Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People. Operational Regulations. May, 2017

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Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People Operational Regulations May, 2017 1

Operational Regulations of the Scholarship for Christian Young People Contents I. General introduction... 4 I.1. The objective and the scope of the regulations... 4 I.2. References... 4 II. Student applications and the order of selection... 4 II.1. The principles of student applications... 4 II.2. The order of the preparation and the announcement of the call for applications... 5 II.3. The order of the selection procedure... 5 III. Rules applying to scholarship holders... 7 III.1. The acceptance of the scholarship (online)... 7 III.2. The monthly amount of the scholarship... 7 III.3. The duration of the scholarship period and its extension... 8 III.4. The scholarship agreement and its modification... 9 III.5. Postponement of the enrolment... 10 III.6. Interrupting studies... 10 III.7. Changing institutions, majors or/and language of studies... 11 III.8. Withdrawal from the scholarship... 11 III.9. Double financing and other scholarships... 12 III.10. Employment... 12 IV. Rules applying to institutions... 12 IV.1. Obligations of reporting and supplying data... 12 IV.2. The agreement with the institutions and its modification... 13 IV.3. The principles of scholarship disbursement... 14 IV.4. Principles of student services... 14 IV.6. Insurance... 16 IV.7. Mentoring system... 16 V. Execution monitoring and reporting... 16 V.1. Student reports... 17 V.2. The institutions professional report for Tempus Public Foundation... 17 V.3. The institutions financial report to Tempus Public Foundation and MHC... 17 V.4. Monitoring... 17 V.5. The obligations of Tempus Public Foundation... 17 2

Annex 1 Institutional selection process flowchart... 19 Annex 2 Application evaluation process... 21 Annex 3 Sample Scholarship Agreement... 23 3

Tempus Public Foundation (hereunder: Public Foundation) has issued the following regulations according to the authorisation by the Government Decree on Scholarship for Christian Young People (hereunder: Gov. Decree SCY), in order to implement Scholarship programme for Christian Young People (hereunder: SCY programme). I. General introduction The Scholarship for Christian Young People is a scholarship programme, founded by the Government of Hungary in the spirit of its solidarity policy towards persecuted Christian minorities. The programme was brought to life by Government Decree, is managed by the Deputy State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and organized by the Tempus Public Foundation. The core mission of the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People is to provide the possibility of studying in Hungary for young Christian students living in the crisis regions of the world and/or being threatened in their country because of their faith. After completing their studies, the scholarship holders will return to help their home community with their gained knowledge, and thy will participate in the reconstruction of war-destroyed countries and contribute to improvement of social situation and preservation of culture of Christian communities. I.1. The objective and the scope of the regulations The objective of the regulations is as a complement to the Gov. Decree SCY to define the operation of the programme and the rules indispensable to the operation of the programme. I.2. References Concerning the areas not covered by the regulations, the norms are the laws, specifically the Act on National Higher Education 204/2011 (hereunder: ANHE), Government Decree on Scholarship for Christian Young People, Government Decree 51/2007 (26.03) on the provisions to and the fees payable by students in higher education, as well as the Articles of Association, the Organizational and Operational Regulations, the other rules and the director s instructions of Tempus Public Foundation, specifically including: the ethical code, the records management rules, the data protection rules, the complaints handling rules, the director s instructions on handling exceptions, the audit manual, the order of providing information related to evaluation results and the obligation of publishing. II. Student applications and the order of selection II.1. The principles of student applications II.1.1. Full-age citizens (i.e. aged 18 at the start of their studies funded from the scholarship) are eligible to submit applications who have the verified recommendation from the Churches specified in the Call for 4

Applications. Applications are accepted on those levels of study and in those fields of study that are specified in the CFA. II.1.2. Applicants can choose max. one-one programme in max. two different institutions, specifying the priorities of their applications. This order of preference cannot be changed after the submission of the application. II.1.3. According to the Gov. Decree SCY, those applicants are entitled to receive a scholarship who have the verified recommendation which was authorized by The Deputy State Secretariat for the Persecuted Christians, and who sign a scholarship agreement after being awarded the scholarship and who have not yet received a scholarship on that level of studies in the programme. II.1.4. In the case of student applications missing application documents may be submitted beyond the deadline if the documents attesting the required qualifications or language proficiency are not available at the time of the application (e.g. the applicant to the bachelor programme has not yet graduated from secondary school or the applicant to the master programme has not yet received a bachelor degree). The deadline of submitting the missing documents is 1 st August. II.2. The order of the preparation and the announcement of the call for applications II.2.1. The call for student applications is prepared by the unit of Tempus Public Foundation responsible for the Stipendium Hungaricum on the basis of the Government Decree. The call contains the application requirements, the deadline of submitting the applications, the levels and study fields that can be applied for according to the agreements signed with the Sending Partners, the evaluation system, the amount of the scholarship and the obligations of the applicants who receive the scholarship. Consequently, the call for applications is sent to the competent (international and higher education, and responsible for Persecuted Christians) departments of the Ministry of Human Capacities (MHC) for consultation. After taking the opinions into consideration, the finalized call for application is discussed and approved by the Board of Trustees of Tempus Public Foundation. II.2.2. The SiH Unit sends the call for applications to the competent foreign authorities and to the higher education institutions participating in the programme. II.3. The order of the selection procedure II.3.1. Applicants shall submit their applications on the specifically created website online. II.3.2. The SiH Unit forwards the applications received by the application deadline to the Deputy State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians in order to verify the authenticity of the enclosed recommendations from the local Churches. II.3.3. The Deputy State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians prepares the verification of the recommendations by the given deadline and sends it back to the SiH Unit. II.3.4. The SiH Unit contacts the higher education institutions concerned and forwards the documents of students applying for the admission procedure, marking how the students ranked the institutions in their priority list. 5

