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1 A FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE ALAKJA A Future Perfect Simple-nek két segédigéje van: WILL ez a jövő idejűséget segít kifejezni HAVE ez a perfect szemléletet kifejezni Ezeket használjuk minden számban és személyben. Ehhez kapcsolódik az adott ige 3. alakja. Tehát: KIJELENTŐ, ÁLLÍTÓ (NEM TAGADÓ) MONDATBAN: WILL HAVE + az ige 3. alakja pl. By the time he gets home, he will have seen the 10th UFO. (Mire hazaér, már a tizedik ufót fogja látni.) ÖSSZEVONÁS: A will kijelentő mondatban összevonható az alannyal. pl. I will have written the test by 6. = I ll have written the test by 6. TAGADÁS: ebben a szemléletben ritka. Ha mégis tagadunk, a WILL segédige után kerül a not tagadószó: WILL + NOT + HAVE + az ige 3. alakja pl. By 6, I will not have written the test yet. (6-ra még nem írom meg a dolgozatot.) ÖSSZEVONÁS: A will a tagadószóval összevonható: will not = won t pl. I will not have written the test by 6.= I won t have written the test by 6. KÉRDEZÉS: csak a WILL segédige kerül az alany elé: WILL + ALANY + HAVE + az ige 3. ALAKJA pl. Will you have written the test by 6? (Hatra meg fogod írni a dolgozatot?) HASZNÁLATA A Future Perfect Simple igeidőt csak akkor használjuk, ha kifejezetten hangsúlyozni akarjuk azt a jövőbeli eseményt, amely egy másik jövőbeli eseménynél/időpontnál már HAMARABB EL FOG KEZDŐDNI, ÉS MÁR BE FOG FEJEZŐDNI, MIRE A MÁSIK ELKEZDŐDIK (előidejű cselekvés) pl. He will have drunk his beer by the end of the day. (Meg fogja inni a sörét a nap végére. = addigra befejezi)

2 Ilyenkor jellemzően használható időhatározók: Ugyanazok, mint a Past Perfect Simple-nél (by, by the time, already, yet etc.) pl. We will have cleaned the rooms by 6 o clock. (Hat órára kitakarítjuk a szobákat.) By the time I get to the station the train will have left. (Mire az állomásra érek, a vonat már elmegy.) Bob will have already written his homework by 6 o clock. (Bob már meg fogja írni a leckéjét 6 órára.) By the time I arrive, Bob will not have written his homework yet. (Amikorra megérkezem, Bob még nem írja meg a leckéjét.) Will Bob have written his homework yet by the time you arrive? (Bob már megírja a leckéjét, amikorra megérkezel?) A Future Simple és a Future Perfect Simple közötti különbség: FUTURE SIMPLE csak az a fontos, hogy a cselekvés a jövőben fog megtörténni They will go home after the film. (A film után haza fognak menni.) FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE nem csak az a fontos, hogy a cselekvés a jövőben fog megtörténni, hanem az is, hogy egy másik jövőbeli esemény előtt már befog fejeződni They will have gone home by the time the film ends. (Hazamennek, mire a film befejeződik.) A FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE ÉS STATIKUS IGÉK Itt is igaz, hogy, a statikus igék NEM VEHETNEK FEL FOLYAMATOS ALAKOT, tehát annak kifejezése, hogy egy jövőbeli állapot, érzés, vélemény, akarat stb. (statikus igék), egy másik jövőbeli esemény előtt fog kezdődni, és még tartani fog, amikor az a másik bekövetkezik, FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE formában lehetséges. pl. I will have been there for two hours by the time my friend arrives. (Két órája leszek ott, mire a barátom megérkezik.) Ilyenkor jellemzően használható időhatározók: Ugyanazok, mint a Past Perfect Simple-nél pl. I will have been there since 2 o clock when my friend arrives. (Két óra óta leszek ott, amikor a barátom megérkezik.) I will have been there for 2 hours when my friend arrives. (Két órája /óra hosszája leszek ott, amikor a barátom megérkezik.) I will have been there all the morning by the time my friend arrives. (Egész reggel ott leszek, mire a barátom megérkezik.)

