 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H válogatott 3. alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+3 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H válogatott 4. alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+3 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H feltörekvő piaci alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+3 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution K&H nyersanyag alapok alapja HUF sorozat HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution via e-bank T+3 HUF 250 /at placement HUF 250 / on execution 4/46
5 K&H árfolyamvédett vegyes nyíltvégű alap K&H vagyonvédett portfolió december részalap HU in the branch and via Call center T+4 HUF 500 /at placement Free of charge via e-bank T+4 HUF 250 /at placement Free of charge K&H megtakarítási cél június részalap HU in the branch and via Call center T+4 HUF 500 /at placement Free of charge via e-bank T+4 HUF 250 /at placement Free of charge K&H megtakarítási cél - február részalap HU in the branch and via Call center T+4 HUF 500 /at placement Free of charge via e-bank T+4 HUF 250 /at placement Free of charge K&H vagyonvédett portfólió augusztus részalap HU in the branch and via Call center T+4 HUF 500 /at placement Free of charge via e-bank T+4 HUF 250 /at placement Free of charge K&H megtakarítási cél - október részalap HU in the branch and via Call center T+4 HUF 500 /at placement Free of charge via e-bank T+4 HUF 250 /at placement Free of charge K&H vagyonvédett portfolio április részalap HU in the branch and via Call center T+4 HUF 500 /at placement Free of charge via e-bank T+4 HUF 250 /at placement Free of charge K&H állampapír alap HU in the branch and via Call center T+2 HUF 400 /at placement HUF 400 / on execution via e-bank T+2 HUF 200 /at placement HUF 200 / on execution K&H rövid állampapír alap HU in the branch and via Call center T+2 Free of charge HUF 300 / on execution via e-bank T+2 Free of charge HUF 150 / on execution K&H szikra abszolút hozamú származtatott alap 2 HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 HUF 500 /at placement HUF 500 / on execution Remarks: T day = order valid as from date T, or T+2, or T+3 or T+4 = Execution date In the case of the Funds listed in the table, the actual partner is K&H Alapkezelő Zrt (K&H Investment Fund Management Pld). Execution date is the starting date of order validity or 2 nd or 3 rd distribution day following the starting date of order validity. Direction of orders is understood from the client s point of view. Orders will be calculated on the net asset value valid on the day of the order has been submitted to the bank. In case of purchases, the order is for a sum, in case of repurchases, the order is for pieces. 1 Exemption from the payment of commission with respect to K&H Pension pre-savings accounts will be applicable only to the first buy order(s) following a deposit to the account, up to the amount of the deposit. For the purposes of exemption from the payment of commission, any and all orders and instructions relating to deposits will be taken into consideration, in the sequence of such orders and instructions. 5/46
6 2 Redemption within 10 distribution days, an extraordinary redemption fee shall be charged equalling the redemption fee + 2%. The extraordinary redemption fee is calculated based on the transaction s market value. In establishing the 10-day limit, the Bank does not take into account the day of placing the order. In respect to the affected funds, the extraordinary redemption fee is also charged for the change deals. The duration of order performance could be longer because of occasionally announced distribution suspensions by K&H Investment Fund Management Pld having regard to the fact that the days of distribution suspensions are not included in the deadline of order performance. Actual protection level of investment funds In the case of following funds the manager of the funds strives to minimise the probability of the Net Asset Value of Fund units falling below the price level based on the protection level during the period: Fund Period Protection level K&H megtakarítási cél február részalap , HUF HU K&H megtakarítási cél június részalap , HUF HU K&H megtakarítási cél október részalap , HUF HU K&H vagyonvédett portfólió augusztus részalap ,963056HUF HU K&H vagyonvédett portfolió december részalap , HUF HU K&H euró megtakarítási cél április alapok alapja ,960836EUR HU K&H vagyonvédett portfolió április részalap ,955416HUF HU K&H dollár megtakarítási cél augusztus alapok alapja ,845675USD HU K&H euró vagyonvédett portfolió október alapok alapja HU , EUR Advance payment fee in case of investment funds listed in point At the redemption of investment coupons down payment may be paid on the day of the validity of the order. The gross amount of the down payment may come to an amount of 85% - decreased with the repurchase commission - of the last known net asset value of the investment coupons offered for sale. The gross amount deducted with the calculated tax and health care contribution is paid onto client account. Definition Commission Due Advance payment fee ( based upon the gross value of down payment) 0,1% min HUF at placement 6/46
7 Fees of automatic investment transactions Minimum amount of automatic investment transaction is HUF Definition Commission Due Placing an automatic investment transaction of buying - via every channel Free of charge - Fee of executing an automatic investment transaction of buying* - via every channel HUF 50 / transaction on executing the placement Modification of automatic investment transaction - via every channel Cancellation of automatic investment transaction - via every channel Free of charge - Free of charge - Automatic investment transaction is allowed in case of every HUF denominated, open ended investment fund. *In case of K&H Pension pre-savings account the regular investment fund purchase orders are free of charge. Fees applied for K&H mix savings product As part of the K&H mix saving scheme, the following investment notes are offered for sale: investment notes of K&H HUF denominated open-end investment funds, with the exception of investment notes of K&H capital protected HUF money market fund, K&H rövid állampapír fund and derivative open-end funds. K&H open-end investment notes purchased within the K&H mix saving scheme according to the Bank s Announcement on bank accounts, deposit accounts and fixed deposits of natural persons are kept separated on a securities account opened for this purpose for a period of 180 days after the date of submitting the related transaction order. Within the K&H mix saving scheme, investment notes can only be purchased for K&H Pillar 4 Pension Savings Accounts or Long- Term Savings Accounts. In case investment notes are redeemed before the end of the separation period, the Bank shall charge a termination fee. Name of fee Rate of fee Due date mix termination fee 0.5% / transaction when