II.3.5. The institutions check the applications formally and conduct their admission procedures until the specified deadline according to the Act on National Higher Education (ANHE) and their own internal regulations. The final result of the procedure can be accepted", conditionally accepted, rejected or rejected formally. Only those students can be accepted conditionally who cannot present the documents proving their qualifications or language proficiency during the procedure due to other ongoing procedures. II.3.6. The institution is not entitled to charge the applying students any fees for the admission procedure. The institution may finance the costs of the admission procedure from the tuition fees of the students admitted to the programmes. II.3.7 The SiH Unit will allocate the accepted and conditionally accepted students according to the following criteria in the undermentioned sequence: II.3.7.1. In the case of applicants who can be supported, the capacity of the programme must be taken into account on the basis of the institution s previous statement (minimum and maximum capacity). a) Derogation is allowed from the minimum and maximum capacity specified in the institution s application according to the institution s indication. b) During the capacity examination, candidates with the higher ranking must be given priority and the admission exam scores will be decisive in case of equal ranking. c) After the capacity examination, the applicants will be divided into a category of students recommended for support and another category of students to be regrouped due to capacity shortage. II.3.7.2 Applicants who are to be regrouped due to a capacity shortage must be regrouped to the programmes specified as the second preferences in the student applications, if the applicant was admitted there and there is free capacity in that programme. II.3.7.3. If the applicant who is to be regrouped does not even get into the category recommended for support as the second preference, the SiH Unit forwards the application with the admission exam results of the given programme to another similar programme at an institution funded by the programme, if there is free capacity there. II.3.7.4. The application must be rejected, if the applicant who is to be regrouped cannot be given a free place in any of these programmes. This applicant must be replaced by the next nominee in the ranking from the group of students who originally applied beyond the capacities. In this case, the procedures described under points II.3.8.2 to 4 must be followed. II.3.8 If the available funds are insufficient, the list of applicants belonging to the category recommended for support can be restricted according to the ranking of the nominated candidates. II.3.9. SiH Unit summarizes the applicants and presents it to the Board of Trustees of Tempus Public Foundation. The awarding of the scholarships is made by the Minister responsible for (higher) education based on the proposal of the Board of Trustees of Tempus Public Foundation. 6

II.3.10. The SiH Unit informs the Ministry of Human Capacities (MHC) about the proposal of the Board of Trustees, the candidates for scholarship and the host institutions. The list of scholarship holders is sent by the SiH Unit to the Office of Immigration and Nationality, the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the embassies in order to facilitate their entry to Hungary. II.3.11. After the decision on the allocation of students is made, the location of the programme of the applicant can only be changed in justified cases (e.g. the programme is not launched), considering the sequence of applications, the capacity of the programmes and the available funding. If the order of preference cannot be taken into consideration, the original host institution of the scholarship holder may send the applicant to one of its other programmes participating in the programme with the consent of the applicant. The recategorization requires a decision from the SiH Unit. III. Rules applying to scholarship holders III.1. The acceptance of the scholarship (online) III.1. 1 Scholarship candidates indicate in the online system, whether they accept the scholarship and whether they provide further documents as their possible obligation under point II.1.4. Applicants who do not accept their scholarship by the deadline are qualified as withdrawn from the scholarship. III.1.2 The applicant who was awarded the scholarship is entitled to enjoy a student status in the semester which s/he was admitted to as a result of the admission procedure, except if the scholarship holder s request for postponement according to III.5.1 is approved. III.1.3 The scholarship holder who does not enrol by 30 th September (Fall Semester) and by 28 th February (Spring Semester) at the latest or until the deadline given by the host institution loses his/her scholarship. III.1.4 In a justified case, the scholarship holder is entitled to request the postponement of his studies with the scholarship until the deadline specified under III.1.3 with up to one year. III.1.5. The scholarship holder must inform the coordinator of the Hungarian higher education institution of the estimated date of arrival 30, or at least 15 days in advance. III.2. The monthly amount of the scholarship III.2.1 The amount of scholarship paid to the students is adjusted to the current financial standards of students according to the legislation in force, including Government Decree. III.2.2. According to the legislation in force, on the issued date of this regulation: The scholarship for a full-time programme covers the full calendar year and is provided until the completion of the studies in the last year. The amount of scholarship is transferred by the higher education institution to the student. The amount of the scholarship is HUF 119 000/person for students in bachelor and master programmes. The students are entitled to have HUF 200 000 as reimbursement of their travel costs once a year, which is transferred by the higher education institution shortly after their arrival. 7

