RAPTORSPREYLIFE - Securing prey sources for endangered Falco cherrug and Aquila heliaca population in the Carpathian basin LIFE13 NAT/HU/000183

Hasonló dokumentumok
HELICON - Conservation of imperial eagles by managing human-eagle conflicts in Hungary LIFE10 NAT/HU/000019

Bird species status and trends reporting format for the period (Annex 2)

Bird species status and trends reporting format for the period (Annex 2)

Bird species status and trends reporting format for the period (Annex 2)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)


Bird species status and trends reporting format for the period (Annex 2)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)



Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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practices Mosaic and timed mowing Mosaic and timed mowing Mosaic and timed mowing 10 m wide fallow strips (4 parcels)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

Report on the main results of the surveillance under article 11 for annex II, IV and V species (Annex B)

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RAPTORSPREYLIFE - Securing prey sources for endangered Falco cherrug and Aquila heliaca population in the Carpathian basin LIFE13 NAT/HU/000183 Project description Environmental issues Beneficiaries Administrative data Read more Contact details: Contact person: Jozsef FIDLOCZKY Email: fidlojo@gmail.com Project description: Background Lake Fertő and the swamps of Hanság have a rich fauna, including threatened species listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive. Bird species in the National Park and Natura 2000 network site include great bustard (Otis tarda) and several birds of prey; there are about 10 pairs of Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) and 6-7 pairs of Eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca). A previous LIFE project (LIFE09 NAT/HU/000384) showed that rodents are a very important part of the diet of Saker falcon, with the European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) accounting for more than 25% of the bird s prey. A number of rodent species are also very important for the Eastern imperial eagle. However, rodent populations are decreasing, resulting in increased conflict between raptors and pigeon fanciers and hunters. Reasons for the loss of rodent habitat include fewer grazing animals on the land and the loss of grassland to urbanisation and solar power facilities. Also, farmers continue to kill rodent species indiscriminately as vermin. Objectives The RAPTORSPREYLIFE project aims to reinforce ongoing efforts to strengthen the European core populations of Saker falcon and Eastern imperial eagle by stopping the decline of the existing small mammals populations that serve as their prey. The specific objectives are to: Act as a demonstration project to develop best practices for increasing the

populations of raptor prey species; Increase public awareness of birds of prey, especially the importance of their small mammal prey; Demonstrate how to adjust different nature conservation priorities when carefully considering the habitat demands of Southern birch mouse (Sicista subtilis trizona) and blind mole rat (Nannospalax (superspecies leucodon)), which are strictly protected species in Hungary. Expected results: A better understanding of the factors involved in the decrease of small mammal populations; The decrease in numbers of the main food sources of Saker falcon and Eastern imperial eagle stopped; A genetic and health survey started and gene banks established for small mammal species; The fragmented small populations of native rodents improved; Potential habitats reconstructed and about 2 000 European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) reintroduced from strong viable populations, with fragmented populations connected by stepping stones ; European Spermophilus citellus Species Action Plan implemented; and Public awareness of raptor prey species raised. Results Environmental issues addressed: Themes Species - Birds Keywords endangered species nature conservation Target species Aquila heliaca Cricetus cricetus Falco cherrug Sicista subtilis Spermophilus citellus Natura 2000 sites

SPAHUBN10002Borsodi-sík SPAHUBN10003Bükk-hegység és peremterületei SPAHUBN10007Zempléni-hegység a Szerencsi-dombsággal és a Hernád-völggyel SPAHUDI10002 Börzsöny és Visegrádi-hegység SPAHUFH10001 Fertő tó SPAHUFH10004 Mosoni-sík SCI HUFH30004 Szigetköz SCI HUFH30005 Hanság SPAHUKM10003Dévaványai-sík SPAHUON10001Őrség SCI HUAN20004Hernád-völgy és Sajóládi-erdő SCI HUBF20003 Kab-hegy SCI HUBF20006 Tihanyi-félsziget SCI HUBF20031 Szentkirályszabadja SCI HUBN20009Tard környéki erdőssztyepp SCI HUBN20034Borsodi-Mezőség SCI HUDI20039 Pilis és Visegrádi-hegység SCI HUDI20047 Szigeti homokok SCI HUFH20001 Rábaköz SCI HUFH20011 Rába SCI HUHN20144Kenderesi-legelő SCI HUHN20145Kecskeri-puszta és környéke SCI HUKM20014Dévaványa környéki gyepek SCI HUKN20008Déli-Homokhátság SCI HUON20011Kenyeri reptér SCI HUFH20002 Fertő tó SCI HUON20018Őrség SCI ROSCI0021 Câmpia Ierului SCI ROSCI0068 Diosig SCI ROSCI0104 Lunca Inferioară a Crişului Repede SCI ROSCI0108 Lunca Mureşului Inferior SCI ROSCI0115 Mlaştina Satchinez SPAROSPA0015 Câmpia Crişului Alb şi Crişului Negru SPAROSPA0016 Câmpia Nirului - Valea Ierului SPAROSPA0069 Lunca Mureşului Inferior SPAROSPA0078 Mlaştina Satchinez SPAROSPA0103 Valea Alceului SCI ROSCI0287 Comloşu Mare SCI ROSCI0345 Pajiştea Cenad SCI ROSCI0349 Pajiştea Pesac Beneficiaries: Coordinator Type of organisation Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate Park-Reserve authority