performed The basis of the termination fee is the value of redeemed investment notes, calculated at the last known asset value. In case of partial redemption of K&H mix savings during the separation period the value is calculated on the base of the amount of order while in case of full redemption the base is the number of investment notes. Investments may only be set up under the K&H mix savings scheme in branches. During the separation period, mandates for the redemption of investment notes may only be given in branches too. Conditions pertaining to the deposit part of the scheme can be found in the Announcement covering the bank accounts, deposit accounts and term deposits of private individuals (consumers). Switch deals Switch: Switch: an amount tied up in a certain fund managed by K&H Befektetési Alapkezelő being transferred, without limitation, to another fund of the same denomination or to the same fund in 100% minus the interest rate tax, EHO (healthcare contribution) and the applicable commission with the exception of switch between sub-funds where the amount will not be reduced by the interest rate tax or EHO. Switch means a repurchase deal which is immediately followed by a sale deal, in case of switch deal the client will loose the freedom of interest rate tax in connection with these funds. 7/46
8 In the case of switch transactions no advance payment may be made. In the case of capital protected, close-end funds, KBC Bonds funds, K&H nyersanyag alap USD, K&H amerika alap USD, K&H nemzetközi vegyes alap USD and K&H capital protected USD money market found (K&H tőkevédett dollár pénzpiaci alap) no switch deals are allowed. Switch deals of the derived open-ended funds can be shown at Switch deal commissions: Switch type Commission Due Between various funds and subfunds denominated in HUF in the branch and via Call center HUF 500 / switch deal at placement via e-bank HUF 250 / switch deal at placement Between various funds denominated in EUR in the branch and via Call center 2 EUR / switch deal at placement via e-bank 1 EUR / switch deal at placement Between the same funds via every channel Free of charge - Switch deal execution dates: Switch type Switch of investment coupon with T day settlement for an investment coupon with T day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T day settlement for an investment coupon with T+2 day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T day settlement for an investment coupon with T+3 day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T day settlement for an investment coupon with T+4 day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T+2 day settlement for an investment coupon with T day settlement Switch of investment coupon with day T+2 settlement for an investment coupon with T+2 day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T+2 day settlement for an investment coupon with T+3 day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T+2 day settlement for an investment coupon with T+4 day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T+3 day settlement for an investment coupon with T day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T+3 day settlement for an investment coupon with T+2 day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T+3 day settlement for an investment coupon with T+3 day settlement Delivery date order valid as from date In the case of redemption transactions, on the order valid as from date ; in the case of purchase transactions, on the 2 nd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date In the case of redemption transactions, on the order valid as from date, in the case of purchase transactions, on the 3 rd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date In the case of redemption transactions, on the order valid as from date, in the case of purchase transactions, on the 4 rd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date on the 2 nd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date In the case of redemption transactions, on the 2 nd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date; in the case of purchase transactions, on the 4 th distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date In the case of redemption transactions, on the 2 nd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date; in the case of purchase transaction, on the 5 th distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date In the case of redemption transactions, on the 2 nd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date; in the case of purchase transaction, on the 6 th distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date on the 3 rd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date In the case of redemption transactions, on the 3 rd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date; in the case of purchase transaction, on the 5 th distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date In the case of redemption transactions, on the 3 rd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date; in the case of purchase transaction, on the 6 th distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date 8/46
9 Switch of investment coupon with T+3 day settlement for an In the case of redemption transactions, on the 3 rd distribution day investment coupon with T+4 day settlement following placement of the order valid as from date; in the case of purchase transaction, on the 7 th distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date Switch of investment coupon with T+4 day settlement for an on the 4 rd distribution day following placement of the order valid as investment coupon with T day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T+4 day settlement for an investment coupon with T+2 day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T+4 day settlement for an investment coupon with T+3 day settlement Switch of investment coupon with T+4 day settlement for an investment coupon with T+4 day settlement from date In the case of redemption transactions, on the 4 rd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date; in the case of purchase transaction, on the 6 th distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date In the case of redemption transactions, on the 4 rd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date; in the case of purchase transaction, on the 7 th distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date In the case of redemption transactions, on the 4 rd distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date; in the case of purchase transaction, on the 8 th distribution day following placement of the order valid as from date Sale and repurchase commissions of investment funds managed in foreign exchange Fund Type of order Sale commission / Due Repurchase commission / Due KBC Corporates Bonds EUR LU in the branch and via Call center T+3 1% / at placement Free of charge via e-bank T+3 0,75% / at placement Free of charge KBC Corporates Bonds USD LU