The visa administration and the extension of the residence permit is free of charge for scholarship holders (individuals who have the right to free movement and residence, as well as citizens of third countries who study in Hungary with a Hungarian government scholarship or with a regular study allowance from the minister responsible for education are exempt from paying administration service charges according to point 2) c) of paragraph 5 of the Decree 28/2007 /31.05/ of the Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement on the charges of administration related to the entry and residence of individuals who have the right to free movement and residence, as well as the citizens of third countries). Allowances provided for the scholarship holder: a) exemption from paying tuition fees; b) student hostel room/bed depending on the capacity of the higher education institution or HUF 40,000/month accommodation allowance for 12 months of the year during the whole period of full-time programmes; c) health care services defined by point i) of section (1) of paragraph 16 of the Act 53/1997 on the Eligibility for Social Security Benefits and Private Pensions and the Funding for These Services, as well as the reimbursement of the costs justified in case of health care services in a foreign language (e.g. interpreting) and an additional insurance for health care services in a foreign language for up to HUF 65,000/year; d) use of the services of the library free of charge; e) in case of severe threat further allowance may be given to the scholarship holder by the minister of (higher) education in consideration of the circumstances and by principles of extraordinary equity. The scholarship holder needs to send a letter of request describing the reasons and circumstances of the severe threat, justifying the need for the complementary allowance and indicating the exact amount. The petition is sent to the minister of (higher) education, who makes a decision on awarding the allowance within 30 days. III.2.3 The free of charge services available for students holding a scholarship for Christian Young People are regulated by paragraph 81 of the Act on National Higher Education. III.2.4 The scholarship allowance contributes to one person s costs of living and it does not provide either visa or additional benefits or administration services for the persons and family members who accompany the scholarship holder. The legal subject of the scholarship agreement is only the scholarship holder. III.2.5 In addition, the student must register in person at the international office of the host institution at the beginning of each semester. When a scholarship holder suspends his/her student status, no scholarship or accommodation allowance can be disbursed to him/her during the period of interrupting studies. III.3. The duration of the scholarship period and its extension III.3.1 The students receive the scholarship during the full duration of their programme, for 12 months in case of full-time programmes, but only until the completion of their studies in the last year of their study period. They are entitled to receive an accommodation allowance during scholarship period in Hungary. 8

III.3.2 The scholarship holder must habitually reside in Hungary during the study period, otherwise the student scholarship status will be terminated. The student must inform the higher education institution if they do not stay in Hungary for a consecutive period of more than 10 days during the study period. III.3.3 If the scholarship holder cannot complete his/her studies within the duration of the programme, s/he may submit a request for extension to Tempus Public Foundation. The request for extension must arrive at least one month before the end of the last semester covered by the scholarship. The scholarship may be extended on no more than two occasions (extended by a semester). III.3.4 Scholarship holder students may extend their scholarship period in compliance with the effective Hungarian legislation during their bachelor (or one-tier) master programmes based on the provisions of 47. (3) of Act on National Higher Education for altogether maximum 2 months. The scholarship holder receives the same benefits during the extension period. The extension of the scholarship must be approved by Tempus Public Foundation. The following documents must be submitted to Tempus Public Foundation: a request signed by the scholarship holder, explaining why s/he needs the extension; the Hungarian higher education institution s written approval about the extension. The student must submit the request for extension with the compulsory annexes to the SH Unit online. The extension is judged by the SiH Unit based on the submitted documents and the available funds from the central budget. Requests which are not supported by the higher education institute cannot be supported. The scholarship holder must submit the request and gather the required documents on his/her own. The costs of the preparation and the submission of the student request for extension and the process of extension (e.g. administration fees of the institution) are exclusively incurred by the student. Students cannot appeal after the decision is made on the request for extension. III.4. The scholarship agreement and its modification III.4.1. The scholarship holder signs an agreement with the host institution according to the sample agreement in Annex 4 of the regulations. III.4.2 The scholarship agreement must contain: a) the duration of the studies specified in the qualification framework of the subject; b) the monthly amount of the scholarship and the date, way and condition of disbursement; c) the order of acceptance by another higher education institution; d) the approval of data management; e) the condition that the scholarship agreement comes into force on the date when the scholarship holder s student status begins; f) the order of interrupting higher education studies. III.4.3 The scholarship agreement is terminated with the exception of the case in point a) of section 1) of paragraph 59 of the Act on National Higher Education when the scholarship holder s student status comes to an end. 9