3 1) Fill in the verbs in the Future Perfect Simple and translate them into Hungarian. 1. Mr. Jones (clean) the whole kitchen by the time Mrs. Jones returns home. 2. Mary (do) her homework before she goes out to dinner. 3. Helen and Mary (graduate) by June. 4. By the time the bell rings, Johnny (finish) the exam. 5. The Millers (do) all their shopping by this afternoon. 6. By the time Jane finishes her lullaby, the baby (fall) asleep. 7. By this afternoon Mary (plant) all the carrots. 8. The children (set up) the camp by nightfall. 9. Kay and Terry (leave) for their holidays by July. 10. Maxine (have) her baby by the time her daughter goes back to school. 11. By the end of this year I (drive) more than 20,000 kilometres. 12. I hope you (not forget) everything by tomorrow. 13. By the time he comes, I (finish) my work. 14. In two years time he (write) his second book. 15. I (finish) long before you arrive. 16. If you don t get to the party before seven, the guests (eat and drink) everything. 17. When you come back he (already buy) the house. 18. I hope it (stop) raining by 5 o clock. 19. When he reaches Land s End he (walk) 1,000 miles. 2) Complete the sentences using the Future Perfect Simple. 1. Every day I run three miles before going to work. Before going to work today, I 2. John is investing all his money in bonds before he retires. By the time he retires, John 3. I m going to do all the housework today. It will be finished when you get back. By the time you get back, I 4. The Smiths go to France every summer for their holidays. They return in September By September, the Smiths 5. John graduates from medical school in June. He will be a doctor. By July, John 3) Use the words on the right in the Future Perfect to answer the questions 1. Will my dress be ready for the party tonight Mum? wash and iron Yes, I by six o clock 2. Will you finish your homework by six o clock, Jenny? complete Yes, Mum. I it by then

4 3. Can you please return the book I lent you by tomorrow? finish Yes, of course. I reading it by then. 4. Would you like to have a late dinner with us at 9 o clock? eat No, I m sorry but I by then. 5. Can we have some apple pie for lunch today, mum? not bake No, I m afraid not! I it by lunch. 4) Fill in the blanks with the future perfect of one of the verbs in the box. solve make recover drive light go visit meet escape reply prepare win write do buy score read paint marry learn study milk answer deliver finish

5 5) Translate the following sentences. 1. Remélem, megjavítják ezt az utat, amikorra visszajövök jövő nyáron. 2. Amikorra visszajössz, addigra megveszi a házat. 3. Ha nem érünk oda hét óra előtt, mindent megisznak és megesznek. 4. Október 21-én már 20 éve lesznek házasok. 5. Mostanra már bizonyára megkapta a levelünket. 6. A gyerekek szerdán gyümölcsöt fognak enni, már vettem almát, körtét, szilvát és szőlőt, és nem adok nekik csokit, mert addigra megeszem az összeset.