in the branch and via Call center T+3 1% / at placement Free of charge via e-bank T+3 0,75% / at placement Free of charge K&H euró pénzpiaci alap HU in the branch and via Call center T Free of charge 1 EUR / on execution via e-bank T Free of charge 0,5 EUR / on execution K&H tőkevédett dollár pénzpiaci alap HU in the branch and via Call center T Free of charge 1,2 USD / on execution via e-bank T Free of charge 0,6 USD / on execution K&H nyersanyag alapok alapja USD sorozat HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 2,5 USD / at placement 2,5 USD / on execution via e-bank T+3 1,25 USD / at placement 1,25 USD / on execution K&H unió alapok alapja EUR sorozat 1 HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 2 EUR / at placement 2 EUR / on execution via e-bank T+3 1 EUR / at placement 1 EUR / on execution K&H nemzetközi vegyes alapok alapja EUR sorozat HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 2 EUR / at placement 2 EUR / on execution via e-bank T+3 1 EUR / at placement 1 EUR / on execution K&H nemzetközi vegyes alapok alapja USD sorozat HU /46
10 in the branch and via Call center T+3 2,5 USD / at placement 2,5 USD / on execution via e-bank T+3 1,25 USD / at placement 1,25 USD / on execution K&H euro megtakarítási cél áprilisi alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+4 2 EUR / at placement Free of charge via e-bank T+4 1 EUR / at placement Free of charge K&H euró vagyonvédett portfolió október alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+4 2 EUR / at placement Free of charge via e-bank T+4 1 EUR / at placement Free of charge K&H dollár megtakarítási cél augusztus alapok alapja HU in the branch and via Call center T+4 2,5 USD / at placement Free of charge via e-bank T+4 1,25 USD / at placement Free of charge K&H amerika alapok alapja USD sorozat HU in the branch and via Call center T+3 2,5 USD / at placement 2,5 USD / on execution via e-bank T+3 1,25 USD / at placement 1,25 USD / on execution 1 At the redemption of investment coupons, an advance may be paid on the day of the validity of the order. The amount of the advance may come to an amount equaling 85% - decreased with the repurchase commission - of the last known net asset value of the investment coupons offered for sale. The duration of order performance could be longer because of occasionally announced distribution suspensions by K&H Investment Fund Management Pld having regard to the fact that the days of distribution suspensions are not included in the deadline of order performance. Advance payment fee in case of investment funds listed in point At the redemption of investment coupons in the branch offices, down payment may be paid on the day of the validity of the order. The gross amount of the down payment may come to an amount of 85% - decreased with the repurchase commission - of the last known net asset value of the investment coupons offered for sale. The gross amount deducted with the calculated tax is paid onto client account. Definition Commission Due Advance payment fee in case of EUR funds (based upon the gross value of down payment) Advance payment fee in case of USD funds (based upon the gross value of down payment) In case the fund redemption executed via e-bank there is no advance payment. In the case of KBC Corporates Bonds funds: 0,1% min. 4 EUR at placement 0,1% min. 5 USD at placement the sales commission is based on the purchase price of the investment units bought (net asset value per unit x number of units) upon a buying order, the blanket coverage is established based on the net asset value on the M 3 day the blanket financial coverage to be provided = (net asset value per unit x number of units + sales commission) x 1.05 the settlement period for orders given after 12:00 starts on the trading day following the day of the order Actual business partner: KBC Asset Management 10/46
11 In case of K&H funds: The actual business partner is the K&H Alapkezelő Zrt (K&H Investment Fund Management Pld). T day = order valid as from date T or T+3 = Execution date Execution date is the starting date of order validity or 2 nd distribution day following the starting date of order validity.. Direction of orders is understood from the client s point of view. Orders will be calculated with the exchange rate valid on the day of execution in case of T type of order and orders will be calculated with the exchange rate valid on the day of starting date of the order validity in case of T+3 type of order. The settlement in case of T type order funds are done by using net asset value of a ticket valid on the settlement day, In case of T+3 type order funds the net asset value of a ticket valid on the day the order is submitted used to the settlement calculation. In case of purchases, the order is for a sum, in case of repurchases, the order is for pieces Purchase and redemption commissions for transformed open-ended funds K&H euro négyes (former K&H havifix euró 3.) HU Period starting date Period closing date Purchase commission / due date Redemption commission / due date Money-market period August 28,2009 October 18,2009 free of charge free of charge Protected period October 19,2009 August 31,2012 1% / at placement 3% / on execution Money-market period September 01,2012 November 04, 2012 free of charge free of charge Protected period Yield payment until maturity: 11.26,2013, 11.26,2014, 11.26,2015, 11.25,2016 November 05, 2012 November 25, % / at placement 3% / on execution Money-market period November 26, 2016 free of charge free of charge K&H dollar négyes (former K&H dollár fix plusz 2.) HU Period starting date Period closing date Purchase commission / due date Redemption commission / due date Money-market period September 14,2009 October 18,2009 free of charge free of charge Protected period October 19,2009 August 31,2012 1% / at placement 3% / on execution Money-market period September 01,2012 November 04, 2012 free of charge free of charge Protected period Yield payment until maturity: 11.26,2013, 11.26,2014, 11.26,2015, 11.25,2016 November 05, 2012 November 25, % / at placement 3% / on execution Money-market period November 26, 2016 free of charge free of charge K&H versenyképes Európa 2 HU Period starting date Closing distribution day Purchase commission / due date Redemption commission / due date Money-market period September 19, December 05, 2016 free of charge free of charge 11/46