III.4.4 The scholarship agreement can be modified with the accord of the parties, following the decision of Tempus Public Foundation. The agreement must be modified in all cases when its content is changed, e.g. change of major, extension or change of the study period. III.4.5 The scholarship holder is obliged to establish and maintain a student status with the higher education institution indicated in the decision of admission during the period when the scholarship is disbursed according to the conditions of the scholarship agreement. III.4.6 When the scholarship holder s student status is terminated or interrupted, the scholarship as defined under III.2.2 cannot be disbursed. III.5. Postponement of the enrolment III.5.1 If the scholarship holder cannot arrive in Hungary in time (due to visa, family problems or any other reason), s/he may request a permission to start his/her studies in a later semester. The written request must be sent to the SiH Unit of Tempus Public Foundation by 30 th September at the latest. The student is allowed to start his/her studies in a later semester specified by the higher education institution, if the host higher education institution and the sending partner approve of the postponement. III.5.2 The requests for postponement are decided on by the SiH Unit. III.5.3 Those students who have already arrived in Hungary and enrolled in a higher education institution are not entitled to request any postponement. A postponement can be requested only once and only for one school year as a maximum. The student automatically loses the scholarship, if s/he does not indicate his/her intention of postponement by 30 th September at the latest or until the enrolment deadline specified by the institution at the latest. III.6. Interrupting studies III.6.1 If the student interrupts his/her studies during the study period according to the conditions specified by the study and examination regulations of the higher education institution, that semester is qualified as a passive semester and s/he is not entitled to receive the scholarship or the benefits of the scholarship for that semester. Tempus Public Foundation and the host higher education institution have no obligation concerning the support of the student during this period. If a student submits a request for a passive semester to the host institution after the deadline defined in the study and examination regulations of the higher education institution, the request may be rejected by the higher education institution and the student may remain in active status. III.6.2 Every issue related to the process of interrupting studies must be handled according to the provisions of the relevant Hungarian law in effect, as well as the study and examination regulations of the higher education institution. III.6.3. The Hungarian higher education institution notifies the Office of Immigration and Nationality and Tempus Public Foundation on the passive status of the scholarship holder within the time limit specified in the applicable legal regulations. 10

III.7. Changing institutions, majors or/and language of studies III.7.1. The host institution, the majors within the institution and the language of studies can be changed only once after submitting a special student request. The deadline of submitting the requests to Tempus Public Foundation is 15 January (for Spring Semester) and 15 August (for Fall Semester) in every school year. III.7.2 Institutions, majors and languages can be changed only at the end of the semester, so that the scholarship holder could start the next semester in the new institution. III.7.3 Institutions, majors and languages can be changed only within one year after beginning the studies leading to a university degree. The request if it is relevant must also include the extension of the studies with the scholarship. The allocation decision regarding the student at his/her entry to the programme and after the preparatory programme cannot be altered by the student s request to change institutions, majors except for point III.3.11. Changing host institution or major is allowed only on the same programme level. III.7.4 Documents to be submitted for changing institutions or majors: a request signed by the student, a letter of acceptance by the future host institution, a written approval by the present institution. The student must submit the request for changing institutions or majors with the compulsory annexes to the SiH Unit online. III.7.5 The change of institutions, majors or/and languages is judged by the SiH Unit based on the submitted documents and the available funds from the central budget. III.7.6 The scholarship holder must seek a new programme or higher education institution and gather the required documents on his/her own. The costs of the preparation and the submission of the student request for changing institutions, majors and the process of changing institutions, majors (e.g. administration fees of the institution) are exclusively incurred by the student. III.7.7 Students cannot appeal after the decision is made on the request for changing institutions or majors. III.7.8 Pursuant to Section 52 of Government Decree 87/2015 (IV.9)., host institution, major may be changed from the end of the preceding term until 15 September for the autumn semester and until 15 February for the spring semester. Decisions must be made on the requests by the time limits indicated above. III.8. Withdrawal from the scholarship IV.8.1 If the scholarship holder withdraws from the scholarship after the application process or after being awarded the scholarship or renounces from the scholarship before the completion of his/her studies, s/he must immediately inform the SiH Unit of Tempus Public Foundation and the Hungarian higher education institution in writing. IV.8.2 The Office of Immigration and Nationality is informed by the higher education institution about the withdrawal. 11