Description Partners Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate (FHNPD) is responsible for the conservation management of a protected area of 46 000 ha. This area is home to Lake Fertő, the westernmost continental steppe lake and a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site. BEKE(Bükk Mammalogical Society), Hungary FÁNK(Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden), Hungary KNPD(Kiskunság National Park Directorate), Hungary NIMFEA(NIMFEA Természetvédelmi Egyesület (NIMFEA Nature Conservation Society)), Hungary MILVUS( Milvus Group Association), Romania ÖNPD(Örségi National Park Directorate), Hungary MME(BirdLife Hungary), Hungary BfNPD(Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate), Hungary KAPOSVAR(Kaposvar University), Hungary MADÁRVILÁG(Madárvilág Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.), Hungary MAVIR(Magyar Villamosenergia-ipari Átviteli Rendszerirányító Zrt. (Hungarian Transmission System Operator Company Ltd.,)), Hungary EPASM(Environmental Protection Agency of Satu Mare County), Romania Administrative data: Project reference LIFE13 NAT/HU/000183 Duration 01-JUL-2014 to 31-DEC -2018 Total budget 2,881,243.00 EU contribution 2,160,932.00 Kozep-Magyarorszag(Hungary Magyarország) Kozep-Dunantul(Hungary Magyarország) Nyugat-Dunantul(Hungary Magyarország) Del-Dunantul(Hungary Magyarország) Eszak-Magyarorszag(Hungary Magyarország) Project location Eszak-Alfold(Hungary Magyarország) Del-Alfold(Hungary Magyarország) Extra-Regio(Hungary Magyarország) Associated Hungary (H)(Hungary Magyarország) Nord-Est(Romania) Vest(Romania)

Read more: Brochure Brochure Leaflet Project web site Project web site - 2 Publication: Pedagogical tool Publication: Pedagogical tool Title: "Védjük meg a mezei hörcsög" (8.44 MB) Author: Cserkész Tamás, Kondor Tamás Editor: RAPTORSPREYLIFE No of pages: 8 Title: "A veszélyeztetett kerecsensólyom és parlagi sas populációk zsákmánybázisának biztosítása a Kárpát-medencében = Securing prey sources for endangered Falco cherrug and Aquila heliaca populations in the Carpathian basin" (7.02 MB) Author: Altbäcker Vilmos, Bagyura János, Cserkész Tamás,. Editor: RAPTORSPREYLIFE No of pages: 24 Title: "A hörcsög is védett állat!" (1.84 MB) Title: "Figyelj te is kedvencedre!" (1.19 MB) Title: "Acordati atentia cuvenita câinelui dumneavoastra!" (1.68 MB) Title: "A veszélyeztetett kerecsensólyom és a parlagi sas populációk zsákmánybázisának biztosítása a Kárpát-medencében = Securing prey sources for endangered Falco cherrug and Aquila heliaca populations in the Carpathian basin" (15 MB) Editor: RAPTORSPREYLIFE No of pages: 1 Project's website Link to the project's webcam Title: "Ürgemese Tihanyból -nemcsak gyerekeknek: foglalkoztatófüzet - 24 matricával" (34.8 MB) Author: Vers Réka, Vers József, Szmoradné Tóth Erika Year: 2016 Editor: Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park No of pages: 20 Title: "ZSÁKMÁNYKODÁS: 24 matricával: Játékos természetismereti foglalkoztatófüzet" (14.7 MB) Author: Szmoradné Tóth Erika Year: 2016 Editor: RAPTORSPREYLIFE No of pages: 24 Project description Environmental issues Beneficiaries Administrative data Read more