12 K&H tőkét részben előre fizető 3 Purchase Period starting date Closing distribution day Redemption HU commission / due commission / due date date Money-market period September 26, December 05, 2016 free of charge free of charge K&H háromszor fizető 14 HU Period starting date Closing distribution day Purchase commission / due date Redemption commission / due date Money-market period October 17, December 05, 2016 free of charge free of charge K&H tőkét négy részletben fizető HU Period starting date Closing distribution day Purchase commission / due date Redemption commission / due date Money-market period November 02, December 05, 2016 free of charge free of charge Orders of derived open-ended funds can be given only in the branch office, but there is no advance payment. In case of K&H Pension pre-savings account the sale and repurchase are free of charge. In the Money-market period: In case of money-market period funds purchase order can be given for amount, redemption for pieces/units. In case of purchase the mandatory financial coverage equals with the amount of the order. The first validity day of the order shall be the date when the order is executed; executions and settlements are continuously done during the distributional hours. The execution of the order is counted with the net asset value of the unit pertaining to the first validity day of the order. The derived open-end funds denominating HUF can switched K&H tőkevédett forint pénzpiaci fund free of charge, the derived open-end funds denominating EUR can switched K&H tőkevédett dollar pénzpiaci fund also free of charge and the derived openend funds denominating USD can switched K&H tőkevédett dollar pénzpiaci fund also free of charge. In the Protected period : Both the purchase and the redemption order must be given for a specific number of investment fund units. The sale commission is calculated based on the purchase price of the investment coupons, the repurchase commission is calculated based on the redemption price of the investment coupons. Financial coverage to be provided when buying units: (net asset value for one unit x number of items x purchase commission) x 1.2 The amount of financial coverage shall be determined based on the last known net asset value per investment unit before the first day of the validity of the order. In the protected period, as a rule orders shall be settled twice a month: on the 16 th of each month; if that is not a trading day, then on the preceding trading day; on the last trading day of each month. In case any of the above mentioned settlement day is happen to be bank-holiday in Belgium, the settlement day is going to be the first day of which precedes the day defined by the rule mentioned above and is banking day both in Belgium and Hungary. In the Protected period orders shall be settled on the net asset value per unit of the execution day; execution is performed on the 5 th trading day after settlement day. On the last settlement day of the Protected period the execution and the settlement day is the same. Purchase orders shall be executed up to the maximum issued amount (the closing amount of investment units sold by closing day of the Money-market period ); any allocation shall be performed in the order of execution. Partial execution is possible in case of allocation. 12/46
13 Mature/ merged funds K&H fix plusz 11. HU The Func merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in July 22, K&H fix plusz 12. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in September 30, K&H fix plusz 13. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in December 30, K&H fix plusz 18. HU The maturity date of investment fund was June 01, K&H prémium BRIC 95 HU The maturity date of investment fund was February 15, K&H euro fix plusz 1. HU The maturity date of investment fund was May 31, K&H fix plusz 17. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in September 30, K&H fix plusz 19. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in December 30, K&H tőkevédett nyersanyag 3. (former K&H fix plusz bankszektor) HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in July 22, K&H prémium nagy esélyesek HU The maturity date of investment fund was August 16, K&H fix plusz 21. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in October 29, K&H fix plusz öko HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in September 30, K&H plusz élelmiszer (former K&H fix plusz öko 2.) HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in October 29, K&H plusz ázsia (former K&H fix plusz ázsia) HU The maturity date of investment fund was December 13, K&H plusz mezőgazdasági (former K&H fix plusz élelmiszer) HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in January 21, K&H fix plusz élelmiszer 2. HU The Fund merged into the K&H plusz mezőgazdasági fund in May 30,2011. K&H fix plusz öko 3. HU The Fund merged into the K&H háromszor fizető emlékező 2. fund in July 28, K&H előlegfizető HU The maturity date of investment fund was December 13, K&H háromszor fizető euró HU The Fund merged into the K&H háromszor fizető euro 2 fund in August 09, K&H plusz 2. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in April 22, K&H háromszor fizető 5. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in May 28, K&H prémium plusz HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in July 22, K&H háromszor fizető 7. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in September 30, K&H háromszor fizető 8. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in October 29, K&H háromszor fizető 9. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in January 21, K&H prémium hozamváltó HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in January 21, K&H háromszor fizető 11. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in January 21, K&H plusz 3. (former K&H hozamfa 4.) HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in April 02, K&H háromszor fizető 10. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in April 02, K&H hozamváltó 2 HU (former K&H szakaszos hozamú 4) The maturity date of investment fund was April 04, K&H hozamváltó 3 HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in May 09, K&H euró fix plusz 2 HU The maturity date of investment fund was June 30, K&H fix plusz 14. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in July 10, K&H szakaszos hozamú 5. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in July 10, K&H fix plusz Rajna (former K&H hozamfa 5) HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in August 22, K&H fix plusz 20. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in August 22, K&H fix plusz 15. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in August 22, K&H hozamváltó 4. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in August 22, K&H euró fix plusz 3. HU The maturity date of investment fund was September 19, K&H forintsáv tőkevédett HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in October 16, /46