III.9. Double financing and other scholarships IV.9.1 The applicant is not eligible to receive the SCY scholarship in case s/he has another concurrent scholarship from the Hungarian central budget. If the scholarship holder was awarded more than one scholarship, s/he has to choose one of the scholarships and renounce from the other ones. IV.9.2 Regarding the fact that the SCY scholarship covers studies in Hungary, the scholarship holder is not entitled to use financial support for doing programmes or partial studies outside Hungary, e.g. Erasmus + and CEEPUS. III.10. Employment IV.10.1. Pursuant to the effective legal regulations, on the date of introducing these regulations (7 December 2016), pursuant to Section 20 (5) of Act II of 2007 on the Admission and Residence of Third Country Nationals, third-country citizens with residence permits for study purposes can pursue income earning activities in full time for no more than 24 hours a week during a term and for no more than ninety days or sixty six working days outside the terms. IV. Rules applying to institutions IV.1. Obligations of reporting and supplying data IV.1.1. The institution is obliged to send the data of SCY scholarship holders studying in that semester at the institution to the Office of Immigration and Nationality and to the National Health Insurance Fund through the Educational Authority in order to prepare their social security cards. V.1.2. The institution keeps regular contact with Tempus Public Foundation. V.1.3. The institution sends to the Public Foundation the list of enrolled scholarship holder students by the 10 th day of the second month of each semester, where the institution indicates the costs of each scholarship holder for the particular semester. The failure to submit the data supply within the time limit is a limitation time limit, in which case the institution cannot claim any costs for the particular semester, but must continue to pay the scholarship and other allowances to the scholarship holder student. Based on equity considerations, the institution may still accept scholarship holders arriving later due to any reason not attributable to them (natural disaster, diplomatic crises, war events or force majeure), if the institution informs the Public Foundation not later than 10 days after the scholarship holder has enrolled. IV.1.4. The institution immediately informs Tempus Public Foundation in the following cases: a) the scholarship holder does not enrol in the institution at the beginning of his/her studies and s/he does not take up programmes at the beginning of the semester, b) the study period of the scholarship holder has to be extended for studying or other reasons, c) the request for interrupting studies submitted to the host institution has been approved by the institution, d) the scholarship holder initiates the termination of his/her student status or it is terminated, e) the scholarship holder does not continue his/her studies at the institution, f) the status of the institution or the status of the programmes funded in the institutional application are changed (e.g. termination, accreditation or a cancelled programme). 12

g) the scholarships holder does not fulfil the study obligations or there are conduct problems relating to the scholarship holder. IV.1.5. The institution prepares a report at the end of each semester about the implementation of the programme and the academic progress of the scholarship holders (credits received and the grade point average) for the Public Foundation. IV.1.6. The institution prepares a professional and financial report in every semester for the Ministry of Human Capacities (MHC) and sends its electronic copy to the Public Foundation. The template documents for interim reports of MHC can be found in annex 6 and 7. IV.1.7. The higher education institution also has to meet its obligation to supply data related to the scholarship according to point 1/h) of chapter I/B of Annex 3 of the Act on National Higher Education also through the higher education information system. IV.2. The agreement with the institutions and its modification IV.2.1. The institution and the Public Foundation sign a framework agreement on receiving scholarship holders. The scholarship holders can be received by state-owned, or state recognised Church Universities operating in Hungary, and those, who has accepted the participation requirements of the programme when signing the framework agreement. IV.2.2. The institution must have a valid institutional framework agreement with the Public Foundation in order to receive scholarship holders. IV.2.3. The Public Foundation sends the institutional framework agreement to the institutions before the beginning of the next school year. IV.2.4. The institutional framework agreement is signed by the official representative of the institution and the official representative of the Public Foundation. IV.2.5. At least one copy of the institutional framework agreement is due to the institution and the Public Foundation. IV.2.6. The institutional framework agreement is modifiable in the following cases: a) financial and other changes ensuing from the termination of the student status of scholarship holders, the changes of institutions or majors by the scholarship holders, the growth of the number of scholarship holders or the extension of their studies b) other exceptional financial and other changes ensuing from a decision approved by the Public Foundation. IV.2.7. Following the entry into force of the framework agreement with the institution, MHC sends a reclassified appropriate to the higher education institutions for the particular semester in compliance with the effective legislation. IV.2.8 The funding of the institutions consists of the scholarship for the scholarship holders, the scholarship allowances, the tuition fees for the programmes of the scholarship holders at the institutions, and the flat rate organisation allowance, granted for the scholarship holders from the 2017/18 academic year, which is included in the prime costs of the institution. 13