6 KEY: 1) 1. Mr. Jones will have cleaned the whole kitchen by the time Mrs. Jones returns home. Mr. Jones kifogja takarítani a konyhát, amikorra Mrs. Jones hazajön. 2. Mary will have done her homework before she goes out to dinner. Mary el fogja készíteni a házi feladatát, mielőtt elmegy vacsorázni (egy étterembe). 3. Helen and Mary will have graduated by June. Júniusra Helen és Mary végezni fognak a középiskolában (/egyetemen/főiskolán). 4. By the time the bell rings, Johnny will have finished the exam. Mire a csengő megszólal, Johnny be fogja fejezni a vizsgáját. 5. The Millers will have done all their shopping by this afternoon. Ma délutánra Millerék el fogják végezni minden vásárlásukat. 6. By the time Jane finishes her lullaby, the baby will have fallen asleep. Mire Jane befejezi az altatót, a kisbaba el fog aludni. 7. By this afternoon Mary will have planted all the carrots. Ma délutánra Mary az összes répát el fogja ültetni. 8. The children will have set up the camp by nightfall. A gyerekek fel fogják állítani a tábort, mire leszáll az éj. 9. Kay and Terry will have left for their holidays by July. Júliusra Kay és Terry már elmennek vakációzni. 10. Maxine will have had her baby by the time her daughter goes back to school. Maxine meg fogja szülni a kisbabáját, amikorra a lánya hazajön az iskolából. 11. By the end of this year I will have driven more than 20,000 kilometres. Ez év végére több mint kilométert fogok levezetni. 12. I hope you will not (/won t) have forgotten everything by tomorrow. Remélem, nem fogtok mindent elfelejteni holnapra. 13. By the time he comes, I will have finished my work. Amikorra jön, be fogom fejezni a munkámat. 14. In two years time he will have written his second book. Két éven belül meg fogja írni a második könyvét. 15. I will have finished long before you arrive. Régen elkészülök, mire megérkezel. 16. If you don t get to the party before seven, the guests will have eaten and drunk everything. Ha nem érsz oda a bulira hét előtt, a vendégek mindent meg fognak enni és inni. 17. When you come back he will have already bought the house. Amikor(ra) visszajössz, ő már megvette a házat. 18. I hope it will have stopped raining by 5 o clock. Remélem, 5 órára abbamarad az eső. 19. When he reaches Land s End he will have walked 1,000 miles. Amikor(ra) eléri Land s End-et, 1000 mérföldet tesz meg. 2) 1. Before going to work today, I will have run three kilometres. 2. By the time he retires, John will have inveted all his money in bonds. 3. By the time you get back, I will have finished (/done) all the housework. 4. By September, the Smiths will have spent their summer holiday in France. / will have gone to France for their holidays. 5. By July, John will have been a doctor. / will have graduated from medical school. 3) 1. Yes, I washed and ironed it by six o clock 2. Yes, Mum. I will have completed it by then 3. Yes, of course. I will have finished reading it by then. 4. No, I m sorry but I will have eaten by then. 5. No, I m afraid not! I won t have baked it by lunch.

7 4) 1. By the end of this week Paul will have read the book I lent him. 2. They will have written the report by the time they leave the office this afternoon. 3. In one hour the artist will have painted the portrait of the woman. 4. Paul will have finished his lunch by the time his wife arrives home. 5. By Monday I will have visited the Statue of Liberty in New York. 6. Before it gets dark, the boys will have lit a fire not to get cold. 7. They will have driven 200 miles by the time they arrive in the city. 8. The girls will have prepared dinner before their parents get home. 9. The contestants will have answered 100 questions by the time the contest ends. 10. In two weeks Sandra will have recovered from the terrible accident she had. 11. By the end of the year, Ana will have married a very rich man. 12. Linda will have made herself up before her boyfriend comes round. 13. Tom will have solved the crossword by the end of the day. 14. by the time Sue is 12 she will have learnt to play the violin. 15. Before the morning ends, Bob will have delivered all the newspapers. 16. By 12:30 Harry will have replied to all s he got yesterday. 17. Before the day ends Pam will have met her boyfriend at the café. 18. By the time the teacher comes, Tobby will have studied the lesson. 19. By the time Ken has breakfast, he will have milked all his cows. 20. Before the competition ends, Hanna will have won six gold medals. 21. Sam will have scored a goal before the end of the match. 22. By the time the soap opera starts, Lorna will have done the ironing. 23. The girls will have gone to bed before their parents arrive. 24. By the end of the month, Rita will have bought the red car. 25. The prisoner will have escaped before the end of the night. 5) 1. I hope they will have been repaired this road by the time I get back next summer. 2. By the time you get back, they will have bought the house. 3. If we don t get there before 7 o clock, they will have eaten and drunk everything. 4. They will have been married for 20 years by 21, October. 5. He will have received our letter by now. 6. The children will eat fruit on Wednesday, I have already bought apples, pears, plums and grapes, and I won t give them chocolate because I will have eaten all by then.