14 K&H növekedés plusz 2 HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in December 30, K&H olimpia plusz HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in December 30, K&H háromszor fizető 12 HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in January 28, K&H háromszor fizető emlékező HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in January 28, K&H plusz nyersanyagdevizák HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in January 28, K&H háromszor fizető emlékező 4. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in January 28, K&H háromszor fizető emlékező 2. (former K&H fix plusz futball) HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in March 11, K&H dollár fix plusz 3. HU The maturity date of investment fund was February 20, K&H euro fix plusz 6. HU The maturity date of investment fund was March 20, K&H növekedés plusz HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in May 28, K&H euró plusz The maturity date of investment fund was July 17, (former K&H euró fix plusz élelmiszer) HU K&H plusz német-svájci HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in August 05, K&H szakaszos hozamú 6. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in August 05, K&H négyszer fizető euró (former euró gyógyvarázs egészség) HU The maturity date of investment fund was October 30, K&H fix plusz energia (former K&H tőkevédett nyersanyag) HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in December 23, 2015 K&H háromszor fizető emlékező 5. HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in December 23, 2015 K&H háromszor fizető euró 2. (former K&H havifix euro 1.) HU The maturity date of investment fund was December 31, K&H gyógyszeripari HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in January 20, 2016 K&H versenyképes Európa HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in January 20, 2016 K&H tőkét részben előre fizető HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in April 27, 2016 K&H fix plusz világcégek HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in April 27, 2016 K&H negatív is pozitív HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in August 01, 2016 K&H háromszor fizető 13 HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in August 01, 2016 K&H kettős kosár HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in August 01, 2016 K&H plusz technológia HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in September 07, 2016 K&H tőkét részben előre fizető 2 HU The Fund merged into the K&H likviditási elszámoló fund in September 07, Purchase and redemption commissions for K&H likviditási elszámoló fund Purchase commission / due date Redemption commission / due date K&H likviditási elszámoló (volt K&H háromszor fizető 4) 1% / at placement free of charge HU In case of purchas the order can be given for amount, in case of repurchase for pieces/units. The sale commission is calculated based on the purchase price of the investment coupons, the repurchase commission is calculated based on the redemption price of the investment coupons. In case of purchase the mandatory financial coverage equals with the amount of the order. The first validity day of the order shall be the date when the order is executed; executions and settlements are continuously done during the distributional hours. The execution of the order is counted with the net asset value of the unit pertaining to the first validity day of the order. K&H likviditási elszámoló fund can switched all of funds of section free of charge. Orders of derived open-ended funds can be given only in the branch office, but there is no advance payment. In case of K&H Pension pre-savings account the sale and repurchase are free of charge. 14/46
15 1.2. K&H closed-end investment funds characteristics K&H closed-end funds HUF-denominated funds Launch date Maturity date Tenor (months) Start of payment K&H tőkét négy részletben előre fizető 2. HU Capital repayment and yield payment until maturity: , , K&H többször termő HU Yield payment until maturity: K&H fix plusz világcégek 2. HU K&H többször termő 2. HU Yield payment until maturity: K&H hozamlépcső HU K&H fix plusz világcégek 3. HU K&H tőkevédett innovatív Amerika HU K&H többször termő 3. HU Yield payment until maturity: K&H világcégek tőkevédett HU K&H tőkét részben előre fizető 4 HU Capital repayment and yield payment until maturity: K&H kettős kosár 2 tőkevédett HU K&H innovatív Amerika HU K&H hozamlépcső 2 HU K&H többször termő 4 HU Yield payment until maturity: K&H fellendülő Európa tőkevédett HU K&H aktív pihenés tőkevédett HU K&H kettős kosár 3 HU K&H többször termő 5 HU Yield payment until maturity: February 11, 2013 February 17, February 28, 2017 July 08, 2013 January 20, January 31, 2017 September 10, June 16, June 27, October 15, April 21, May 03, October 22, September 15, September 26, November 26, 2013 August 18, August 29, 2017 December 10, 2013 December 16, December 28, 2016 January 13, 2014 July 21, August 01, 2017 February 18, 2014 November 17, November 28, 2017 March 25, 2014 November 24, December 05, 2017 April 08, 2014 October 13, October 25, 2017 May 09, 2014 May 12, May 23, 2017 June 11, 2014 June 29, July 10, 2018 June 25, 2014 November 24, December 05, 2017 July 22, 2014 December 09, December 20, 2016 July 22, 2014 July 21, August 01, 2017 September 03, 2014 September 14, September 25, 2018 September 16, 2014 March 23, April 03, /46
16 K&H autóipari tőkevédett HU October 21, 2014 November 15, November 26, 2019 K&H Amerika-Európa HU October 30, 2014 July 13, July 24, 2018 K&H mozdulj! tőkevédett HU December 09, 2014 July 12, July 23, 2019 K&H Temze tőkevédett HU January 20, 2015 November 15, November 26, 2019 K&H Temze HU January 20, 2015 July 13, July 24, 2018 K&H világcégek tőkevédett 2 HU March 04, 2015 September 13, September 24, 2019 K&H Amerika-Európa 2 HU March 04, 2015 November 16, November 27, 2018 K&H erős Amerika HU April 15, 2015 November 16, November 27, 2018 K&H változó Ázsia HU April 15, 2015 January 17, January 28, 2020 K&H olajipari HU June 04,2015 March 14, March 26, 2019 K&H világcégek 2016 Hu June 04, 2015 December 16, December 28, 2016 K&H európai körverseny HU July 22, 2015 August 16, August 28, 2019 K&H világcégek 4. HU July 22, 2015 January 12, January 23, 2018 K&H szakaszos hozamú 7. HU September 16, 2015 September 25, September 28, 2020 K&H jövő autói HU September 16, 2015 July 12, July 23, 2019 K&H gyógyszeripari 2 HU October 29, 2015 November 20, December 01, K&H rugalmas HU October 29, 2015 October 21, November 03, K&H prémium világcégek 5. HU December 09, 2015 June 16, June 27, 2017 K&H prémium fogyasztói javak tőkevédett HU December 09, 2015 December 14, December 23, 2020 K&H prémium világcégek 6. HU January 20, July 14, July 25, K&H prémium élelmiszeripari HU January 20, November 20, December 01, K&H gyógyszeripari 3 HU March 09, November 12, November 23, K&H prémium európai exportőrök HU March 09, November 15, November 26, K&H prémium gyermekközpontú HU April 20, August 13, August 25, K&H prémium világcégek 7 HU April 20, October 12, October 25, K&H privátbanki olajipari rugalmas HU May 19, June 18, June 29, K&H prémium gondoskodás Hu June 02, 2016 November 12, November 23, 2021 K&H prémium világcégek 8 HU June 02, 2016 December 13, December 27, 2019 K&H prémium rangadó HU July 20, 2016 June 12, June 23, 2020 K&H prémium világcégek 9. HU September 14, 2016 September 14, September 25, /46