IV.3. The principles of scholarship disbursement IV.3.1. The amount of the scholarship for the scholarship holders is regulated by the institutional agreements based on the amounts in III.2.2.. The amount of the individual scholarship is included in the agreement between the institution and the scholarship holder. IV.3.2. The institution is responsible for paying the scholarship to the scholarship holder. IV.3.3. The scholarship must be paid monthly to the scholarship holder. The first instalment of the scholarship must be paid within 30 days after the enrolment of the student, when the scholarship holder has provided all the data required for the transfer (tax number, bank account number). IV.3.4. The scholarship cannot be paid in advance to the scholarship holder. IV.3.5. The institutions must pay the scholarships in Hungarian forints. IV.3.6. The scholarship holder is entitled to receive the scholarship every month during the scholarship period when the scholarship holder has an active student status. IV.3.7. The scholarship holder is entitled to receive accommodation in a student hostel depending on the capacity of the institution or HUF 40,000 accommodation allowance for 12 months of the year and in the last semester until the completion of studies. The institution pays the accommodation allowance monthly together with the scholarship in Hungarian forints. IV.3.8. Scholarship holders may receive scholarship and accommodation allowance if they have active student status and register in person at the international office of the host institution at the beginning of each semester, i.e., by 30 September for the autumn semester and 28 February for the spring semester. IV. 3.9. Based on equity considerations, the institution may still accept scholarship holders arriving later due to any reason not attributable to them (natural disaster, diplomatic crises, war events or force majeure). IV.4. Principles of student services IV.4.1. In addition to providing high quality education for the scholarship holders, the institution successfully applying for hosting SCY scholarship holders also a) provides information to potentially interested people, regarding the studies (e.g. curriculum, description of subjects) translated to the foreign language of the programme on the website of the institution, b) conducts the admission procedure and produces the decisions of admission until the given deadline, c) signs the scholarship agreement according to the sample agreement provided by Tempus Public Foundation, modifies it if needed and pays the scholarships according to the scholarship agreement, d) helps the social integration of the scholarship holders and supports their integration in the life of the institution, 14

e) assists the administration related to the application for the scholarship holder s student card, f) assists the administration related to the scholarship holder s accommodation, student hostel room/bed, g) provides for establishing a mentoring system in order to facilitate the scholarship holder s integration, h) provides full information to the scholarship holder before his/her arrival to Hungary in issues and changes related to the studies, accommodation, visa, social security, student card and mentoring, i) provides full information to the scholarship holder at the end of the scholarship period about the SCY alumni network of the Public Foundation and cooperates in the alumni activities organised by the Public Foundation. IV.4.2. The institution provides the following services for the scholarship holder in order to assist the scholarship holder s integration and studies, a) organises intercultural events of orientation and programmes in Hungarian at the beginning of the studies, b) provides personal and online counselling and consultation during the scholarship holder s studies, c) makes the regulations regarding students available in the foreign language of the programme, d) provides access to the same student services for the participants of the programme as those offered for Hungarian students, for example free use of the library, the use of computer work stations, as well as printing and scanning possibilities. IV.4.3 The Act on National Higher Education and the internal regulations of the institution must be observed concerning the services, free of charge or for payment available to SCY scholarship holders. IV. Visa and residence permit IV.5.1. The institution is obliged to produce an official decision of admission for the scholarship holder s administrative process of visa and residence permit, in the Hungarian language and in the language of the programme or in English, when required. IV.5.2. The institution and the SiH Unit at the Public Foundation provide full information to the scholarship holder about the conditions and the duties related to getting and extending a visa and residence permit and assist the scholarship holder s visa administrative process. IV.5.3. The institution with the support of Tempus Public Foundation takes care that the scholarship holder s registration should happen in time and according to the regulations at the Office of Immigration and Nationality. IV.5.4. The institution informs the Office of Immigration and Nationality about the changes in the status of scholarship holders within 8 days. 15

IV.6. Insurance IV.6.1. The institution and the SiH Unit at the Public Foundation provide full information to the scholarship holder about the conditions and the duties regarding the social security system and assist the scholarship holder s administrative process related to social security and insurance. IV.6.2. The institution is responsible for initiating the process of applying for a social security card. IV.6.3. The scholarship holder is entitled to enjoy health care services according to point i) of section (1) of paragraph of 16 the Act 53/1997 on the Eligibility for Social Security Benefits and Private Pensions and the Funding for These Services. The scholarship holder is entitled to have a social security card. IV.6.4. The institution must take out an insurance policy for scholarship holders who do not have a valid social security card for the given period. IV.6.5. The institution can reimburse the costs incurred and verified in the case of using health care services in a foreign language (e.g. interpreting) and take out a supplementary insurance policy for health care services in a foreign language and manage the accounting of the costs up to the value of HUF 65,000 per year. IV.7. Mentoring system IV.7.1. The institution provides for mentoring in order to support the integration of the scholarship holders. IV.7.2. The mentoring system must be capable of a) supporting the scholarship holder in the new cultural environment, b) deepening the relationship between the Hungarian and the SCY students, c) organising leisure programmes/events for the scholarship holder, d) managing the scholarship holder s potential difficulties with the Hungarian language, e) advising the scholarship holder, if needed in issues related to banking, travel organisation, visa administration and health care. IV.7.3. The Public Foundation cooperates with the institution in the organisation of trainings in order to support the mentoring system. IV.7.4. The mentoring system can be funded from the tuition fees of the students who are admitted to the programmes. V. Execution monitoring and reporting In order to be able to measure the success of implementing the programme and to have a method for managing the problems occurring in the meantime, it is necessary to get feedback from the participants of the programme. The following reports are used for this purpose: 16