17 K&H prémium gyógyszer- és világcégek HU September 14, 2016 November 12, November 23, 2021 K&H prémium világcégek 10 HU October 26, 2016 November 12, November 23, 2021 *The fund is transformed into an open-end fund for an indefinite period at the time of its expiration. FX-denominated funds Launch date Maturity date Tenor (months) Start of payment K&H euró plusz 2. HU June 03, 2013 June 16, June 27, 2017 Before maturity capital protected, closed-end funds may be traded only at the stock exchange. Funds denominated in EUR are settled in EUR, funds denominated other foreign currency are settled in HUF. In respect of the Funds listed in the tables of this chapter, the actual partner is K&H Alapkezelő Zrt (K&H Investment Fund Management Pld). 1.3 Securities account management and other fees Definition Amount Due Opening securities and securities custody accounts Free of charge - K&H Pension pre-savings account opening Minimum amount of the opening HUF Long-term investment accounts opening Minimum amount of the opening HUF or its equivalent in foreign currency Maintenance of securities and securities custody accounts (funds managed by K&H Investment Fund Management Pld. and investment coupons of KBC Bonds) 1 Free of charge Free of charge 870 HUF - - at the last weekend of each quarter / at account termination Maintenance of securities and securities custody accounts in case of other securities (per par value of quaterly average stock) 1,4 under 500 million HUF values above 500 million HUF values 0,025%, min. 500 HUF, max HUF 0,025% at the last weekend of the each quater / at account termination K&H Pension pre-savings account handling (per par value of quarterly average stock) 1 Maintenance of Long-term investment account Effective as to December 31, ,2 funds managed by K&H Investment Fund Management Pld. and in case of other securities (per par value) 0,025% min. 500 HUF at the last weekend of the each quater / at account termination Free of charge - Maintenance of Long-term investment account, Maintenance of Long-term investment account, 17/46
18 Maintenance of Long-term investment account, Maintenance of Long-term investment account Maintenance of Long-term investment account 1, 4 funds managed by K&H Investment Fund Management Pld. In case of other securities (per par value of quarterly average stock) under 500 million HUF values above 500 million HUF values Termination of account in less than 12 months since the opening of the account The physical collection of securities (as a % of par value) 798 HUF 0,025%, min. 500 HUF, max HUF 0,025 % HUF Free of charge at the last weekend of each quarter / at account termination at account termination Intra-bank securities transfer between clients accounts Free of charge Inter-bank securities transfer (except government securities) HUF / securities movement at placement Inter-bank government securities transfer 800 HUF / securities movement at placement Securities transfer from K&H Pension pre-savings account Free of charge Incoming securities transfer under 100 million HUF of nominal value Free of charge above 100 million HUF of nominal value 0,1 % at placement Opening securities custody sub-accounts at KELER Rt. (at the specific request of the client, per securities) HUF at placement Blocking / Unblocking Own-account trading of Government securities and corporate bonds selling / buying 3 Cash inpayment fee private individual customers (all type of currency) corporate clients HUF corporate clients EUR, USD HUF Cash withdrawal fee (all type of account) Free of charge Free of charge Free of charge 0,11%, min. 200 HUF 0,5% at placement private individual customers corporate clients 0,86% Ft min. 864 Ft 0,89% min. 535 HUF at placement EUR Cash withdrawal fee private individual customers corporate clients 0,86% + 2,2 EUR min. 3 EUR 1,3% at placement USD Cash withdrawal fee 18/46
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5 106, , , ,
K&H Zártvégű Alapok : Tőkét részben előre fizető 2. Tőkét részben előre fizető 3., Tőkét négy részletben fizető, Háromszor fizető 13, Tőkét négy részletben fizető 2, Háromszor fizető 14, K&H negatív is
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PIACI HIRDETMÉNY / MARKET NOTICE HUPX Fizikai Futures (PhF) / HUPX Physical Futures (PhF) Iktatási szám / Notice #: HUPX-MN-PhF-2015-0003 Dátum / Of: 20/04/2015 Tárgy / Subject: Hatályos díjszabás és kedvezmények
Alap neve: K&H Fix Plusz 12 Letétkezelő: K&H Bank Zrt.
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Deposits and Withdrawals policy Pénz befizetések és kifizetések szabályzata TeleTrade-DJ International Consulting Ltd
Deposits and Withdrawals policy Pénz befizetések és kifizetések szabályzata TeleTrade-DJ International Consulting Ltd 2011-2015 TeleTrade-DJ International Consulting Ltd. 1 Bank Wire Transfers: When depositing
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VALID AS OF 15 th August 2018
VALID AS OF 15 th August 2018 Changes compared to former List of Conditions are signed with underline and strikethrough. I. ACCOUNT KEEPING FEES Securities account keeping fee Customer account keeping
2015. október 1. Új időszámítás a rövid távú kapacitás termék értékesítésben. 1 October 2015 New era is to start in short term capacity allocation
2015. október 1. Új időszámítás a rövid távú kapacitás termék értékesítésben 1 October 2015 New era is to start in short term capacity allocation Kajtán Erika Kapacitásértékesítés vezető/head of Capacity
INFORMÁCIÓS TÁBLA Fizetési ( bank )kártyáról Information table on bank cards
INFORMÁCIÓS TÁBLA Fizetési ( bank )kártyáról Information table on bank cards MAGYARORSZÁG FIZETÉSI KÁRTYA Bank cards Igen Yes NEM No MAGYARÁZAT/MEGJEGYZÉS Comment /Remarks 1. A kártya kibocsátója lehet
VALID AS OF 25 th OCTOBER 2017 Changes compared to former List of Conditions are signed with underline and strikethrough. I. ACCOUNT KEEPING FEES Securities account keeping fee Customer account keeping
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a közműszolgáltatások tekintetében a 1138 Budapest, Váci út szám alatt
Közműszolgáltatási Megállapodás a közműszolgáltatások tekintetében a 1138 Budapest, Váci út 152-156. szám alatt Létrejött a. (1138 Budapest, Váci út 152-156., cégbejegyzési szám: Cg 01-09-077-850), mint
Lexington Public Schools 146 Maple Street Lexington, Massachusetts 02420
146 Maple Street Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 Surplus Printing Equipment For Sale Key Dates/Times: Item Date Time Location Release of Bid 10/23/2014 11:00 a.m. (under Quick
Pótalkatrész Katalógus Kuplungmatika
Spare Part Catalog Clutch-matic System We ll Clutch for you! Pótalkatrész Katalógus Kuplungmatika General Notes / Általános Információk Spare Part catalog is available only in English and Hungarian Language.
- Bevándoroltak részére kiadott személyazonosító igazolvány
HUNGARY - Bevándoroltak részére kiadott személyazonosító igazolvány (Blue booklet form or card format issued for permanent residents - from 1 January 2000 a new card format has been introduced and issued)
... képviseletében aláírásra jogosultak / represented by the undersigned vested with right of signature ...