V.1. Student reports V.1.1 SCY scholarship holders must write a report at the end of every academic year giving feedback on their experience of the programme and their academic progress. V.1.2 The completed form shall be submitted exclusively in electronic format to Tempus Public Foundation until 31 July at the latest. V.1.3 The Public Foundation sends a reminder email to the scholarship holders one month before the deadline of writing the report. V.1.4 If the scholarship holder fails to submit the report, s/he will not get any scholarship allowance during the following semester until s/he meets his/her obligations. V.2. The institutions professional report for Tempus Public Foundation V.2.1 The institutions which host scholarship holders within the framework of the SCY Programme, must write a professional and a financial report at the end of every semester. The professional report must describe the experience acquired during the implementation of the programme, indicate problems, make suggestions for improving certain procedures and supply data on the scholarship holders study progress (number of acquired credits and grade point average). V.2.2 The report officially signed by the head of the institution must be sent to Tempus Public Foundation and MHC electronically and by post by 15 March and 30 October each year. The date of posting cannot be later than 15 March and 30 October. V.3. The institutions financial report to Tempus Public Foundation and MHC V.3.1 The institutions which host scholarship holders within the framework of the SCY Programme must also write a financial report together with the professional report. V.3.2 The formal criteria of the report is defined by the Ministry of Human Capacities and the report must also be submitted to the appointed official in charge at MHC. V.4. Monitoring V.4.1 Tempus Public Foundation, the MHC or any person assigned in writing by them are entitled to verify anytime and anywhere the spending of the funds from the starting date until 5 years after receiving the last instalment or the repayment of the unused amount. V.5. The obligations of Tempus Public Foundation V.5.1. The Public Foundation continuously cooperates with the competent (international and higher education, responsible for the aid of persecuted Christians) departments of the MHC in connection with the SCY Programme (e.g.: the content and the scheduling of the calls for application and other professional duties). 17

V.5.2. The Public Foundation is obliged to supply the data of the admitted students to the international department of MHC. V.5.3 The Public Foundation files a half-yearly report (30 th November, 15 th April) on the operation of the SH Programme to the minister responsible for education. The report must cover the main findings concerning the programme from the reporting period (successes and problems) and the following data: host institution, study level, department/subject, scholarship type, number of scholarship holders, funding requirements and sending partner. V.5.4. The Public Foundation supplies data and background materials about the SH Programme to the competent (international and higher education, responsible for the aid of persecuted Christians) departments of MHC on request. 18

Annex 1 Institutional selection process flowchart SiH MHC BT HEI Announcing Organisation / Deputy State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians + foreign partners Remarks Elaboration of text and schedule of call for applications Approval of call for applications Publication of the call for applications on the website Promotion of the call for applications Collection of applications Preparation and verification of recommendations Checking the authenticity of the recommendations Notification of rejected applicants Forwarding nominated applications to admission procedure Admission procedure (formal and professional) Collecting and summarising admission results Harmonising results with institutional capacities Regrouping if necessary 19

SiH MHC BT HEI Announcing Organisation / Deputy State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians + foreign partners Remarks Harmonising results with available funding Submission of proposal with ranking Decision-making on scholarship holders Notification to applicants, HEIs on the supporting decision Signing agreements with the students use of template contract Approval of request for modification of agreement or rejection with justification if necessary (change of major, institution) Summary of student reports Completion of scholarship period Notification to Board of Trustees about results and modifications Abbreviations: SiH: Study in Hungary Unit; MHC: Ministry of Human Capacities; BT: Board of Trustees; HEI: Higher Education Institute 20

Annex 2 Application evaluation process Required documents Decision-making on the request Individual application Opinion of host institution Opinion of sending institution Postponement of enrolment Extension of scholarship period Postponement of scholarship period Changing host institution Head of SiH Unit Head of SiH Unit, It can be extended with up to two semesters according to the law. Condition: it is supported by both parties. Head of SiH Unit Head of SiH Unit Condition: funding is available Changing major Changing the student allocation decision Head of SiH Unit Condition: cooperation programme permits, funding is available Head of SiH Unit Condition: nomination order of applications, capacity, funding available (scholarship holder status already awarded, tuition fees of the programmes 21

22 funded)

Annex 3 Sample Scholarship Agreement ÖSZTÖNDÍJPROGRAM KERESZTÉNY FIATALOKNAK ÖSZTÖNDÍJSZERZŐDÉS amely létrejött egyrészről << fogadó intézmény>> székhely:>. számlaszám: adószám: OM azonosító:.. a továbbiakban: fogadó intézmény, másrészről: «keresztnév» «vezetéknév» (útlevél szerinti név) születési hely:.. születési idő:. anyja neve:. lakcím: telefonszám:.. e-mail cím.. bankszámlaszám:. számlát vezető bank neve: SH azonosító:. NEPTUN kód:.. mint ösztöndíjas hallgató (a továbbiakban: ösztöndíjas) a továbbiakban együtt, mint Felek között, az alábbi helyen és napon, az alábbiak szerint: 1. A megállapodás tárgya és célja 1.1 Szerződő Felek rögzítik, hogy jelen ösztöndíjszerződés összhangban a nemzeti felsőoktatásról szóló 2011. évi CCIV. törvényben (a továbbiakban: Nftv.) foglaltakkal, az Ösztöndíjprogramról szóló ( ) Korm. rendelet (a továbbiakban: Rendelet) alapján, az Ösztöndíjprogram Működési Szabályzatának megfelelően keresztény külföldi hallgatók magyar felsőoktatási intézményekben SCHOLARSHIP FOR CHRISTIAN YOUNG PEOPLE AGREEMENT Concluded by and between << host institution>> seat:>. bank account number: tax number: OM code:.. hereinafter: host institution, and: «first name» «surname» (name appearing in passport) place of birth:.. date of birth:. mother s maiden name:. address in Hungary: phone number:.. e-mail address.. bank account number:. account holding bank s name: SH identifier:. Neptun identifier:. as scholarship holder student (hereinafter: scholarship holder) hereinafter together as the Parties on the following date and place according to the following terms: 1. The object and the purpose of the agreement 1.1 The Parties agree that the present scholarship agreement has been concluded in order to support Christian foreign students to study in Hungarian higher education institutions in line with the provisions of the Act 204/2011 on National Higher Education (hereinafter: ANHE), according to Government Decree on Scholarship for Christian Young People (hereinafter: SCY Decree) and in line with the Operational 23

folytatandó tanulmányainak támogatása érdekében jön létre. 1.2. A jelen szerződés az oktatásért felelős miniszter (a továbbiakban: miniszter) nevében az Ösztöndíjprogramról szóló ( ) Kormányrendelet alapján, az oktatásért felelős miniszter által adományozott ösztöndíj (a továbbiakban: ösztöndíj) folyósításának feltételeit, az ösztöndíjasnak és a fogadó intézménynek az ösztöndíjjal összefüggésben fennálló jogait és kötelezettségeit rögzíti. 2. Az ösztöndíj célja, feltételei, jellemzői 2.1 Az ösztöndíjas az Ösztöndíjprogramról szóló (..)Kormányrendelet értelmében a miniszter által adományozott ösztöndíj alapján - jogosult nappali tagozatos, miniszteri ösztöndíjasként önköltséges képzési helyen részt venni az alábbiak szerint: A képzés helye: Fogadó intézmény:... Kar:.. Szak megnevezése:... Képzési szint:...«alapképzés / mesterképzés / osztatlan képzés» Ösztöndíj jellege:...«teljes képzésre szóló ösztöndíj» Ösztöndíjas státusz kezdete:.. Ösztöndíjas státusz kezdete az intézményben:.. Intézményváltás esetén ösztöndíjas státusz kezdete az eredeti intézményben:.. Képzési idő:... «félévek száma» 2.2 A fogadó intézmény a jelen szerződés aláírásával vállalja, hogy az ösztöndíjas részére a szakképzési és kimeneti követelményeinek és a vonatkozó jogszabályoknak, az ösztöndíjprogram szabályzatának, valamint a fogadó intézmény szabályzatainak megfelelően képzést nyújt. Regulations of the Scholarship for Christian Young People Programme (hereinafter SCY Programme). 1.2 This agreement on behalf of the minister responsible for education (hereinafter: minister) and according to the Government Decree on Scholarship for Christian Young People (SCY) defines the conditions of the disbursement of the scholarship awarded by the minister responsible for education, as well as the rights and obligations of the scholarship holder and the host institutions in connection with the scholarship. 2. The purpose, the conditions and the characteristics of the scholarship 2.1 The scholarship holder, on the basis of the scholarship awarded by the minister according to the Government Decree on Scholarship for Christian Young People is entitled to attend a full-time, fee-paying study programme according to the following conditions: Study Location:. Host institution: Faculty:.. Study programme: Study level:..«bachelor programme /master programme /one-tier master programme» Scholarship type:.«scholarship for full-time» Beginning of scholarship holder status:. Beginning of the scholarship holder status at the institution: In case of change of institution beginning of the scholarship holder status at the original institution: Study period: «number of semesters» 2.2 By signing this agreement, the host institution undertakes to provide a study programme for the scholarship holder in accordance with the training and outcome requirements of the study programme and the relevant legislation, the 24