Kódszám/Code Dátum/Date Sorszám/Serial number 19/ 20141001/ BANKSZÁMLA VEZETÉSI SZERZŐDÉS CONTRACT ON THE MAINTENANCE OF BANK ACCOUNT amely létrejött egyrészről a Központi Értéktár Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság
Hirdetmény. BEFEKTETÉSI SZOLGÁLTATÁSOKRA ÉS ÉRTÉKPAPÍR MŰVELETEKRE vonatkozóan Természetes személyek és vállalati ügyfelek részére
K&H Bank Zrt. 1095 Budapest, Lechner Ödön fasor 9. Telefon: (06 1) 328 9000, (06 70) 461 9000 Fax: (06 1) 328 9696 Hirdetmény BEFEKTETÉSI SZOLGÁLTATÁSOKRA ÉS ÉRTÉKPAPÍR MŰVELETEKRE
a K&H fix plusz London 2012 származtatott zártvégű értékpapír befektetési alap éves jelentése
ÉVES JELENTÉS 211 a K&H fix plusz London 212 származtatott zártvégű értékpapír befektetési alap éves jelentése 1) alapadatok a) az Alap megnevezése, típusa, futamideje tárgyidőszak: 211.1.1.- 211.12.31.
Semi-Annual Report 2016
Semi-Annual Report 2016 Consolidated Income Statement IFRS consolidated, not audited income statement (HUF million) 2016 2015 Change (%) Interest and similar income 29,102 35,616 (18.29%) - cash and cash
Megbízási szerződés (EP) Agency Agreement (BP) mely létrejött egyrészről a. concluded by and between
Megbízási szerződés (EP) Agency Agreement (BP) mely létrejött egyrészről a Cégnév: Székhely: Cégjegyzékszám:. Adószám: mint megbízó (továbbiakban: Megbízó) másrészről pedig a concluded by and between Company
Sales of this product will be discontinued from 30 September 2009 CIB BANK LTD. LIST OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR NON-RESIDENT COMPANIES
Sales of this product will be discontinued from 30 September 2009 CIB BANK LTD. LIST OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR NON-RESIDENT COMPANIES VALID AS OF: 3 RD JANUARY, 2011 1 Contents 1. CIB Bank Account...3
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Helló Magyarország, megérkeztünk! partneri ajánlat
Helló Magyarország, megérkeztünk! partneri ajánlat MI AZ A TAX FREE? WHAT IS TAX FREE SHOPPING? Tax free, vagyis ÁFA mentes vásárláskor a vásárló a termék ÁFA tartalmának jelentős részét visszaigényelheti.
Eladni könnyedén? Oracle Sales Cloud. Horváth Tünde Principal Sales Consultant 2014. március 23.
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Új funkciók az RBP-ben 2015. október 1-től New functions in RBP from 1 October 2015. Tatár Balázs
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1. Issuer: FHB Land Credit and Mortgage Bank Ltd. (FHB Földhitel- és Jelzálogbank Részvénytársaság) H-1132 Budapest Váci út.20.
Notice and Final Terms (Public offering) On the basis of the resolutions 38/2005. (27. June) and No. 46/2005. (08. September) of the Board of Directors of the FHB Land- Credit- and Mortgage Bank Ltd.,
CHARGES AND COMMISSIONS for bankaccounts of private individuals
Current account interest HUF ACCOUNT CIB Classic Private Account CIB Online Account Package CIB Senior Private Account 1 Interest % p.a.: 0.10 % SDRI %: 0.10 % Penalty interest rate 27,99 % Date of crediting
BANKJOGI HÍRLEVÉL/BANKING LAW NEWSLETTER 5/2011-20 JULY 2011 elnökének 7/2011. (VI.16.) PSZÁF rendelete a hitelintézetek adatszolgáltatási kötelezettségéről A rendelet hatálya a hitelintézetre, a hitelintézettel
INGATLAN ADÁSVÉTELI SZERZŐDÉS MÓDOSÍTÁSA Amely létrejött egyrészről Cím: 2092 Budakeszi, Fő utca 179. Adószám: 15390022-2-13 Statisztikai számjel: 15390022-7511-32-113 Képviseli: Dr. Csutoráné Dr. Győri
Közgyűlési Határozatok a Graphisoft Park SE (H-1031 Budapest, Graphisoft Park 1., Záhony u. 7.)
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SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNY Budapest 2011. július 13.
SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNY Budapest 2011. július 13. A MinDig TV a legdinamikusabban bıvülı televíziós szolgáltatás Magyarországon 2011 elsı öt hónapjában - A MinDig TV Extra a vezeték nélküli digitális televíziós
T/3402. számú. törvényjavaslat
MAGYARORSZÁG KORMÁNYA T/3402. számú törvényjavaslat a Magyarország Kormánya és a Koreai Köztársaság Kormánya között a vezetői engedélyek kölcsönös elismeréséről és cseréjéről szóló megállapodás kihirdetéséről
RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL MEETING of Graphisoft Park SE (H-1031 Budapest, Graphisoft Park 1., Záhony u. 7.)
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9. Táppénz Sick-pay TÁPPÉNZ SICK-PAY 153
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Áprilisban 14%-kal nőtt a szálláshelyek vendégforgalma Kereskedelmi szálláshelyek forgalma, 2014. április
Közzététel: 2014. június 10. Következik: 2014. június 11. Fogyasztói árak, 2014. május Sorszám: 77. Áprilisban 14%-kal nőtt a szálláshelyek vendégforgalma Kereskedelmi szálláshelyek forgalma, 2014. április
Érdeklődés, hogy adódhatnak-e költségek, ha pénzt vesz fel egy bizonyos országban
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Érdeklődés, hogy adódhatnak-e költségek, ha pénzt vesz fel egy bizonyos országban
- Általános Can I withdraw money in [country] without paying fees? Fel tudok venni pénzt külön díjak fizetése nélkül? Érdeklődés, hogy adódhatnak-e költségek, ha pénzt vesz fel egy bizonyos országban What
IP/09/473. Brüsszel, 2009. március 25
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HÍRLEVÉL NEWSLETTER. a 2016-tól hatályba lépő adótörvény változásokról. about the changes of tax law put into force from 2016
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Megbízási szerződés (CEEGEX) Agency Agreement (CEEGEX) concluded by and between. mely létrejött egyrészről a
Megbízási szerződés (CEEGEX) Agency Agreement (CEEGEX) mely létrejött egyrészről a Cégnév: Székhely: Cégjegyzékszám:. Adószám:.. mint megbízó (továbbiakban: Megbízó) másrészről pedig a KELER KSZF Központi
A KELER Zrt. bankgarancia-befogadási kondíciói
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Public Offering I. The number and date of the licence granted by the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority
Public Offering I. The FHB Land- Credit- and Mortgage Bank Ltd., as Issuer publicly offers to launch the below specified Issue Program of 2002/II starting in October 2002. The number, contents and date
Ezt a levelet kaptad (alatta a tennivalók magyarul) March 30, 2012 VIA EMAIL. Dear Beneficiary:
Amennyiben részvényt vásároltál nagyobb tételben (5000 USD felett) a DubLi alapítványától, ezt a levelet kaptad emailben, melyre LEGKÉSŐBB 2012 április 30.ig kell elküldjed a választ, hogy megkapd a részvényeket.
EN United in diversity EN A8-0206/482. Amendment
21.3.2019 A8-0206/482 482 Recital 13 g (new) (13g) In recognition of the need for specific treatment for the transport sector, in which movement is the very essence of the work undertaken by drivers, the
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BKI13ATEX0030/1 EK-Típus Vizsgálati Tanúsítvány/ EC-Type Examination Certificate 1. kiegészítés / Amendment 1 MSZ EN 60079-31:2014
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9. Táppénz Sick-pay TÁPPÉNZ SICK-PAY 159
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Intézményi IKI Gazdasági Nyelvi Vizsga
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Hirdetmény. BEFEKTETÉSI SZOLGÁLTATÁSOKRA ÉS ÉRTÉKPAPÍR MŰVELETEKRE vonatkozóan Természetes személyek és vállalati ügyfelek részére
K&H Bank Zrt. 1095 Budapest, Lechner Ödön fasor 9. Telefon: (06 1) 328 9000, (06 70) 461 9000 Fax: (06 1) 328 9696 Hirdetmény BEFEKTETÉSI SZOLGÁLTATÁSOKRA ÉS ÉRTÉKPAPÍR MŰVELETEKRE
Számlakezelés az ELO DocXtraktor modullal
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Decision where Process Based OpRisk Management. made the difference. Norbert Kozma Head of Operational Risk Control. Erste Bank Hungary
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PANASZKEZELÉSI TÁJÉKOZTATÓ Az ACN Communications Hungary Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (székhely: 1132 Budapest, Váci út 30, VI emelet; ACN ) az alábbiakban tájékoztatja előfizetőit az ACN által nyújtott
A riport fordulónapja / Date of report december 31. / 31 December, 2017
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1 K H Fix Plusz Alapok : Fix Plusz 8, Fix Plusz 11, Fix Plusz 12, Fix Plusz 13, Fix Plusz 14, Fix Plusz 15., Fix Plusz 16.,Fix Plusz 17., Fix Plusz 18., Fix Plusz 19., Fix Plusz 20., Fix Plusz 21., Dollár
General information for the participants of the GTG Budapest, 2017 meeting
General information for the participants of the GTG Budapest, 2017 meeting Currency is Hungarian Forint (HUF). 1 EUR 310 HUF, 1000 HUF 3.20 EUR. Climate is continental, which means cold and dry in February
A vitorlázás versenyszabályai a 2013-2016. évekre angol-magyar nyelvű kiadásának változási és hibajegyzéke
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A 40 darab kapszulát tartalmazó Nespresso Pure Origin kávéválogatás ára: Ft
KEDVEZMÉNYES ŐSZI KÁVÉGÉP AJÁNLAT Vásároljon a promóció időtartama alatt Nespresso kávégépet 40 darab kapszulát tartalmazó Pure Origin kávéválogatással egyidejűleg, és a kávégép árából 20% kedvezményt
, , ,618549
1 K H Fix Plusz Alapok : Fix Plusz 8, Fix Plusz 11, Fix Plusz 12, Fix Plusz 13, Fix Plusz 14, Fix Plusz 15., Fix Plusz 16.,Fix Plusz 17., Fix Plusz 18., Fix Plusz 19., Fix Plusz 20., Fix Plusz 21., Dollár
A Karatbars marketingterve
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PIACI HIRDETMÉNY / MARKET NOTICE HUPX DAM Másnapi Aukció / HUPX DAM Day-Ahead Auction Iktatási szám / Notice #: HUPX-MN-DAM-2017-0014 Dátum / Of: 10/07/2017 Tárgy / Subject: Kiegészítés a HUPX másnapi
DOAS változások, összefoglaló
DOAS 3.835.2.0 változások, összefoglaló 1149 Budapest, Egressy út 17-21. Telefon: +36 1 469 4021; fax: +36 1 469 4029 1 / 6 Tartalomjegyzék 1. Start Csomag /Start package...3 1.1. Általános modul / General
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HATÁROZATOK. 1. cikk. Módosítások
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USER MANUAL Guest user
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2005. évi XXVII. törvény
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K&H plusz német-svájci származtatott zártvégű alap. 2012. évi. éves jelentése
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EN United in diversity EN A8-0206/445. Amendment
21.3.2019 A8-0206/445 445 Title Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Directive 2006/22/EC as regards enforcement requirements and laying down specific rules with
DANS és Narcis. Burmeister Erzsébet. HUNOR találkozó, Budapest 2013. március 13.
DANS és Narcis Burmeister Erzsébet HUNOR találkozó, Budapest 2013. március 13. DANS DANS (Data Archiving and Network Services) Kutatási adatok archiválása a saját fejlesztésű EASY
Investment performance of the Hungarian Private and Voluntary Pension Funds (2000-2009)
Investment performance of the Hungarian Private and Voluntary Pension Funds In compliance with its legal reporting obligation (pursuant to Paragraph 24 Section 2 of the Government Decree No. 281/2001 (XII.26.)